Sequel: Joey's Depression

Mike's Determination

Mike's Determination

Tre gasped, "Oh my god."
"Okay I can't stay and chat today... good bye," The doctor said, hanging up.
"Oh fuck," Tre whispered. He looked over at a picture of him, Mike and Billie.
"I can't lie to them... but I can't tell them either..." he whispered.

"Mikey, what are we gonna do with dad?" Joey asked, as they headed into the office.
"I'll think of something," Mike whispered back, sitting down in a chair near a big desk. Joey plunked down next to him. Billie Joe belly-flopped onto a nearby leather couch.
"Prepare for take-off," He bellowed, sitting cross-legged on the couch, "5, 4, 3, 2, 1... We have ignition... and TAKE OFF!!"
"Okay its official, Mikey. He's gone mad," Joey glared, glancing over at his dad.
"Yup, I agree," Mike nodded. Just then his phone rang, "Who could it be now?"
He picked it up and looked at the number on the screen- Tre.
"Hey, Tre? What's up?" Mike smiled, answering it.
"Hey Mike," Tre started, his voice sounding choked up, "I have something to tell you and Billie."
"Okay... I should be there tomorrow. I'm not sure about Billie, though," Mike nodded, glaring over at Billie Joe who was jumping around like crazy on the couch.
"I can't wait till tomorrow... this is important," Tre urged.
"How important?" Mike stroked.
"Too important for words. For me, that is. I could die if we're not careful!!!!" Tre exclaimed.
"That important, eh? Well I'll be there soon," Mike sighed, hanging up.
"Tre?" Joey asked.
"Tre," Mike replied.
"What'd he want?" Joey slacked.
"He said he needed to tell me and your dad something and that he might die if we're not careful," Mike reported.
"I think he's gone mad too," Joey stammered.
'He didn't sound like it... maybe he's serious," Mike whispered.
"It's probably a lie just like that thing at the hospital," Joey suggested.
"How'd you know about that?" Mike laughed.
"Dad," Joey responded.
"Well... I suppose you're right," Mike thought aloud.
"Yeah," Joey said.
"Besides, I wouldn't wanna drive all that way back to find out that Tre was joking again," Mike summed, as a police chief walked into the room.
"May I help you?" he quizzed.
"Bloody oath you could," Billie Joe giggled in a formal voice. Joey and Mike turned around to face him- he was wearing what looked like a very expensive police officer's jacket and hat, and a badge in his hand.
"Hey you take those off right NOW!!!!" The chief cried, running towards Billie Joe. Billie giggled like a school girl, just before running around in circles around the police station. Still the chief chased him, and left Joey and Mike alone in the office.

Tre had been sitting on the couch for what felt like forever now, and was patiently waiting for Mike to arrive. There was absolute silence, except for the clock ticking, and cars driving by the road outside occasionally. It was then Tre felt another throb of pain, which seemed to last a lot longer then the others. Tre fell off the couch and rolled around on the ground in pain. He tried desperately to reach the phone, but no matter how hard he tried, it was out of reach. After a while, he finally gave up and laid still, waiting for the end.

"What?!" Adrienne quizzed excitedly.
"Look! That's Tre's house!!" Jakob exclaimed.
"It is?" Adrienne questioned.
"Oh yeah. C'mon, I'm sure he'll help us out," he eagerly jumped, racing towards the front porch of Tre's house.
"Tre!!" Adie called when she reached the door, "Tre! It's me, Adie!"
"The door's open, mum. He won't mind," Jakob modestly sighed, turning the doorknob and entering the house quietly.
"Tre!" Jakob yelled. That's when they saw it- Tre's still body laying in the middle of the lounge room.
"Jakob, it's not what you think. He's just sleeping," Adrienne reassured.
"Ha ha. Yeah sure. I've heard that one before," Jakob doubtfully sighed.
"I'm gonna go call Mike," Adrienne stammered.
"O... okay," Jakob sighed.
Adie went outside to call Mike.

"What is with this phone today?" Mike questioned under his breath as he answered his mobile once again.
"Hello, Mikey," She ushered.
"Hey Adie, what's up?"
"It's Tre. Jakob and I have just found him in his lounge room,"
"Uhh... ."
"On the ground."
"Yes... "
"Possibly dead."
"What do you mean, possibly?"
"I'm not sure."
"So Tre might be dead." Mike assured.
"Well... yes."
Joey watched as tears welled up in Mike's eyes.
"Thanks. I'll see you soon," he finally stretched, hanging up.

"Mikey, what's wrong?" Joey questioned sympathetically.
"Tre... might... be... dead," Mikey slowly revised.
"He's... dead?" Joey winced, as tears built up in his eyes too.
"I don't know. But we have to get there... quick," Mike shook, holding back his tears.
"What about my dad?" Joey grumbled, chucking a finger in the direction of Billie Joe who was still shitting the chief off.
"We'll just leave him for now; no one knows what he'll do next," Mike sighed.
They got up and sneaked out to Mike's car and drove off. As soon as the engine started, Billie Joe turned to face it.
"Hey!!! Wait for me!!" He shouted, racing towards the car, which had now started to drive off. He eventually caught the car, and jumped in front of it, causing Mike to hit him.
"Billie!?" Mike screamed, jumping out of the car.