Status: I will try to update as soon as I can. I'm in a bit of a block with it.

I Don't Love You

I Don't Love You Ch. 6 By: M.S.P.

I Don’t Love You Chapter 6 by: M.S.P.
I don’t know why Gerard had to hang up on me, it was very rude. I guess he’s just going thru a lot right now. He doesn’t want his wife, he just wants me and it kills him to be with Lyn-Z. I just can’t be with him. It’s not the right time in my life to be with Gerard and I don’t know if I’ll ever leave Sasha for him or anyone. I really love Sasha and I’ll do whatever it takes to stay with her.
“Who was that who called you?” Sasha asked. “It was just Gerard; he just wanted to talk for a bit, not much else.” I said. “Oh I see. Well what do you want to do today?”Sasha asked. “Well, Gerard is really going to something right now. So I have to go take him out to lunch and have a long talk with him, so I’m afraid I won’t be able to hang out with you today, babe. I’m sorry.” “That’s fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Sasha said and kissed me on the lips and left.
I call Gerard up and he picks up his cell. “What the fuck do you want Frank?” “Geez, I just wanted to take you out to lunch and have a talk with you.” I said. “Really that sounds great. You can pick me up, I’ll be waiting.” Gerard said. “Ok Gerard, I’ll see you in an hour.” I said to him as we said our goodbyes on the phone.
An hour later…
He’s waiting outside in his best suit. His Calvin Klein black suit with his red and white tie. His blonde hair shines in the sun. He looks really hot today, but of course I have to restrain myself because I don’t want to lose Sasha. “Wow, you look really good in that suit. That’s my favorite suit of yours.” I said. “Thank you, it’s my best suit, remember the first time I wore it at one of our shows?” Gerard asked. “How could I forget?” I replied. We end up at the restaurant and we get a table in an empty room where no one else is. “Gerard, if you really want to leave Lyn-Z that’s up to you. If you don’t love her anymore or like her company, then maybe you shouldn’t be with her anymore. But I’m letting you know that I can’t be with you. I know I’m really hurting you by saying this, but I can’t hurt Sasha. I really love her and want it to work out between me and her, I know I’m breaking your heart by saying this, and I do care about you, but I just can’t be with you. I’m so sorry Gerard.” I said. “Fine! Fuck me over, Break my heart. I knew you never loved me, you just wanted to break my heart and tear it to fucking pieces! You asshole, I’m sorry that I ever loved you!” Gerard screamed with tears in his eyes and an intense pain in his voice. “I’m really sorry Gerard, I do still have feelings for you, but I can’t commit myself to you, because I’m already committed to someone else.” I said. Gerard walked away crying and left and I have no idea where he went; I still had to pay the bill. So I went and got the waiter, paid my bill and then called him up on his cell, worried and wondering where he was going.