Status: I will try to update as soon as I can. I'm in a bit of a block with it.

I Don't Love You

I Don't Love You Ch. 7 By: M.S.P.

I Don’t Love You Chapter 7 by: M.S.P.
I called Gerard up on my cell as I went outside. This was 5 minutes later since he left and I have no idea where he went. When I called him he didn’t answer. I decided to call Mikey. “Hi Mikey, have you heard from Gerard? We had lunch together and he walked out before we were done.” I said. “He told me he wanted to kill himself but I talked him out of it, so he took a cab to my house and he’ll be here soon. He wouldn’t tell me what was going on. Do you know what’s going on?” Mikey asked. “It’s a long story and I really can’t tell you. But basically, things aren’t going the way he wants so he’s totally freaking out about it.” I said. “Oh ok, well I have no idea what I can do to help him then. Maybe I should call an ambulance and have him sent to the Mental Hospital, because I have no idea what else to do.” Mikey said.
“Well, that’s probably a better idea then I could come up with.” I said.
Gerard shows up at Mikey‘s house and an ambulance is waiting. They grab Gerard and force him into the ambulance. Mikey goes into the ambulance with him. “Where the fuck are they taking me, Mikey?” Gerard asks. “To a place that will help you. You want to kill yourself Gerard, so I think you need to go to a safe place.” Mikey said. “You think I’m just some crazy fuck. Fuck you Mikey!” Gerard said as he spit in Mikey’s face. Mikey starts crying and the 2 paramedics tie Gerard down and give him a shot and he passes out.

The Next Day…
Gerard wakes up in the hospital and doesn’t know where he is. He’s locked in a room and bangs on the door. “Where the fuck am I? Let me out now!” The workers ignore him. An hour later they take him to an empty room and in the room Frank is there. “Why the fuck are you here? I don’t ever want to see your fucking face ever again! I hate you!” Gerard screams with tears in his eyes. “I’m sorry; I just came to visit you to see if you were ok. I feel really guilty that you’re here, I feel like it’s my fault for rejecting you that you wanted to kill yourself. If I just went along with what you wanted me to do, then maybe you wouldn’t be suicidal.” I said. “Well, It is kind of you’re fault for me being here.” Gerard said. His therapist starting talking: “You can’t blame Frank for your situation Gerard, He did what he felt he had to, it was you that decided to react the way you did to his decision.” Annie said. “Fuck You! I knew from the first night here that you were against me, along with all the other psychiatric employees!” Gerard screamed in her face. I said my goodbyes to Gerard and decided to leave. I wish I could make him feel better, but I just can’t. I wish our friendship could heal, but he’s just not ready to be friends with me right now. I wish it could be just like it used to years ago, where we were the best of friends and everything was fine between us. I guess only time can heal his wounds.