Do You Dare Me Jasper Hale?

Chapter 5.

It was like Grace was on a merry-go-round that wouldn’t stop, each time it sped round faster until the world around her became nothing but a colourful blur.

“Remember darling, it will always be me and you” her mother whispered in her ear, as Grace slowly faded to sleep.

As Grace struggled to stand and walk around, the chatter and laughs around her became screams and shouts. Her body feeling too hot, like a fever, but then feeling too cold as she had been swimming around in ice, yet she couldn’t resist more.

“Baby come over here, you’re too far” A male voice shouted over the noise.

Was it the feeling of freedom or complete bliss, or maybe just the sheer happiness that soared through Grace’s body that she loved the most? As her eyes took in the blurred atmosphere, her hands grasped the nearest object, desperate for something to keep her body upright.

A gloved hand grabbed her arm roughly, Grace didn’t protest, her mind was still buzzing, her heart racing, for now, she didn’t care. As the coldness of the outside air hit her face, Grace sighed enjoying the coldness against her heated skin.

“Why’d you do it Grace?” The voice asked.

Her back was pushed roughly up against a brick wall, she could feel it scratching against her skin, as she breathed in deeply, a smile appeared on her face.

“Jasper. You’re never far away are you these days” Grace laughed, tilting her head back.

Japer grasped her shoulders, shaking her, his honey eyes becoming dark. “What is wrong with you Grace?” Jasper shouted, unable to keep from controlling his temper.

“You tell me, you feel it all” Grace whispered, leaning in to him.

“I’m so proud of you Grace, my little girl” Her mother smiled brightly, as she held the little girl in her arms, swinging her around.

Soon Grace sunk down to the concrete, kicking her heels off, and curling her legs up towards her, unaware of the short sparkly red number she was wearing.

“I just...I just can’t think right now Jasper ok?” Grace muttered, as her head slowly started to pound.

Jasper stayed quiet, his face a mask of stone, his eyes carefully composed. He continued to watch her, watching how helpless and completely useless she looked. How messed up her hair was, and how her makeup was smudged and smeared on her face, her forest green eyes now too big and sensitive to light, her lips chapped and swollen.

Grace took one more deep breath in and tried to stand, her legs unreasonably shaky. She shoved hard at Jasper when he tried to help, and without meeting his harsh gaze she moved carefully back to the house.

“Where are you going? Back to them? Oh I forgot you’re a druggie now right? Needing a fix all the time?” Jasper shouted after her.

Grace never looked back as she continued her shaky path back to the house; instead she gave him the finger. I’m fine on my own, Grace thought.

It took all of Jasper’s will not to go over there, grab her, and run off somewhere. Then later on shout at her for being so stupid but feel relief that she was safe.

But nothing was ever done so easily.

“Ah baby we were getting worried weren’t we?”

“Just fix me up” Was all Grace said as she fell in to a heap at their sides.

Soon Grace was back in the unreal land that she called home, her body feeling so high and soaring that she almost felt she might explode. Her speech slurred but the people around her understood her and laughed with her. She could feel sweaty hands on her legs, arms, and torso, but she couldn’t concentrate on much. Grace just closed her eyes, feeling her heart almost beat in time with the fast music that played in the background.

But as the world faded in to a painful darkness. Grace's body started to feel dizzy, her head started to pound and her body became too hot, almost unbearable. “Get off” Grace moaned, pushing the hands away from her skin, struggling to push her body upright.

Grace managed to get through the sea of people and ear splitting music and in to the bathroom, where the bathroom light hit her eyes like looking in to the sun. But Grace didn’t have time to concentrate on that too much. Her body heaved in to the toilet, as Grace held on to it with weak hands.

Soon Grace collapsed on to the bathroom floor, her cheek pressed against the cold tile floor. Her mouth filled with bile and sick, her dressed ripped and clung to her like second skin, her hair knotted and tangled.

“Such a good girl, always doing her mum proud” Her mother smiled at Grace, her hand linked with hers.

It felt as if her own her world had come crushing down all at once, her body was on fire, and it was as if her head wasn’t connected to her body anymore.

“I wouldn’t even recognise you anymore Grace” Jasper whispered, as he leaned down towards her.

“Is this your magic trick, appearing out of nowhere” Grace muttered, as her eyes stayed closed.

“And is this yours? Because I think yours is the best by far” Jasper replied, his voice cold and hard.

Grace never replied, she tried to feel normal again; she could still here everyone laughing and shouting, the music a crashing noise that never seemed to fade.

“Help me Jasper” Grace whispered. “Just help me”.
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I'm crappy at updating I know, sorry.
I know how annoying it is when people don't update for ages, my fault.
I promise I will be much better at updating.
*crosses fingers*
Thanks for all the comments and subscribers, you guys keep me going.
Stay beautiful.