Status: I will try to update as soon as I can. I'm in a bit of a block with it.

I Don't Love You

I Don't Love You Ch. 8 By: M.S.P.

I Don’t Love You Chapter 8 by: M.S.P.
Gerard’s point of view:
“I don’t know why I fell in love with Frank after he kissed me, but after that kiss I wasn’t the same man. I had strong feelings for Frank after that, and they haven’t gone away ever since. I try and try to stop thinking about him and try to forget about him that way, but when I see him again those feelings come back; I know you think I’m crazy for having anger towards him but he did this to me Annie, he made feelings come up from the surface that I didn’t even know I had for him; and I just can’t live my life without him, I can’t be with Lyn-Z anymore; I just want Frank.” I said. “I know you feel strongly about him Gerard, but he doesn’t want a life with you, he has a girlfriend he really cares about and doesn’t have feelings for you any longer.” Annie my therapist said. “I know but I can’t deal being around him, maybe I should go away on a camping trip, just me and Mikey and be away from the world for a few days.” I said. “Yes, that would be a good idea; just you and you’re brother alone away from Frank for a few days, then you could get your mind off him and learn to live without him and get the idea of you and Frank out of your mind.” Annie said. “Yeah I think I should call Mikey and ask him if we can do that.” “Yes I’ll let you call him, here’s my cell phone, we’d let you out of here in a day or two if Mikey has you in his care.” Annie said. “Hi Mikey, it’s Gerard. When I get out of here, do you want to go camping with me for a few days? I really need to get Frank off my mind and I think that would help.” I said. “Yes, that sounds like a great idea, you have Annie call me the day you get out and I’ll pack you’re stuff and we’ll go that day.” Mikey said. “Thanks Mikey, you’re such a great brother.” “Thank you Gerard, I’m glad my brother is coming back to himself again.” “Me too, goodbye.” I said as I hung up. I took the meds they gave me and Annie took me to my bed and I went to sleep soon after that, they told me that I was bipolar; but I don’t believe them; I just think I had issues in my life and that’s all that happened, but maybe their right, I can’t really tell. I hope I’ll be out by tomorrow so I can go camping with Mikey, me and my brother never spend much time alone these days and I think we’ll have fun camping together.