Status: Complete

By the Light of the Moon I Will Always Love You

Chapter Two


Alice lay back against Jasper loving how her head fit perfectly into the crook of his arm. He brought his hand down so their fingers could lace together in an unbreakable connection. She caressed his scarred hand lovingly, and he smiled down at her, feeling her strong love and happiness radiating towards him.

He frowned as her gaze on his face turned blank and her eyes became unseeing. She was having a vision. He sat up and waited patiently as she Saw and then blinked, dazed to be back in the room once again. He gripped her tiny hand in his and gave it a small squeeze. She looked up at him and smiled to show there was no danger.

“Its okay,” she said, “It’s only Carlisle. He’s coming back from a hunt and has something important to tell us.”

Jasper nodded reassured and sent his thoughts to Edward in the next room, who heard them clearly. It wasn’t long till all the family were gathered outside waiting for Carlisle’s return. They soon saw his familiar figure flitting between the trees but there was an unusual flash of white behind him. Carlisle emerged from the trees, closely followed by another.

“She wasn’t in my vision,” Alice murmured quietly to Jasper as he started open mouth at the strange and beautiful figure coming towards them.

“Woah!” Emmett gasped but then grunted as Rosalie swiftly elbowed him the stomach. Carlisle chuckled at his family’s astonished faces.

“That was my reaction only moments ago.”

The silver eyed vampire stepped forward beside Carlisle and surveyed the family with an expressionless face. She stopped as her eyes fell on Edward and growled in warning, showing slightly pointier teeth than their own

“Don’t attempt to read my mind Edward,” she snarled, “I defended myself against those invasive mind tricks long ago!” Edward stepped back in alarm but Bella stepped forward immediately raising her shield around her precious family. The newcomer turned to her, “Put down your shield. I mean no harm. I just object to my thoughts being read and my mind intruded upon.”

She looked at them all again and this time smiled and spoke in her clear, musical voice

“I am Ariel.”

Carlisle spoke before the others,”Apparently she’s been living in our woods for a long time.”

He turned to Ariel “Maybe you would like to come inside and tell us your story.”

Ariel followed Carlisle as he led the way into the beautiful family home. They watched amused as Ariel gazed in wonder at her surroundings. She was obviously unused to the modern world. She sat between Carlisle and Esme in the front room and they all stared expectantly at her. Bella spoke first

“I hope you don’t think this is rude,” she felt cautious around this vampire. She seemed wise in herself and unpredictable,”But what exactly are you?”

“Yes,” Edward continued, “Your eyes, I’ve never seen anything like them.”

Ariel smiled.

“I am not a normal vampire. I am nothing like you. I do not own red or gold eyes. I do not have to drink blood to survive.”

“How do you survive then?”

“We just do. We can drink but our venom doesn’t cause change unless we will it to. Our bite gives the victim pleasure rather then pain. We bite in love not hunger. As far as my knowledge reaches, I am the only of my kind left. The Volturi have killed the others. I am the only one left. They do not know I still exist.”

“Yes,” Rosalie challenged coolly, “But what are you? You are not a vampire.”

Ariel returned Rosalie’s stony gaze and Rosalie felt herself shrink into Emmett’s muscular side. She felt threatened by this newcomer and Ariel was aware of it. Rosalie was used to being the pretty one but Ariel’s beauty far exceeded her own and she did not like it. At all. But Ariel was clearly alone; unlike herself she did not have a mate. She did not have someone like Emmett and at this Rosalie could smile smugly about.

“I am a vampire,” Ariel continued, interrupting Rosalie’s thoughts, “But unlike you, who are known as the creatures of the night. I am the opposite…you are the creatures of the shadows; we are the creatures of the light. You are demons, we are angels. And that is what I am. A vampire angel. But we are vampires….with a twist."

Ariel smiled to herself and Carlisle continued his questions.
“And you are the only one? Did you never have a mate or a friend? Even a family like our own?"

“When the Volturi formed, they did not like us. They felt we threatened their power though we never intended to take it. There were so few of us but the Volturi started to kill us off, one by one. We were on the run all the time. But they always found us. It was horrible, we are not fighters.”

They looked at her with wide eyes, as she took a breath and continued in a shaky voice,

“I had a mate and I loved him very much. His name was William. We were running together. But he managed to slip away from me…he faced the Volturi alone. They killed him mercilessly. He told them he was the last of their kind and they believed him. He sacrificed himself so that I could live. And I’ve been on my own ever since…”

Ariel stopped talking and broke down in heart breaking sobs. Unlike them, she could cry. Bella immediately rose to comfort her and for once Rosalie felt pity for someone other than herself. She didn’t know how she could go on without Emmett.

Ariel soon controlled herself and smiled through the tears that still dripped from her silver eyes. Her sorrow increased her magical beauty.

“I shall not trespass any longer. Thank you for your hospitality, even if it was unknown,”she smiled and Emmett chuckled softly.

She rose to go but was stopped by Carlisle’s’ firm hand on her arm,

“Child,” he spoke softly, “I have never met anyone like you in my long life. You are so strong but alone. I do know that everyone needs a family and I think I speak for everyone when I say I’d be honoured if you joined ours.”

Ariel looked at Carlisle with wide eyes that held slivers of innocence and hope in them. She looked at the others who were all grinning even Rosalie gave a tentative smile after a slight squeeze from Emmett.

And so the angel joined the demons.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter may ease the confusion the first one brought...

I'm sorry the summary wasn't great I just wanted to keep Ariels identity a surprise..
But there is more surprises
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