Status: Finished.

Get Carried Away

The hint of alcohol and nicotine

The sun rose over the California hills temporarily blinding the young girl on the embankment. Distinct waves crashed over the shore and yelps of joy filled the morning air from the animated surfers who had also caught wind of the amazing swell that was coming in that day. I slowly watched the surfers pile one by one onto the beach holding wax, long boards, short boards and all with a distinct look. Tall, tan, blonde hair. One guy in particular caught my eye; he was just like the others in looks minus the normal bleach blonde, straight hair. His stood up in a golden, curly, fro.

“Someone kick her.” I looked up startled out of my own thoughts. A short-ish, brown haired guy was shadowing over me. His Runner Runner t-shirt was wrinkled as though he’d slept in it. I shook my head. You don’t wear your own band merch, idiot. I silently thought.

“James. Go away. It’s too early to deal with you!” I said sighing and leaning against the sand.

“James and Ryan have coffee though!! Oh, hey this is Zack.” He said pointing to guy I had been admiring seconds earlier.

“Hey Zack. You look familiar….anyway. I’m Erin.” He did a half nod and silently put the hot pink and lime green surf board down in the sand and pulled off his shirt. I had to bite my bottom lip to keep from gasping. Toned, bronzed, and tattooed. His stomach was formed into the perfect six pack, biceps stood up admiringly tall. I was flabbergasted.

“Earth to Erin. You want this or not?” I snatched the white cup of steaming coffee from Ryan and sipped on it. My eyes wandering back to the crowding beach.

“We better get down there soon.” Zack muttered quietly. I waved them on and watched from afar. The Runner Runner guys had always been amazingly good at surfing and their new friend Zack was no exception. Zack was gorgeous. Sexy. This attraction was almost instant. Scary.

“When are you going to come in?! James yelled from the bottom of my hill.

“I do what I want!” I yelled back. He shook his wet head and ran back to the clear surf. I wasn’t a serious surfer like them. It was an every day occurrence for them to be down here. I just owned the house three miles off the beach. The others booed a soaking wet Zack who was making his way back to where I was. His eyes glued to the white sand beneath his feet. He sat down, wrapping a gray towel around his broad shoulders and shivered slightly. I offered him a water bottle that he gladly took.

“Thanks.” He muttered.

“So, uhm, what’s up?” I asked trying to stir a conversation out of him.

“Nothing really. I’m down here for a little while until I go back on tour.” He said quietly still refusing to meet my eyes.


“Yeah. I’m in a band. All Time Low?”

“Oh! Yeah, Jon burned me a cd of yours. I think I saw a picture of ya’ll at Nick’s apartment one time.”

“Probably. They’re all huge fans.” I nodded and dug a hole in the sand with my finger. He sat beside me quietly. I couldn’t decide whether he was naturally like this or just hated me in general. God what a shame it would be if he were gay.

“Like the waves?”

“This swell is amazing.” He said. A small smile forming on his mouth. He was even cuter when he smiled.

“They all get so excited when anything about waves comes on TV. It’s worst than sports.” He laughed.

“It’s believable. How do you know them?”

“I was out one morning, Peter and James were playing Frisbee and hit me in the head with it. After that we were kind of like automatic friends. That and James stayed over that night to make sure I didn’t die. He’s a sweetheart but he’s a little neurotic.” He laughed, this time his whole face turned into a beaming smile showing off glowing white, straight teeth.

“James means well. Hey, you wanna surf? You can’t just sit up here and look adorable all the time.” He said jumping up and running down the hill with his board under his arm. I sat there surprised for a few seconds. Adorable? At least now I know he’s not gay.

The rest of the day was spent surfing, battling out who could make what wave. It lasted well into the after hours until beach security was forced to remove us from the beach., threatening jail and fines. Neither of which any of us wanted.

“Oh my god. Jon, don’t touch my back.” I whined leaning forwards in their kitchen later, a loose tank top covering my deep red back. Leave it to me to live in California and forget to put on sunscreen. He smiled sympathetically and handed me a drink from the fridge.

“That’s going to be a bad one.”

“Thank you genius.” I muttered, my head in my hands breathing deeply to help rid myself of the throbbing pain in my back. Slowly everyone who had been lingering in the kitchen left except Zack who had placed his drink on the counter and was juggling a green bottle.

“You want some Aloe on your back?” He asked awkwardly quiet. I nodded. I heard the bottle suck in air before a plop landed on his hand and his rough hands coolly met my back. I sighed in relief as the numbing power of it sat in. His hands stopped and his wet shifted to the front of me. I looked up into his eyes.


“Your face is pretty bad too.” He said quietly. His fingers tracing the contours of my face. I sighed and leaned my face into his now smooth hands. He laughed quietly.

“That feels so much better.”

“I bet.” His cool breath fanned over my face. I looked up. He was smiling, our faces inches from each other. If I didn’t do it I was always going to wonder and as if we were thinking the same thing our lips met. Electricity passed between us. I was lost in his intoxicating smell of sweat and fancy cologne.

“Finally. God. You guys have been making eyes all day. Damn.” James muttered walking into the room. E jumped apart both glaring at him. He laughed and walked out of the room. Zack looked back at me and muttered a single word.

♠ ♠ ♠
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