Life on a Runway

chapter two;

Chloe was always the mother of the group, took care of the needs – as in clothing, food and etcetera. She will always be the one who will wake up early, cook, and then wake the others up. No one have ever doubt that she would bring it with her to the states, but they just thought that she wouldn’t go motherly hyper at the first few weeks.

Chloe set her alarm at six a.m and fell asleep at eleven p.m, while Nadia and Rachel was up watching Titanic outside her room. The two girls fell asleep soundlessly like an angel at the couch. And when the clock dings six Chloe hopped of the bed, went to shower, made breakfast, and scream at the two buttheads sleeping at the couch.

Rachel woke up first and ran to her room and showered, while it took Chloe a few screams to wake Nadia up. After a while, Nadia finally woke up and went to shower.
Chloe told them that “We are going to go shopping, end of discussion!” Nadia and Rachel groan, they were too tired.

They took one hour to get ready, after they were all ready up in their tanks, shorts, Balenciaga bags, and Christian Louboutin’s. They hopped off to find a cab to drive them anywhere, where there is a shop, and shoe.
After two whole hours of traveling here and there, they finally settled in 920 W 7th St or better to be known as Macy’s. Chloe was somewhere of at the clothing department, Rachel was probably at the coffee lounge flirting with the coffee guy, and Nadia, she was at the shoes department.

She was looking at the different types of pumps around when she heard the velvet voice that she have been hearing of TV, and from the guy of her dreams, she thought to herself Nadia, you are becoming to obsessed with him. You can’t be thinking of him here at Macy’s! People will think you are crazy. She just ignored everything and take another good look at the shoes, she was giving a few thoughts about the Guess was pretty…cute. It had some sort of scarf going over the ankle. But then she put it down as she realized that she had too many of fascinating type of shoes at home, that she never wore.

She gave the shoe department another tour, and that is where she found the perfect shoe, she saw the shoe from a far away angle and she instantly knew that it was the perfect shoes she was searching for, she walked as slowly and calmly as possible. But just couldn’t help it as she ran for the shoe . Nadia reached the shoe and slowly, very slowly approached the shoe with her hand, but a pale hand snatched it before Nadia could even blink. Nadia scream out “Excuse me there! I was looking at that shoe!” She was hoping for a reply from a naggy old women, but what came out from that built body covered with a hoodie and ray bans face was a velvet voice.
“Excuse me, but I took it first, and I believe that there are this type of shoes in the store, in fact I am sure there are, and you could ask the people over there.” That voice shooed Nadia away as if he owned the store.

Nadia knew she was not going to lose this battle, fashion and shopping is where she is the best at. This is her war, then she said “Well, in case you didn’t realize this place is for sales, and the last sales, and if you did not know, when there is the end of season sale, THERE WON’T BE THAT MUCH STUFF LEFT!” Nadia scream in angle.

The guy gave out that gasp as if he thought no one would scream at him. Nadia just gave the ’You-don’t-own-me-mister-and-I-will-not-LOSE-this-fight’. It was as if he knew it was the time to surrender, he pulled his hood of, and took of his ray bans.

This time it was Nadia’s turn to gasp, the man that made her blood boil, was no other then…
And then he broke Nadia’s little dream, before she could finish her own sentence in her head and say “I am sorry, it’s just that I want to give something to my sister upon her arrival here at the states.”

Fuck me.

It was Robert Pattinson
♠ ♠ ♠
Apparently, this was one of my attempt at writing at third person point of view. I believe that it was quite alright for my... third try?
Please tell me if you would rather have me write at third person point of view, or first person. :]

And this is where I would say, I am sorry for the bad story, that was a story written at 4.30 am. And comments will be lovely.