Sequel: Joey's Depression

Mike's Determination

Mike's Determination

RIGHT HERE SPEAKING TO YOU AS YOU WONDER WHO IT IS TALKING TO YOU!" He finished, his voice changing into Tre's well known voice.

"Tre, you didn't!!" Billie Joe giggled... he knew it was a stupid question- duur it was obviously Tre- this was exactly the thing he would do.

"OH, but I did," Tre cheekily smiled.
"But why?" Billie Joe asked.
"Because you're not at band rehearsal!" Tre responded.

"Ah... oh yeah... sorry I forgot about that... something really... terrible's happened and I just... well... yeah forgot," Billie Joe admitted, stammering over his words, waiting for the right time to tell Tre the 'something'.

"What do you mean, 'Something'?" Tre slyly questioned.

"Well... Mike and I are at the public hospital and... " Billie Joe started, but was cut off by Tre.

"Did Mike break his arm?"
"Did you get some guitar string in your eye again?"
"Did Mike get another two teeth knocked out?"
"Hell no."
"Did you get your hair caught on a barb wire fence?"
"Is Mike constipated?"
"Do you have PMS? Is it your time of month? You can tell me."
"It's nothing to do with Mike or me."
"Well then who is it about?"

Billie Joe took a deep breath, and then opened his mouth to tell Tre. "Erm... Tre? It's Joey's friend, Michelle," Billie Joe stated, but again, was cut off by Tre.

"Yeah... I know here... a really cool kid. Go on... ." Tre ushered.

"Uhm... It's kinda hard to say this but... well... she's in hospital... really sick. And she needs err... " Billie Joe hesitated, pausing to find a way to say the rest, "She needs a kidney donor soon... and Mike said that he'd help her out and... well... "

"W... Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You're telling me that Mike's gonna actually give her a kidney when he doesn't even know who she is? I mean, she's a stranger, godamnit!" Tre shook, trying to set things straight.

"Tre, this is for not only Michelle's sake, but Joey's. Put yourself in his shoes, how'd you feel if one of your best friends was dying? Would you rather them receive what they need from a stranger or let them die!?" Billie Joe appointed, "I don't know how you take this, but from my point of view, what Mike's doing is more than anyone could ask for."

"Wow Billie. I couldn't have said that better myself. Oh, and can I please speak to Mike?" Tre asked quickly, astonished by Billie's mini-speech.

"Mike," Billie Joe called, gesturing for Mike to speak to Tre.

"Hey Tre," Mike awkwardly sighed.

"Hey Mike. How are you feeling?" Tre wondered.

"Worried. I'm not even sure I made the right decision," Mike worriedly picked.

"Mike, take it from me. Think of Billie Joe... no, think of Joey. C'mon, I don't believe you're doubting your choice, when it means so much to someone," Tre lecture, hoping it would have just as much affect on Mike as it had on Tre.

"I just don't know... " Mike hesitated.

"Oh Mike, Helllo in there! You and Billie have been friends for like, forever, and I bet that if someone that one of your close family members knew needed something as big as this, he would do as much as he could to help. Don't deny it, Mike, you know I'm right," Tre blabbed, "Now do you understand me? I mean you... ."

"Okay, Tre. I get the hint," Mike joked, trying to stop Tre's lecture.

"But remember one thing- It's all up to you. I can't change your opinion. Bye," Tre dignified.
"See yer," Mike finalised, hanging up, and shaking his head in comical shame.

"Mike, I think it's about time Joey and I left... we'll finalise everything later,"

Billie Joe summed, leading himself and Joey out of the hospital- only Joey didn't follow.

"Mikey, thank you... " Joey whispered kindly. Mike managed a sweet little smile before Joey plonked himself down on the seat next to him.

"You know, I really appreciate what you're doing. And I know that Michelle will too," He continued.