Why Is Love So Complicated?

2 weeks later

My mom had dropped me off early so I could find my locker. “Let’s see… locker 1328,” I mumbled as I looked for my number.

I finally found it. It was right beside some classroom. I started unloading some stuff from my backpack into my locker – the usual notebooks, binders, food – when I heard a voice behind me say, “You know, those kind of backpacks really aren’t good for your back.” I jumped.

It was that girl I saw in line. She was cute…. Black spiked hair, ears pierced all the way up, lip ring, wearing a choker, with ice blue eyes… I got lost in her eyes for a second, before I jerked back to reality. “Huh?” I said.

She laughed. “Those shoulder backpacks, they just cause back problems,” she said as she opened the locker next to mine. “Hi, I’m Shelly. But just call me Killer,” she said, making a face at her name. “You must be new,” she said, looking me up and down. “Yep, must be new,” she repeated, raising her eyebrows.

I was shocked. I finally recovered, saying “Uh, yeah, I just came from Nebraska. Me and my mom wanted a smallish town, and she grew up a couple of towns away from here. I’ve never been here before…”I finished lamely.

She laughed again. “Well, nice to meet you. If you need any help, just ask,” she winked, and sauntered off. What am I doing? I thought, as I started towards my first class, Geometry. I didn’t want to have math in the morning, but… oh well.

I had only started recently liking girls. I have actually had 3 boyfriends, all of them shallow little asses. I didn’t really look at girls, until I noticed one of my friends at school, and thought ... she’s cute… I still wasn’t used to it. I didn’t even know why I liked them. I haven’t told anybody about it.

I found my class, in the next hall over. I sat in the back, seeing as I didn’t know anybody. Everybody seemed to be reunited from their break over the summer. I just sat and tried to look invisible. Seemed to work.

“Okay, class, please sit,” said a brisk female teacher that just walked in. “My name is Ms. Freeman, but because I am very casual, I will allow you to call me Penny,” she smiled. I could already tell I liked her. “Now, normally, school policy says you cannot bring drinks into class, but since this is your first period, I will allow coffee.” Yep. I’d definitely like her.

The other kids seemed very pleased by this too. “I heard she was cool,” I heard a kid whisper beside me, talking to guy in front of him.

“Now that we have that settled, I will be telling you what we are doing this semester…” after that, it was just rules and procedures. I half-way listened, but I had Shelly on the mind. I wondered why she didn’t like her name, I thought it was cute… but whatever.

Class seemed to go by pretty fast. Before I knew it, the bell had rung, and I was off to find my second period. This one was a little harder to find. I came in right as the bell was ringing. “You’re late,” glared the teacher, as I took the only seat open, which was at the front.

“Sorry… I’m new, I didn’t know where it was…” I said in a small voice.

“A likely story,” he started off, but then he was interrupted.

“She is new, sir. She wasn’t here last year, I would’ve recognized her,” said a cute guy from the back of the class. Oh great… I thought. They already noticed that I was a new girl. I hated guys. He was giving me a retarded smile, which was cute, but I could already tell all he was interested in was sex.

“Oh. Well, okay. Make sure you’re not late again,” he said. “My name is Mr. Druin. I am your English teacher for this year…” and off on another speech about rules and what we are doing. I was kind of amazed the pre-AP teachers were doing this, and not trying to give us homework. Usually they were assigning it like there was no tomorrow. Well, oh well, at least I was lucky so far. I half-way scribbled notes into a notebook while he was talking. It was amazing I have such good grades, I barely ever pay attention.

Once again, the class was over, and I set off to find my 3rd period – German. This is what I was looking forward to; I didn’t get to take a 2nd language last year, and German was in my roots. I stepped into the classroom – and saw Shelly sitting there. Oh Crap… I thought. Should I sit by her, or sit far away? Well, I didn’t have to make up my mind, because a group of people surrounded her. I went to go set across the room. The teacher walked in, “welcome to German I, I am your teacher, Mr. Wantze. I ‘m pretty sure your first two morning teachers have already explained the rules….” There was a snicker through the class, “So I’m just going to go ahead and talk amongst yourselves.” He sat down at his desk and go on his computer. I was stunned. In my honors classes, they never gave you a free day. Who was I going to talk to?

I felt a poke in my back. I jumped, almost squeaked, and turned around. “Hi,” Said a smiling boy.

another one…,” I said, hoping I sounded cheerful.

“You’re new, aren’t you? My name’s Aaron. You looked lonely,” he offered me his hand. I was surprised. Maybe I should be nicer and actually try to make friends…

“Hi. My name’s Katrina,” I said, taking his hand.

“Nice to meet you. So I saw you talking to Killer in the hall,” he said casually.

“Uh… yeah. I guess her locker is right by mine,” I said. Why was he bringing up her?

“She’s pretty cool. She can be a good friend,” he said. “But quite the odd character.”

“What do you mean?” I asked?

“She’s lesbian. Such a waste of cuteness, but oh well,” he said.

Ah. So she was gay. Greeeeat. “How do you know her?”

He laughed. “It’s a small town. It’s amazing, but actually we don’t all know each other. Me and her used to be best friends. We still talk, but not as often,” he said. “Anyway – where are you from?” he asked. It was obvious that the conversation of Shelly was over.

“I came from Nebraska. Me and my mom are starting out again,” I said. “We’re renting a house at the edge of town.”

“Oh I see. Well, I hope you like it here.” He looked me up and down. “Uh… are you prep? Because you dress like one…” he said, rather distastefully.

I blushed. He was right. I didn’t like my outfit, but it was the only thing I was used to wearing. I was wearing a white silky blouse, and tight jeans. I looked around, and notice almost everybody in the class room was either wearing black, chains, or baggy clothes. “Not really. It’s just what I’m used to wearing,” I said.

“Oh,” he said, with relief. “What do you have next period, anyway?”

“Uh…” what DID I have next? I dug out my schedule. “Um… Chemistry,” I said after a pause.

“WHAT?” he grabbed my schedule. “Wow... you’re taking pre-AP classes? You must be smart… why are you taking German?” he asked. He looked completely puzzled.

“Oh… it’s my ancestry, German,” I said. Well, that explained how everybody looked.

“Is that why your hair is blonde? I though Germans where supposed to have blue eyes, not green…”

“Yeah, I got my eyes from my dad.” This class might not be so bad, I thought.

We talked for a little while longer until the bell rang. “Hey,” he said, as I started to walk off.


“You want to come eat lunch with us?” he asked.

“Sure!!” I said happily. Wow, I had already made new friends.

“Okay. Just meet us at the front of the building.” He walked out.

Lunch should be fun… I thought as I wondered off to Chemistry.