Status: I will try to update as soon as I can. I'm in a bit of a block with it.

I Don't Love You

I Don't Love You Ch.4 By:M.S.P.

I Don’t Love You Chapter 4 by: MSP

I wake up from hearing a pounding on my door. I look thru the key hole and it’s Sasha. I open the door. “What are you doing here at this hour Sasha? It’s 4 am.” I said. “Sorry babe, I just couldn’t wait to see you.” Sasha said. “I’m sorry babe, but normal people actually sleep at this time.”I said. “I’m sorry baby. If you want me to sleep over I can do that, I just had a really bad dream so I decided to come over.” Sasha said. So we both go back to sleep in my bed and we cuddle with each other.

2 hours later my phone rings. I don’t see why anyone would want to call me at 6 am. I see that it’s Gerard so I decide to go to the living room to talk to him. “What could you possibly want to talk about at 6 am Gerard?” “I’m sorry Frank. But I left Lyn-Z, she still doesn’t know because I left the house when she was asleep. I want to be with you Frank. I think now’s the time that we can finally be together.” Gerard said. “Why the hell are you doing this to me now Gerard? You should have waited to be with me when I was single, I have Sasha now. I’m sorry Gerard, I can’t be with you. Trust me, I’d really love to. But as of now, I just can’t be with you, I’m sorry.” I said. I hear Gerard crying. “But, but I thought this is what you wanted. You’re finally getting what you wanted and now you’re rejecting me?” Gerard asks. “Don’t get me wrong Gerard, I wanted it more than anything in the world to be with you, but you rejected me, and I decided to be with only Sasha. You had your chance Gerard and you fuckin blew it. I really wish that I could end my relationship with Sasha to be with you, but I really don’t want to break her heart. I really loved you Gerard, I really did, and I’m sure that I still have feelings for you. But I just can’t do this to Sasha, I’m so sorry.” I said. “I understand Frank. I’m sorry I tried to mess up your little fucking life. I’ll go back to Lyn-Z and act like this conversation never happened. If it doesn’t work out though with Sasha, my offer is still open and I’d leave Lyn-Z in a heart beat to be with you.” Gerard said as he cried. “Ok thank you Gerard. Good Night.” I said. “Good Night Frank.” Gerard said.