Status: I will try to update as soon as I can. I'm in a bit of a block with it.

I Don't Love You

I Don't Love You Ch. 3 By: M.S.P.

I Don’t Love You Chapter 3 by: MSP

I drive home and I just can’t keep my mind off Gerard. I wonder what he’s doing right now. If he’s making love to Lyn-Z or if he’s just relaxing and watching TV. I really don’t know. I decide to call him. “Hi Gerard, it’s me Frank.” I said. “Hi Frank, what’s up?” Gerard asked. “I was just thinking about you and wondering what you were doing so I decided to call you.” I said. “Lyn-Z and I are just relaxing and watching TV, in a little while she’s gonna make us lunch. Do you want to come over later, like for dinner or something? You can bring some veggie burgers over and we can barbeque.” Gerard said. “Yeah, that sounds really cool Gerard. Thanks for inviting me over. Are you going to invite anyone else over?” I asked him. “I’m really not sure yet.” Gerard said. “Ok, that’s fine. See you in a few hours. Bye.” I said. “Bye Frank.” Gerard said as he hung up. Gerard has been really sweet to me lately. For what reason, I don’t know why. You’d think he’d be super freaked out because I kissed him. But he’s actually acting like it never happened. I guess he’s just pushing it out of his mind. I finally arrive home and decide to change my clothes. I change into black jeans and my pink belt and a black t-shirt. Then I check my email and watch a little TV.
A few hours later I arrive at Gerard’s house. He greets me by giving me a big hug, which I find very odd since he rarely ever hugs me. “It’s good to see you again Frank, I’ve really missed you.” Gerard said. “Uh thanks I guess. I missed you too.” I say as I giggle. I give Sasha my veggie burgers because she’s the one cooking on the grill. She does most of the cooking in the house, Gerard rarely cooks, and it’s just not his forte. “Please make sure their away from the meat Sasha ok?” I tell her. “Yes, don’t worry. I’ll keep it away from our meat.” Sasha said. An hour later we eat dinner. I eat my veggie burgers and asparagus and some veggie kabobs Sasha made. “Wow Sasha. You’re a really great cook. I have never had such good veggie kabobs.” I said. “Well thank you Frank. My mom taught me how to cook and I guess it always stuck with me. “Sasha said. We finish eating and I say my goodbyes to them both and go home. It’s weird that Gerard was so happy to see me. It really confuses me and I really need to stop thinking about him as someone to love because I’m in love with someone else and he’s married. Maybe soon I can shake these feeling off of me before I get hurt again.