Sequel: Joey's Depression

Mike's Determination

Mike's Determination

Joey bit his lip as he tried to wipe the tears away from his eyes.
"HEY!!! I remember her!!!" Billie Joe cried in surprise. It was so loud that it scared the shit out of Mike.
"Billie, what the hell are you on about!?!" Mike asked, turning to face Billie Joe.
"Joey's been friends with Michelle since grade 1! You've met her, remember? Last year she drew that really great picture of us ant Tre!?" Billie Joe smiled, as Mike struggled to retain the information.
"Oh yeaahhhhhhh!!" Mike recalled, finally remembering who Michelle was.
"I might go and see how Joey's coping," Billie Joe sighed, turning is attention back to Joey.
"How are you feeling, Joey?" He questioned softly, sitting down in the chair next to Joey's.
"Oh dad... .!" He sobbed, pulling his dad into a hug, "This isn't happening, is it?"
"I wish it wasn't," Billie Joe whispered back.
Mike glared through the window into Michelle's room- a million thoughts were running through his mind- What have I got myself into? How much will this affect my health? How much will this affect the band? Should I tell Tre about this whole scenario? - It was then he remembered- Band rehearsal. Mike fished out his cell phone and dialled Tre's number. It rang for a while, but someone eventually answered it. Mike had no idea who it was, but he was sure on one thing- it was not Tre.
"Err... hey. Is Tre there?" Mike awkwardly stuttered.
"Look freak, I own Tre now. HE'S MINE! So back off before I buy you too," The guy on the other line rapped. And to that, he hung up.
"Buy? Own? Tre? What the..?" Mike thought aloud. Tre had done some weird and stupid things in his life, but no one would ever guess that he'd go that far. But Mike wasn't even sure that any of this was Tre's fault.
"Hmm... what now? I can't tell Billie Joe, he's already finding it hard to deal with... What in the name of FUCK am I supposed to do?" Mike imagined, totally puzzled by these series of events. Just then, Billie Joe walked back out.
"Mike, I was just thinking, maybe we should consult Tre about everything that is happening," He sighed gravely. Mike's eyes widened- OH CRAP OH CRAP OH CRAP OH CRAP, He repeated in his mind.
"Mike, what's up?" Billie Joe asked, sure that something was wrong with his friend.
"Oh nothing," Mike zipped. Billie Joe glared at him doubtfully, before grabbing Mike's phone and dialling Tre's number.
"WHAT NOW?!?" The voice on the other side screamed when the phone was finally answered.
"What do you mean, 'what now'? I just wanna speak to Tre," Billie Joe replied, if nothing was wrong.
"WHY?!?" The guy quizzed slowly.
"Erm... coz I need to tell him something," Billie Joe replied, giving Mike a weird look while the guy hesitated. Mike shrugged back, using the same facial expression as Billie Joe had used.
"Where IS Tre?" Billie Joe asked suspiciously, as that dude continued to hesitate.
"Uhm... he's...