Sequel: Joey's Depression

Mike's Determination

Mike's Determination

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. You're welcome, anything for a friend," Mike finished, snapping out of the dazed fantasy he was in.
"Mike, I'm scared. What if Michelle doesn't pull through?" Joey shook in a worried tone.
"Don't worry about that. She'll be fine. I promise," Mike responded, looking down at Joey.
"You're the best, Mikey," He smiled, getting up to catch up with his dad.
"And don't call me Mikey!!!" Mike added loudly as Joey ran away.

Mike sighed- he just didn't have the heart to tell Joey otherwise.
"Hello Mikey," Someone said from behind him- he turned around- Adie and Jakob.
"Hi Adie, Jakob. How'd you know I was here?" Mike asked.
"Oh... just something..." Jakob smiled slyly.
"So where's Billie?" She questioned.
"He and Joey just left," He responded.
"Ah. Okay," Adie answered.
"Why are YOU here, Mikey?" Jakob eagerly quizzed, placing himself in a seat next to Mike.
"Err... " He stalled, looking up to Adrienne.
"Jakob, sweetie, we need to go talk to Daddy and Joey, okay?" Adie smiled, holding Jakob's hand and walking with him out the door. She flashed a wave to Mike as she walked away.
"And why does everyone call me Mikey now!?!" He added, hoping someone would answer this time. But still, his question was un-answered. He slowly got up and headed to his car as soon as he started it, a song on the radio came on- Suffocate.
"Maybe it's a sign or something," Mike said to himself, as he backed out of the carpark and went home.
That night he called Billie Joe, just to ask him a few questions.
"Hello?" He asked.
"Hi Billie, it's Mike here," Mike answered.
"Oh hey. How's everything going?"
"It's okay. Anyway, I just need to ask a few questions,"
"Like... "
"Kay, I was just wondering, do you know why Michelle needs a kidney?"
"Erm... I'm not exactly sure, but Joey told me she's depressed and addicted to drugs 'n stuff so maybe that could have something to do with it,"
"What?! How old is she? Like, 13, 14, 15!?"
"I know, I know, but sometimes shit happens. It's probably not all her fault, I mean, sometimes there really isn't a simple answer,"
"Yeah, I suppose so. But... I just don't know what to do. Lately everything's been so... messed up and unstable,"
"ANOTHER THING THAT'S UNSTABLE IS HER!!!!!" Joey called form the other phone.
"Joey get off the phone," Billie Joe sighed.
"I just wanted to call a friend," He softly mumbled, placing the phone receiver down.
"Anyway, have you heard from Tre lately?" Billie Joe asked.
"Nup. Not since when we were at the hospital,"
"I wonder what he thinks of all this,"
"He told me that I shouldn't give up or something like that,"
"I mean band-wise. What does he think the band will become after all this blows over,"
"That's if this blows over. Billie, it's only been one day since I found out about this, but it feels like a million years,"
"Yeah, tell me about it!"
"Billie, dinner!!" Adrienne interrupted, as she finished setting out the dinner table.
"Okay, Mike, I better go. See you soon,"

"Yeah this is soo nice, Mum," Jakob and Joey said in unison.
"Thank you, Jakob. Thank you Joey. Put your plate in the sink and then go tidy your rooms, please," Adrienne replied happily. When Joey and Jakob had gone to their rooms, Adrienne knew it was time to ask Billie Joe about everything that was going on.
"Billie... what's going on between you, Mike and Joey?"
"Okay, it's a long story. Just Joey's got this friend and... "
"I know all that, but are you sure it's right for Mike to help out?"
"Well... I don't know. But I just can't get the fact that this is Joey's best friend. She's the closest person in his life, and I don't think he would be able to take it if she dies,"
"I think he can."