Status: Slow, waiting for Caitlin to do her chapter. <3

Waking Up in Vegas

Cailyn's P.O.V (Ch. 2)

Brian, Jimmy, and I were all head banging to Sanitarium (Welcome Home) by Metallica on the way to the airport. Jimmy decided to take the back while Bri and I sat in the front. I had to kick Jimmy in the back. Matt, Zack, Johnny, and Callie were behind us in Matt’s car. I kept looking out the window and waving to Callie like a dork.

“If you get hit by something from leaning out of the car like a dog, I’m seriously going to laugh.” Bri laughed as I went to flip Zack off when he flipped me off.

“That’s not nice, babe.” I pouted and he squeezed my hand.

“You’d survive.”

“What if I got his by another car? I doubt I’d survive. Blunt force trauma hunn!”

“You need to lay off the CSI and NCIS shows, Cailyn.” Jimmers, my wonderful dork of a brother, called from the back.

“Shut up! You’re the one that made me watch it in the first place!” I leaned back and hit his knee.

We arrived at the airport and when I went to grab my bags from the back, Callie was yelling at Zacky about a suit or something.

“ ‘Lyn, did you bring Zack’s suit? He’s obsessed with bringing it with him.” She laughed as she got out of the car.

Shit. Did Brian pack it? “Yeah! It’s right….” I went into my bag and grabbed the suit that was in it. “Here!”

“Thank you!” Zack cheered as he grabbed it and put it in his suitcase.

“Why did you need a suit?” Johnny asked.

“Why does it matter to you?”

“What is the reason anyway?” Jimmy taunted and I giggled when he poked Zack in the stomach.

“It’s a special suit.” He stated and left it at that.

Brian grabbed my bag and his out of the trunk and tossed Jimmy’s to him. I went to grab mine but Brian flung it over his shoulder. He smirked and started walking away to the airport. Callie laughed as I glared at him all the way into the building.

For once in a longtime, we didn’t have trouble getting through the metal detectors and security and everything without being noticed. We got on the plane and Callie and I ordered something to drink.

“Okay, I gotta know.” I announced and everyone looked at me as I sat on Brian’s lap. “What was so special about that fucking suit?”

“You’ll all find out later! Fuck! Maybe I just wanted the suit!” Zacky yelled.

“Well Cal told me about how you were bitching about the suit!”

“It’s nothing you guys have to worry about.”

“Who wants to watch a movie!?” Jimmy yelled to distract us. I looked at him and he smiled back.

“What are you watching?” Johnny asked as Jimmy got out his carry-on bag.

“Some movie that Cailyn bought the other day.” My head shot up and I ran over to Jimmy’s bag.

“You brought Valkyre!?!” I screamed and grabbed his bag from him.

“What’s Valkyre?” Matt asked as everyone laughed as I plopped on the ground and dug my way through his bag.

“It’s a secret society that plans to kill Hitler back in the times of the Holocaust.” Callie explained as she sat down on Zack’s lap and began drinking.

“Its my favorite movie!” I called, while everyone started laughing as I had both of my arms in the bag. “Where is it?!”

“I think you’re looking for this.” Brian laughed as Jimmy tossed him the case. My head shot up and looked at them.


“I love you.” Brian pouted and grabbed my sides and pulled me over to him, my butt grazing the floor.

“Don’t do that! My pants will slide right off my ass!” I laughed as I pulled up my jeans.

“I wouldn’t mind that.” He muttered and kissed the top of my head. I lightly hit the bottom of his leg, seeing as how I was sitting Indian style between his legs.

“Ugh. Little sister, dude!” Jimmy groaned, causing me to look up at Brian and pulled him down to kiss him.

“I know how you feel.” Matt mumbled as he side glanced at Callie and Zack who were walking towards the bathroom. “Come on!”

“Can’t you guy wait until we land?” Johnny called as he inserted the movie into the DVD player.

“No!” was all we heard.

“Was that an answer or a sexual thing?” He yelled back and earned a glare from Matt and I started laughing as I grabbed the remote from Johnny and pressed the play button.

“I don’t think we even wanna know JC.” I laughed as I got up and rested my legs on Brian’s lap and leaned against the arm of the chair.

(Twenty minutes later)

Callie and Zack finally came out and Jimmy was sitting Indian style now in front of the screen as we soared to Nevada.

“About time.” I chuckled, not taking my eyes off the screen.

“Shuddup, Cailyn!” She nudged me with her hip and she sat back down with Zack.

“So about my question.” Johnny brought up and we all looked at him and Callie and I were the first to throw random objects at him. Zack threw something and smacked him in the back of the head.
♠ ♠ ♠
so this part was done by Time.For.Bullets
this story is also on her page and we'll be updating back and forth so you can also go to her for every other update. thank-you. ^_^