Sequel: Joey's Depression

Mike's Determination

Mike's Determination

"Whilst examining your blood, we found an odd resemblance in the DNA with President Bush's. It all fits together like a puzzle. A very complicated one, of course,"
"So... how 'close' is this relative?"
"A second or third cousin,"
"Oh geez... "
To that he hung up.
"What's wrong, what's wrong!??" Joey urged.
"Okay, Joeyey... this is gonna be hard to explain but... " Mike started.
"But what... ?" Joey stared.
"Firstly, quit calling me Mikey, JOSEPHEY!!!" Mike laughed.
"Nooooo!!!! NOOO!!!" Joey giggled in shame.
"Secondly, I have just found out that George W bush is my 2nd or third cousin," Mike summed.
"Oh... I don't know what to say, MICHALEY RYANEY PRITCHARDEY!" Joey sighed, shocked, but not willing to give up the e-y name fight.
"Okay, you win. But anyway, I don't know how to tell your dad this. I mean, he'll flip if I tell him that I'm related to Bush," Mike sighed.
"IF you tell him," Joey slyly advised.
"But Billie's my best friend. I can't lie to him," Mike hesitated.
"Geez, Mike. Sometimes you have to live life that way," Joey commented.

Meanwhile, Tre was sitting at his house, playing a lethal round of 'Hide and Fuck' with his beer robots. He was about to perform his famous 'Bullwinkle' move on one of the robots, when he felt a sharp throbbing pain coming from the back of his head. He placed a hand over the pain- it wasn't bleeding, so he just tried to ignore it and got on with his game. But since the pain had started, he didn't feel in the mood for raping beer robots.
"Oh beer robot," Tre started, grabbing hold of one of the robots and putting it right next to him on the couch, "I suddenly feel like shit."
He held the robot to his ear, as if it was saying something to him.
"Yeah, I know I'm as sexy as hell, but still, I feel sick," Tre modestly smiled.
"OW!" He cried as another throb of sharp pain echoed through his mind. He stared over at the beer robot, who just glared back up at him.
"Should I go see a doctor?" He questioned. The robot still glared up at him.
"I KNOW!" Tre brightly exclaimed, "I can take a photo of the back of my head and examine it- if there's something there, I can go see a doctor, and if there isn't, I'm okay!!! You know what they... we... I say- the Tre way is the best way!!"
Tre grabbed hold of his fancy new instant camera which was silver, with pink and purple cellophane Tre had glued on just for that 'Extra touch'.
"Say cheese, the back of my head!" He giggled, as the flash of the camera went off, "Now we wait." He pulled out the photo from the camera and shook it around a bit. After about 20 seconds, it was ready to be admired by Tre and his trusty beer robots.
"Oh," He bowed at what was revealed on the camera.

"Right, Armstrong!" John growled when he had finally come to a stop, "Either Tre goes, or you and your family go."
"Fucking hell, what's gotten into you??? What makes think I'd choose you over Tre? Just let us go, and maybe we can compromise," Billie Joe calmly approached.
"No way. I'm not letting you leave, okay?" John gripped, grabbing Billie by the collar.
"No!!!!!!! What's the big deal anyway! You LEFT Mike and me to go to college!! We didn't expect you to come back, so we recruited someone who STOOD BY US!! You missed out, okay?!?"
"RIGHT! THAT'S IT!!" John screamed violently, dropping the piece of steel and pulling out a gun from his pocket. And with the sarcastic words, "Say goodnight, sell-out," he pointed the gun at Billie's chest and pulled the trigger. But there was no sound- but there was blood. A lot of it, too.
"It has a built in silencer," He mumbled to a devastated Adie and Jakob. John then glared down at Billie Joe, before grabbing hold of him and dragging him out the door.
"What are you doing?" Jakob stammered.
"We can't leave him in the car with us now, can we?" John replied, not looking up.
As soon as he had plonked the body on the side of the road he drove off.
"Where are you taking us!?" Adrienne screamed.
"You'll find out," John hissed evilly.

Mike and Joey were racing along a road, still trying to get to a police station, when Mike saw something on the side of the road.
"What the..?" He said under his breath- just ten, he realised what that could be.
"Hey Joeyey, look! A unicorn!!! Just stay in the car, 'kay?" Mike ushered, pulling over and jumping out of the car.
"Billie!? Billie is that you?!?" He shook, getting closer to the object, "Oh my fuck, it IS you!!!!"
"Mikey? Who's that?" Joey nervously stammered.
"Err... never mind Joeyey," Mike smiled, hoping Joey wouldn't realise who it was.
"Billie!!?? Billie Joe wake up!!!" Mike gritted, not letting Joey hear.
"Huh?" Billie Joe dumbly asked.
"Billie!!! You're alive!!" Mike cheered, wrapping his arms around his friend's bloodied body in a friendly manner.
"Waa?" He druelled.
"Never mind, I'll explain on the way," Mike sighed, helping Billie up.
"Slipknot rules!!!" He exclaimed. Mike paused, his eyes wide with shock.
"Repeat what you just said," He gasped slowly.
"One plus one equals two!!" Billie Joe dopily cheered.
"What is your name?" Mike suspiciously asked.
"Mikey Dirnt," Billie Joe summed.
"Who are you gonna vote for in the next election?" Mike quizzed.
"GEORGE W BUSH!!!" Came the loud response from Billie Joe.
"Fuck, what the hell did John do to you?" Mike asked under his breath, carrying Billie into the back seat of the car.