Sequel: Joey's Depression

Mike's Determination

Mike's Determination

"Hey! I'm back!" Billie Joe called from the front door. He had just been for a long walk.
"Hey honey," Adrienne smiled, followed by Jakob waving to him. Just then, the phone rang.
"I'll get it!" Joey urged eagerly, racing for the phone, "Hi?"
He paused for a few minutes to listen, then picked up the chord-less phone and started heading for his room.
"Oh my god. Is she okay?!" He gasped. Again, the person on the other line spoke.
"Oh... " He was about to say something else, but he went into his room and closed the door.

Joey had been in his room for 2 hours straight now, and Billie Joe was getting worried.
"I'll go see what Joey's up to," He urged, scurrying off to his son's room.
"Joey?" He questioned at the sight of Joey huddled into a ball on his bed, tears in his eyes.
"It's Michelle," he sobbed.
"Who's Michelle?" Billie Joe asked noticeably.
"She's my best friend," Joey explained.
"What about her?" Billie Joe sympathized, placing himself down at the foot of the bed.
"She's in hospital... in a coma. She needs a kidney donor within the next 14 days or... " Joey cried, not being able to say the rest.
"What blood type is she?" Billie Joe awkwardly wondered.
"B negative," Joey snapped.
"Calm down, Joey. Anyway, I think that Mike's a B negative," Billie Joe recalled, trying to clam his son down.
"How can I CALM DOWN!?!" Joey freaked.
"Okay, how about this? I go and call Mike, and we can all go and visit Michelle together," Billie Joe compromised. Joey nodded and handed the phone to his dad. Billie Joe smiled, took the phone and went outside to call his friend.
"Hi Mike, it's Billie," Billie Joe sighed deeply.
"Hi Billie!" Mike cheered.
"Okay Mike, I need to ask you a huge favour."
"Uh huh... "
"Joey has a friend, Michelle, who needs a kidney donor within the next 14 days or... you know. She's got the same blood type as you, B negative. I promised Joey I'd ask you if... well yeah you get what I'm trying to say,"
"Well... I'll think about it,"
"Okay, thanks. I'm going to the hospital to visit her with Joey, and was wondering if you'd like to come,"
"Sure. See you there.... Soon," Mike grinned.
"See yer."

Billie Joe went back inside to tell Joey.
"Well?" Joey eagerly jumped.
"He said he'll think about it," he announced, "Now come on, before it's too late."

"Mum, Dad and I are going somewhere. Explain later," Joey called to his mum. To that, he and Billie Joe rushed to the door and got into the car.

"So, tell me more about this... Michelle you know," Billie Joe slyly remarked.
"Well... she's really funny at times, but she can be very violent. Okay... the truth is she's really depressed and addicted to drugs. But if you had met her when she wasn't going through an attack, you wouldn't have known," Joey stated.

"So do you know why she's depressed? Is there a reason?"
"Okay dad, this is really hard to word... but her parents committed suicide when she was two year old,"
"Oh geez, ouch. Anyway, here we are," Billie Joe cheered, pulling up into a car park. Together they walked into the waiting room, where Mike was waiting.

"Hey Joey," He whispered, pulling Joey into a huge, loving bear hug.

"Okay, Joey, maybe you should ho in and talk to her first," Billie Joe suggested.

Joey nodded slowly, and headed into one of the hospital's hallways, and into a room. Billie Joe and Mike silently agreed to follow. They watched carefully as Joey wrapped his arms around the very sick looking girl that was lying in the bed.

"Oh geez. Why you?" Joey sobbed. Tears flowing down his cheeks frantically. Billie Joe felt a burning sensation in his eyes- it was so hard to see someone so close to him like this. Mike wasn't really questioning or doubting anything- he knew what he had to do.

"Hey Billie?" he quizzed.
"Yeah, Mike?" Billie Joe responded.
"I'm going to... "
"You mean you're actually gonna do it! You are actually going to do that for her... them... ?" Billie Joe stammered.
"Yup," Mike summoned. Billie Joe glanced at Mike happily. But the biggest decisions were yet to come.