Somebody To Love

Rock Show

Dish duty. He stuck me with dish duty with mom. He knew I was going to hear Frank's band, Pencey Prep, play tonight and he just wanted to kill it for me by sticking me with mom to dry the dishes. I knew the consequences if I didn't agree, so I grinned and bared it like it didn't matter.

"I thought it was Louie's night to dry the dishes," She said, handing me a wet plate.

"He has a term paper to do," I lied; Louie was upstairs playing video games, trying to beat my top score on Sonic the Hedge Hog.

"I thought you were meeting Frank tonight and going to some concert?"

"I can be a little late," I said, putting the dish away. "He doesn't mind. I'm hearing his band play."

Well, he would mind, but being late is better then being ousted.

"Frank seems like a nice boy," She said, diligently scrubbing a salsa stain. "Better then those other friends you hang out with. What are their names again? Gerald and Mickey?"

"Gerard and Mikey," I corrected.

Out of all my friends, my mom liked Bob the most. She mostly liked him because he was quiet, called her ma'am, and never came around. I always went to him. Gerard and Mikey, on the other hand, were a different story. They used to almost live here before they were asked to leave and never return. Mikey always found some way to break something valuable with his clumsiness and Gerard always got some kind of art supply stain on something old and irreplaceable.

She shrugged, "Well Frank sounds nice."

I tried not to blush, "He is."

"You should invite him over to dinner sometime."

I tried not to drop the dish I was drying, "I'll think about it."

"Consider it," She said, "he seems like a very nice young man. I want to get to know him better."

Never has my mother ever asked any of my friends over to dinner. It was always, 'When are they leaving?' if any of them ever came over.

"Yeah, I'll ask him," I said, filing that request under the 'never going to happen in a million years' part of my brain.

"Ask him tonight," She said, "if he can come tomorrow."

I nodded, no longer listening. Asking Frank over is just another excuse for my family to find something wrong with him and to be told that he is never to step foot in this house again let alone hang out with me.

I finished my last dish and left, banishing any thoughts of inviting Frank over for dinner. It just wasn't happening.

I was lucky enough to have Eddie get me there right when Pencey Prep was starting, so I didn't have to mill around the back. I managed to get pretty close to the stage. Frank spotted me and gave me a little wink before starting their first song.

I was blown away. I wasn't really into that kind of music scene being raised off Iron Maiden, yet the amount of energy Frank was giving off was incredible. He often played so hard he fell over and sang and screamed with so much force his voice cracked. It almost made me want to be up there with him with my guitar, playing alongside him.

With a loud "Fuck you, Jersey!" Frank and the rest of the band left the stage and I made my way to the backstage entrance to wait for Frank.

"Frank Iero, you're my hero," I said in Cameron from Ferris Bueller's Day Off fashion, swinging my arm around his neck as we walked out of the small sports bar.

He shrugged, responding, "It's a shame you missed the opening act, we could have had something to make fun of."

"Louie dumped dish duty on me. They sucked pretty bad?"

Frank packed his guitar into the trunk of the car and nodded unlocking it. "The kids tore them apart."

"Ouch," I said, getting in after Frank. "Good thing I missed them."

"Yeah, but that doesn't excuse you from punishment," Frank said, calling me over to him with his finger. "You were late."

I felt my cheeks catch fire as I awaited my first punishment, which just turned out just to be a hot make out session in the backseat of the car.

Frank's lips crashed against mine, pressing me up against the door. He was hard and firm at first, but then broke down and I soon felt his tongue graze my lower lip, asking for permission and this time I let him in. It felt weird, yet the more he did it, the more confidence I built up and pretty soon the act was mutual. Tongues intertwined, knees knocking, and blood racing, but before anything got anymore serious, Hambone was banging on the window, yelling at us to stop having sex, before quickly running away.

Frank laughed nervously, pulling himself off me and ran his hand though his hair while the other grabbed a hold of mine, "Well that was fun."

I nodded.

On the ride home, all was quiet as we processed what just happened. Occasionally one of us would comment about the song playing on the radio and turned it up and sang along when a classic Queen song came on.

Frank walked me to my door, about to kiss me goodnight before the door opened and my mother came outside.

Frank was startled and quickly pulled back, "Oh, hi Mrs. Toro."

She beamed, "Hi Frank, I see you bought Ray home."

She had this look on her face that made me uneasy and I knew what was about to happen. Next thing I knew, Frank was nodding about coming over to dinner tomorrow night, and I was almost ready to barf.