Sequel: Joey's Depression

Mike's Determination

Mike's Determination

"Billie!? Billie please be okay!!!" Mike pleaded, kneeling down next to his friend.
"Yep I'm fine," Billie zipped, jumping up and striding towards the back of the car as if nothing had happened.
"You're FINE!?!?" Mike freaked, "I never knew that was possible!"
"What was possible?" Billie Joe curiously asked.
"You! You being clipped by a car and acting as if nothing happened!" Mike shouted back.
"Oh, sorry. Shall I crawl under the car and die, then?" Billie Joe snapped.
"No, Billie. I didn't mean that. Glad you're okay," Mike smiled. They both hesitated, before hugging.
"Eww... " Joey sneered from inside the car. Mike paused- how was he gonna tell Billie about him being related to Bush? - Or even worse, about Tre.
"Billie Joe, I have something to tell you," he started, detaching from Billie.
"Yes?" Billie Joe asked.
"Okay, but before I tell you, you have to promise me you won't get angry," Mike pleaded.
"Okay, I promise," Billie smiled.
"Here it goes," Mike said under his breath, "I'm related to Bush."
"You're related to chook?" Billie Joe gasped, half shocked, half confused.
"I said I'm related to BUSH," Mike corrected.
"Ohhh. I thought you said chook. So you're related to Bush... " Billie bit, still looking relaxed. After about 10 seconds or so, Billie's face went wide with shock, and red with anger, "You're related to Bush!!?? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!?!"
"Billie, you promised you wouldn't get angry," Mike reminded him.
"I don't care. I just don't care! Alright, that's it. As soon as I get back home, I'm packing my bags and heading for Adelaide!" Billie stormed.
"Adelaide? Why Adelaide? We all know how boring it is down there," Mike exclaimed.
"MIKE! I don't believe you would say such a thing! Oh my god!" Billie Joe gasped, "See? This is why I wanna leave. For good."
"Billie, I don't believe YOU. I can't get my head around the fact that you want to leave me and Tre. Especially when Tre needs you most," Mike shouted.
"What do you mean?" Billie Joe questioned.
"Okay. I don't know how to break this to you, but... Tre's really sick. He may be already... gone," Mike explained, hoping Billie wouldn't freak out and go mental again.
"What? This happened and you didn't even bother to advise me!? I cannot believe you lately. You've changed, you've gone weird, you... " Billie Joe started, but Mike cut him off.
"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN!? I didn't bother to 'advise' you 'cause you had gone totally psyscho!! You'd flipped! You'd gone insane!! You'd flown your tree!! UNDERSTAND!?!" Mike screamed back, "So you better shape up or I'll kill you."
"You'd kill me!? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!? If it wasn't for rare luck, I'd be a dead psychotic idiot! Not a living one!? Do YOU understand?" Billie shot back.
"Just leave me alone!" Mike shouted.
"Well if that's the case, see ya later... or NEVER!!" Billie Joe jumped, marching off into the low sunset.
"Sometimes I wish that you would die! LIKE NOW!! And by the way, I'm glad you decided to walk away, 'cause I didn't wanna tell you this to your face, but I just want you to know that I'm RELATED TO BUSH!" Mike exclaimed.
Mike sighed- he hadn't really meant what he said. He then turned to his car and was faced with explaining to Joey what had just happened.
"Mikey... ?" Joey asked.
"Yes, Joeyey?" Mike replied.
"Are you and dad not friends anymore?" he queried.
"Joeyey, your dad and I have been friends for like, forever, and we still are," Mike explained.
"Then why did you say that you wanted him to die?" Joey softly questioned, looking up at Mike.
"I didn't mean that. I didn't mean that at ALL. Please understand, Joey, don't forget what I said- Billie Joe and I will be friends forever," Mike smiled.
"Thanks, Mikey," Joey grinned, hugging Mike softly. They slowly drove off and back onto the road, heading for Tre's.

Meanwhile, Billie Joe was just steaming mad- how could Mike, his best friend since what felt like forever, do this to him?
"I... I've just walked away from my best friend... and Tre! My other best friend! I must go back... no wait... I can't, I've just walked away from them," He worried, looking around- there was nothing too interesting in sight, except for a few houses and an empty road. Life feels so lonely without friends. He shrugged and walked on, then paused for a moment again.
"What about Michelle? She's still in the picture... and what about Joey!? I have to go back!" He said to himself- he looked around again- everything was quiet.

He didn't know where he was! But one thing caught his attention, the sight of a sign saying 'Airport 1000 metres'. Billie shrugged and followed the sign.
"Adelaide, here I come," he thought proudly.

"Mike, are we there yet?" Joey moaned.
"Joey, you're being annoying. In other words, you're pulling a Billie Joe skit," Mike sighed.
"I'm really THAT annoying?" Joey giggled.
"Well... maybe not," Mike laughed.
"You sure... ?" Joey slyly asked.
"Okay, now you're annoying," Mike assured.
"Why are we talking about this?" Joey questioned.
"Just to buy some time," Mike guessed.
"Here we are," Joey sighed, slowly climbing out of the car.
"Here we are," Mike copied.
Slowly the got up and entered the house- the door was unlocked. They were greeted my Adrienne.
"Hey Adie," Mike smiled.
"Hey," she replied, managing a small smile. It was difficult at a time like this.
"Where is he?" Mike quizzed. Adrienne pointed a finger at a particular room- the lounge room. Mike and Joey nodded, and walked slowly into the lounge room. And yes, there laid Tre, totally still.
"Oh Tre! I always preferred you to Mike!" Joey cried, kneeling down and hugging Tre's limp body.
"Joey! You didn't mean that! Tre and Mike are equally nice!" Adrienne told him firmly.
"Where's daddy?" Jakob questioned from the corner of the room. Mike glanced at Adrienne, who glared at Joey, who stared at Mike.
"Well, you see, it's like this," Joey started, heading over to Jakob, sitting down next to him, "Daddy's gone coo-coo."
Adrienne rolled her eyes, a sly smirk on her face. Mike tried to look appalled, but secretly, he did agree with Joey-

Billie Joe HAD gone mad.