Boys Don't Cry.

Chapter 1

Brian rushed around his room, frantically stuffing various items into an old school bag, clothes, make-up, money, cigarettes, guitar picks and anything else of value he could find. He knew that he had to get away from here, to where he was not completely sure but to somewhere he belonged.
He froze suddenly as he heard the heavy footsteps of his father on the stairs, he quickly kicked the bag underneath his bed, just in time before his father entered the room.
He approached Brian, his superior height and stench of breath should really have scared him but not anymore, he had learned to become used to it. Brian could see that his father had drunk a lot, a lot more than usual and braced himself for what was to come.

“You disgust me”, was the first thing he said, surprisingly calm but Brian could hear the anger in his voice.

“Look what you have become,” He picked up a stick of lipstick from the bedside locker, lifting it up to direct eye level with Brian, “ My own son, a fucking queer, how dare you become such a disgrace, how dare you do this to me”.

Brian was unsure how to react, if he stayed silent, his fathers rage would jut build up until he could no longer hold it in, if he spoke, he would get most of it now.
Brian decided on the latter, after all, he wasn’t going to be here much longer.

“I haven’t done anything to disgrace you!”, The confidence in Brian’s voice shocked both him and his father.

Brian was on the floor before he knew what had happened, the raw stinging sensation on his left cheek soon informed him. He raised his arms over to protect his face, while waiting for more blows and insults to come.

“You insolent, filthy piece of scum! I didn’t raise you to be like this, a bloody Nancy boy!” Something about what his father said had intrigued him, “Nancy Boy” it stuck in his head but his attention was quickly turned, “It must have been your mother, always to soft on you, letting you listen to those bands, buying that bloody guitar, the bitch even let you wear her own make-up!”

“Don’t call her a bitch!”, Brian retorted, although he soon regretted it.

“DON’T…YOU…DARE…TALK…BACK…TO…ME!” His father shouted, after each word Brian received a brutal kick in the ribs, causing him to cry out in pain.

He felt his father pulling him upward, so that he was staring directly in his eyes, the stench of alcohol made Brian want to gag.

“Listen to me boy, I want all this shit gone, all of it, or else your in for it, understand,” His grip on Brian’s shoulders tightened, Brian nodded twice, his gaze directly at the ground underneath him.

His father threw him onto the bed before leaving, slamming the door behind him.
Brian hugged his knees up to his aching chest, he could hear his mother crying in the bedroom next door, he hoped his father would leave her alone for tonight.
He remembered what he was doing before his father had entered and grinned, his father was going to get what he wanted, all of this shit was going to be gone, gone for a long time.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah,not a vey nice first chapter, the next one s a little nicer, I promise!
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