Status: I will try to update as soon as I can. I'm in a bit of a block with it.

I Don't Love You

I Don't Love You Ch. 9 Pt. 1 &2

I Don’t Love You Chapter 9 by: M.S.P.
Part 1
Gerard’s point of you:
3 days later I get to leave this hell hole of a mental hospital. “It’s about fuckin’ time.” I said to my therapist. “You should watch you’re language while you’re in here Gerard, some people don’t appreciate it.” Annie said. “I’m sorry Annie; I’m just sick of this place and am so happy to get out.” “Well were happy to see you go too.” Some one in the hospital said, I never talk to this guy but it seems that he doesn’t like me. I get my stuff together and see Mikey at the door. “I’m glad to see you again Gerard, you seem oceans better than you were two weeks ago.” “Yes I know, thanks for noticing.” “How could I not? I wish you were this happy everyday.” “Well I wish we could go camping everyday, Mikey; we never spend enough time alone together; it’s always some other band mate on our tails.” I said. “Don’t take MCR for granted Gerard.” “You know I don’t, I just need time to myself sometime, and time alone with you too.” “Yeah I know what you mean, well are you ready? is your shit together?” “You know it, you know it.” I said. He puts my stuff in his SUV and were off to the camp grounds. 2 hours later we arrive at the camp grounds and he pitches us a 4 person tent, we just like to live like kings and have the extra room. “This is gonna be great Mikey I can’t wait to get started, what do you want to do first?” “Well, I can make us dinner and then we can go swimming in the lake.” “What’s for dinner?” I asked. “Summer sausage burritos with medium salsa and a dash of Mrs. Dash Extra Spicy.” “Sounds good, sounds yummy, too many calories in my skinny tummy.” Mikey laughs and replies, “Gerard I remember when you used to do that when we were a kid, sing and make up little songs, it used to annoy the hell out of our mom and some other members in our family.” “Indeed it did, well Mikey; did u bring my swimming trunks?” “Yes I did, don’t worry about it, I got all the clothes for you I’d think you’d need.” We ate dinner and went swimming 30 minutes later and decided to take a nap. I wake up 45 minutes later to smoke a cigarette outside of the tent and see a car show up. It’s Lyn-Z and she looks pissed. “Gerard! How could you! I can’t believe you’d leave me to be alone by yourself! You piece of shit!” Mikey came out of the tent with a shocked look on his face. “What are you doing here Lyn-Z? Do you have a good reason to be here? My brother is trying to get well again and he doesn’t need you anymore. Call our mother; she would feel the same way.” “I don’t care what Donna said, he was my man in the beginning and if he’s not with me, I’ll fuckin’ kill him.” Lyn-Z said putting a gun in my direction and my heart starts slowing down as if I’m going to die.
To be Continued with Chapter 9 Part 2…
I Don’t Love You Chapter 9 Part 2
“I’m sorry Lyn-Z, but If Frank doesn’t want to be with me, I don’t want to be with anyone else.” “What about us? You’ll just throw all that we had together for nothing? I love you Gerard, why can’t you love me?” “Love just wanes like giant poisonous mushrooms, it’s nobody’s fault that it’s over. It just happened and I can’t force myself to love you Lyn-Z, I’m sorry.” “Fuck you Gerard!” Lyn-Z said as she shot me in the leg. Mikey rushes me to the hospital. The doctor told me that it was a superficial wound and that they’ll have to get it out by doing surgery and that after the surgical procedure I’ll be in a wheel chair for 6 weeks with a cast on my leg. They give me anesthetic and I pass out.
3 hours later…
I wake up from surgery and no one is around, they told me before surgery that I’d
be by myself in a room recovering before I have visitors. I have a bed pan by my side and I puke in it. The anesthesia made me nauseas.
2 hours later…
After I recover they bring me to another room, they told me that I had to stay overnight; but they didn’t tell me why. I was told that they would allow visitors. Mikey shows up as soon as visitors are allowed. “It’s good to see you Mikey, It’s not easy to have to stay here overnight; I really don’t like it.” “I don’t blame you. Frank wondered if he could come and visit you. He’s really worried about you and he actually seems like he cares.” “I now know that he didn’t want to hurt me in the first place; he just didn’t want to break someone else’s heart. I know it’s not easy leaving someone because I’ve broken Lyn-Z’s heart trying to be with Frank; and that’s a love square that I don’t want to be in anymore.” “Good Gerard, I guess you’re starting to come to grips with what’s going on.” “Yes I have; all this senseless violence against me has made me realize that I really need to change.” “Yes you do Gerard, but we all do. None of us are remotely perfect and without God we just can’t be perfect.” “That’s true, I guess. But you never talk about God, what the hell is going on?” “My old Bible fell off the shelf and I started reading it when you were in the mental hospital and it made me very inquisitive. So I called our Aunt Sadie and we had a long two hour talk about God and it was awesome.” “Well that’s cool, it’s weird that I never turn to God in times of trouble, maybe I should.” Mikey and I talked for two hours and he told me he’d call Frank when he gets home so we could all have dinner together.
The next morning my nurse tells me that I have a visitor and I allow it. Five minutes later Frank arrives. “I’m sorry Frank, about all this mess I got us both into, I lost my wife and you almost lose your girlfriend over a crush I should’ve kept secret. I just wish you would have never kissed me then I would have never had those feelings for you.” “I forgive you. I guess it’s both our faults. I probably would have never had those feelings if we didn’t explore them on stage; all that kissing and sexual things we did on stage we probably should have never done. We stir up the kids and ourselves. You used to believe girls didn’t want us for sex, but what else can they think now with the things we do on stage?” “I agree Frank; let’s agree that we’ll make a press announcement that we won’t do those things on stage anymore.” “Let’s keep it to ourselves. I like my private life private and were so lucky that this whole fiasco never got out to the press.” “Deal, I think we should just walk away without any tears in our eyes anymore, without sadness on our faces. I’m finally over you, somehow I healed practically overnight.” “Good.” Frank said. “But that doesn’t mean that I’m going to go back to my wife, especially after she want psycho on me and shot me in the leg.” “Yes, that would be best for both of you to just call it the end.” Frank helps me pack my things and he takes me to Mikey’s.