A tradgedy to a childs mind

A tragedy to a child's mind

It was a wet and dull Saturday morning, but a tragic event was sure to make it worse.

Marco and Ellie were awaiting the arrival of their parents as they returned from work, They were expected an hour ago but there were complications at the shop. So Saturday Night Family Night was postponed until they returned. As the rain poured, the waves became bigger and the wind force flew up the scale, water slashed at the windows roughly. Marco turned the Television on to drown out the horrible sound of the rain, but was shocked from what he saw on the LCD screen. His home town being ripped to pieces by the wind, friends homes being destroyed, his favorite shops only ruble. The news presenter began to talk......." A tornado has shot the coasts of Hawaii, we here in the studio have received news of various accidents and injuries, but no deaths so far, pray that we wont lose anyone in this horrible ordeal.".......Marco stared at theTelevision gob smacked.
"Ellie....Ellie come look at this" He called for his sister who came skipping into the room with a small smile on her face, but that smile faded as she looked at the Television . "M.....Mom,D...DAD!!" She screamed at the thought of her parents out in that destructive weather. "Ellie i want you to stay inside ok, I am going to find Mom and Dad, stay here." Marco ordered her as he grabbed his rain coat and keys, with a small kiss on her head then he was gone. Ellie sat on the floor in front of the television,silently sobbing to herself.


Seconds, Minutes, Hours pasted and her brother and parents had not gotten back, she was curled up in the corner of the room slowlyrocking herself while clutching her legs up to her chin,the News presenter began to talk again.......

" The studio has learned of 3 deaths in the Molokai area, A women was discovered in a small surf shop on the beach crushed by a shelving unit, her Husband was lying beside her holding her hand, he is in a fatal state , a Young teenage boy was found about a kilometer away from that shop, knocked by a tree, the dead have yet to be named. We here give our condolences to the family of the 2 people."

Ellie's tears poured from her puffy red eyes, her parents owned a surf shop on the beach, the only surf shop on the beach, and the teenager maybe her brother she shuck out of control, her mother was dead, and her father near it...she was alone. She cried and cried as the reporters words replayed in her head.


Loud noises sounded from the front door.


Three police men blew the door from its hinges, they found Ellie unconscious in the corner.

A week later, Ellie woke up in a hospital bed,Her father sitting beside her, his eyes puffy and red, he had been crying. He held on to her hand gently.

"I'm so sorry Baby Girl..................."
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This is an old school essay, i wrote it on the idea the teacher gave us, comment please