Status: Complete

By the Light of the Moon I Will Always Love You

Chapter Twenty-Four


Ariel’s voice could be heard amongst the leaves of the trees, her laugh echoed between the branches and shone down upon Jacob like streams of sunlight lighting up his world. From where he walked through the forest, he looked up where his Ariel was flying.

She soared from tree to tree, Peter close behind her. They climbed and flew with an effortless balance, with a type of grace and style Jacob could never possess. The way they flickered in and out of the leaves, their pearly skin and silver eyes catching stray pieces of light, they truly looked like angels.

A strange feeling came over Jacob, a type of emptiness. He had thought everything had been going so well, he had truly believed that finally he and Ariel had come together forever. But now, as he watched Ariel laughing and playing with Peter, he had different thoughts. She might want to stay with the only other person of her kind, she may start a new family with Peter. Perhaps she would not want Jacob anymore now she had silver eyed companion.

Jasper who was trailing along, Alice’s hand in his moved like a breath of wind into step with Jacob. With an almost brotherly gesture he placed a hand onto Jacob’s broad muscled shoulder. Jacob fought the urge to throw him off, he would always have to fight his natural instincts around the creatures of night, as they would have to too.
Jasper looked at Jacob, reading his feelings as they passed through him. “Jacob, you shouldn’t worry,” Jasper’s voice was soft so it did not carry up to his sister in the treetops.

Jacob sighed, not helping the downtrodden mood overcome him, “Maybe she’ll be better off with him, perhaps I won’t be anything anymore.”

Jasper smiled, “Jacob, listen to me. Peter was always special to Ariel, and perhaps those feelings came from fate. Fate that he should be an angel with her. But those feelings don’t touch the surface of what she feels for you. Believe me, I can feel them everytime you walk into a room. She loves you more than she has ever loved anyone. She never thought she’d have the chance to love again, not after William. But she found you. She’s not going anywhere, so relax.”

Jacob listened thoughtfully to Jasper’s words and then smiled broadly, echoes of his old smile reappearing across his tanned face.

“Thanks Jasper, you know for a blood-sucker you’re not too bad.”

Jasper chuckled, “Thanks…I think.”

Jacob clapped his shoulder and then with a bound, scaled the tree in front of him, joining Ariel and Peter.

Ariel turned to him, reaching out to catch his hand in hers, a warm and loving smile on her face. Jacob had never seen her quite so happy. Her family was complete at last. She had her Jacob and now she also had Peter for eternity. Fate, finally, was on her side.

“Isn’t it wonderful Jacob?” Ariel put her head on Jacob’s shoulder where they stood on a strong bough together, looking out towards the sky of limitless freedom.

Jacob smiled, turning Ariel’s head to face him, “Wonderful” and he caught her lips on his. She smiled into the kiss, and licked his lips with her tongue causing him to moan slightly and run his hand down the curve of her back, pressing her closer to him. It seemed to long that they had been together.

“Ahem. Save it for the bedroom…please.”

Jacob pulled apart reluctantly from Ariel to look at Peter, a sheepish grin on his face, “Sorry Peter.”

Peter laughed, his new silver eyes becoming on him. It felt as if he had always been a vampire, “No sweat.”
They continued and Jacob surveyed Peter as he dropped to the ground to talk to Alice and Jasper, walking as if he were on air. He didn’t seem to be shocked at his new movements or grace the way Bella had been.

Ariel, reading the look on Jacobs thoughtful face, smiled and spoke “It comes to us naturally. We don’t need to adjust our minds to out new bodies. It feels from the moment we open our eyes as if we had always been like that.”

Jacob nodded, and chuckled. Vampires never ceased to amaze him, “Weird.”

Ariel laughed, jumping on Jacob’s back and wrapping her arms and legs around him. With an ease, Jacob jumped from one tree to another, Ariel laughing with him and kissing his neck occasionally. When they finally dropped to the ground to the chosen crash site of Peter’s accident, Ariel jumped off his back and ran to Peter, squeezing his hand in a friendly voice.

Peter didn’t seem jealous of Jacob’s relationship with Ariel, as he would have been before. He obviously harboured feelings for Ariel. Once they had been love, but now as Peter looked upon Ariel affectionately but with not adoring eyes, Jacob wondered had those feelings changed or were they just hidden now. He made a mental note to interrogate Jasper.

Jacob winced as he turned to look upon the smashed up BMW Peter had once driven. Edward and Carlisle had removed it from the real crash site, choosing an even more remote road alongside the forest and cliff top. After talking to Ariel and Carlisle, Peter had decided to feign his own death. The risk of discovery would be too great and now Rosalie and Emmett were travelling, there was room in the house without sparking off more werewolves in La Push. Peter lived with his mother and step-father, and knew without his blood lust, he could visit them secretly to check up on them. Ariel squeezed his hand knowing what he was doing was hard. But he had a new family now, one he could spend forever with.

Carlisle patted Ariel on the shoulder, and called the emergency services. Ariel turned to Peter, “You sure this is what you want?”

Peter nodded, his face in a grim expression. Ariel sighed and nodded too, “Okay.”

Within seconds, Ariel had swiped her hand across her face, her vampire sharp nails biting into her own skin to raise ugly gashes. Though they would head in a matter of minutes, the blood remained on Ariel’s face and Alice had already created bruises on Ariel’s body with her make-up skills.

Jacob gasped when he saw what Ariel was doing, but Ariel shushed him, “I was supposed to be travelling with him, they’ll find me a few metres below, miraculously saved by a cliff ledge.” She grinned wickedly, and as Edward and Carlisle placed the car, hanging precariously over the cliff top, Ariel jumped down, landing on a small overhanging ledge. She lay down, splaying her legs as if one was broken. She closed her eyes, one hand hanging over the ledge to swing in the wind. As Jacob peered down at her, his heart beat erratically, though he knew she was alive, she looked dead.

As sirens were heard in the distance, Peter, Jasper and Alice hid in the trees. Carlisle perfected his frantic face, as he awaited the paramedics who would help down to his ‘niece’. Edward sat with his head in his hands, and Jacob rewarded marks for good acting. Jacob stalked towards the trees, he was to arrive after the ambulance and fire fighters, crazy with worry for his girlfriend.

Peter’s ‘body’ would never be found, lost between the waves below.
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This one was bit of a filler, so I can tell you in the nect chapter we will find out Peter's vampire gift and a new romance will begin :)
And someone reported this story >:( So I've gone through every single chapter and rectified all the mistakes. I hate being reported.
You guys excited for Jasper?I am!