Somebody To Love

Hi, My Name Is Ray Toro, and I Am In Love

I, Ray Toro, am officially in love. I do not know if it is for the first time, but I know that on the first day of meeting him, I knew I wanted him and nobody else. The first day Frank Iero stepped foot in my life will always be remembered in my memories for years to come. I mean big memories too like the day I bought my first Transformer action figure and that was back in the day. I remember it like it was yesterday.

I had American history seventh period with Mr. Ziegler junior year. It was the first day of class and Frank walked in late smelling of cigarettes because he smoked in between periods in the boys’ bathroom. Mr. Ziegler informed him that he was late and handed him the class syllabus for the rest of the year, highlighting the paragraph on lateness. Frank just shrugged and took the seat next to me after stopping and giving me a slight nod in greeting.

My cheeks started to burn because Frank looked hot in his tight ripped jeans and zip up Misfits hoodie littered with a mass array pins. I had never seen this guy before in my life, but he was in the same grade as me and he was hot as hell.

The people behind us took note of my blushing and decided to poke fun at me by coughing and saying at the same time, “Toro’s a fag.”

Toro is a fag, was correct. I knew the moment I laid eyes on He-man that I was not straight, but telling my very catholic mother that was something unheard of, so I kept it to myself only telling a few close friends. Only with in hours of telling a few close friends the whole school knew. I got made fun of a lot, but Bob mostly took care of that.

I took it, like I always did. Frank, however, did not.

He wheeled around in his chair and looked straight at them, “What did you say?”

“You heard me Iero,” the main one said. “Toro’s a fag; you two would make a great couple.”

By this time, I had turned a deep shade of purple, trying my best to hide in my ginger colored hair, which worked sometimes because it was so curly. This time was not one of them.

“Look he’s blushing!”

Frank then looked at me as I sunk deeper down into my seat, trying to go commando, then looked back at the hecklers.

The whole class burst into hysterics and Mr. Z tried his hardest to get them to settle down, but it was a no go. He finally left the room to go get back up.

The main one asked, “Aw, what are you going to do about it, fag?”

Frank smiled, “This.”

With a quick sweep, Frank grabbed the back of the guys head with his finger-painted hand, and smashed his lips into his.

I sat there watching with my mouth agape. He just did not do that.

Frank let go, pushing him backwards as the guy wiped his mouth in disgust.

Yep, he did.

Frank smiled and turned to me with a very proud look on his face.

“Let’s get out of here,” He said.

I just nodded as we got up and fled down the hallway, down two flights of steps to the basement, where the library was.

We hid ourselves in the back with the fantasy books so the librarian would not see us back there and bust us.

Once we caught our breath, Frank asked, “Are you okay?”

“I think so,” I responded, still breathing a little heavy.

“I’m Frank,” He said, extending his hand for me to shake.

“Ray,” I responded, taking his hand and holding it a bit longer then expected.

We both fell silent for a little while until I broke the ice.

“I’ve never seen you around here, are you new?”

“I moved here last year,” He answered. “Hence why the dip shits know me. I use to go to a catholic school, but I got kicked out.”

Frank changed the subject.

He asked, “So is it true?”

“Is what true?”

Frank broke the question down, “Are you gay?”

I nodded, “Yeah, you?”

I held my breath, the moment of truth.

“Yep,” He pointed to a pin that said thank you for being gay today.

The bell rang.

“Well, I better be going to music now,” I said getting up.

“Alright, it was cool hanging out with you,” Frank said. “We have to do it again soon.”

I nodded.

He asked, “What are you doing this weekend?”

Was he hitting on me? I could hardly speak.

“No…no… nothing,” I stuttered.

“Cool, they are having a horror fest down at the old movie theater and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me?”

I had to ask, “Like a date?”

A smile spread across Franks face, “Yeah, it can be a date. We can meet at the food court in the mall and catch a bite to eat before.”

“Alright,” I agreed.

“Cool, so I’ll see you Saturday at six then?”

I nodded.

“Great,” Frank said as we parted ways. “See you then!”

My stomach lurched, my first date!