Status: Updated This Saturday

Did We Get Hitched?!But I'm Already In A Arranged Marriage..

No. Freaking. Way

Peace, Love and Starbust

"So Val, you okay?"Liz asked carefully.
Valerie nodded.
"I'm not mad at you Liz. Well not that much. Okay maybe."She rambled on looking up from the mirror.
Liz gave out a chuckle.
Valerie got up.
"Plus it's all sorted now, we're getting an annullment."She tried to smile.
'What's up?"Liz asked concerned.
Valerie shrugged.
"This isn't like me. Vegas, drinking, marriage. Annullment, court.'
Liz squeezed her hand, and sat her down onto the bed.
"It's gonna be all okay and I'm gonna be here, every step of the way."She offered her a smile before wrapping her long arms around the petite girl.
Valerie smiled and gave out a sigh.
They pulled away.
"And I am going to make sure that you'll never do something like this ever again missy."Liz playfully scolded.
"I'm the reckless one. Stop stealing my job Miss sensible, oh sorry, Mrs Sensible."She playfully nudged her.
Valerie gave out a laugh.

He paced his room. What to do. What to do.

Suddenly he came up with a idea and took out his phone. He pressed a few buttons.
"Hey dude. It's Brian, I need your help.."
Back and forth, back and forth. She stirred the coffee round and round. She gave out a sigh. What was she doing with her life?
She blew some strands of her hair out of her round face.

"Hey."He greeted taking a seat beside her, bringing her out of her thoughts.
"Hey."She greeted back with a small smile.
"So um.. so I rang in. We can go today."He informed her.
She smiled back and gave a sigh.
"No offense and all but that's great."She said enthusiastically.
"I can't help but uhm wonder, are you okay?" He asked with concern.
She blinked back in astonishment, he barely knew her and he cared? Weird.
"Uhm yeah, I'm fine. Thanks." She gave him a smile.

"Come on then. Let's go get a divorce."She pulled him up from the table.
"Never thought I'd ever say that with so much joy."She remarked as he smiled back at her, nervously.

Valerie's Point Of View

"So you see your Honour. This was none of our fault. This was the fault of a common factor, a evil thing, a thing so evil. Alcohol."
Brian explained to the judge.
The judge was a old man with both a mustache and a beard. With a stern expression. Though he seemed kind of dopey.
Well that's my opinion. Something wasn't quite right here. A frown was on my face and I shook my head; I must be being paranoid.

"So you see we were tricked into marriage!" Brian exclaimed. The judge's face didn't budge at all, just wore that same blank expression.
“So let me guess, you guys got a little too drunk last night, and had a little too much fun, and now you’re here for a divorce.” The Judge, Judge French? said at once. He gave us a stern look.
Brian sat down defeated.
"Yes. "We both muttered.
"But this doesn't change a thing...this is all a mistake. A HUGE mistake."I emphasised.
"Gee. Could you be more clear." Brian remarked. I ignored him.

"So just give us a annulment and we'll be out of your way."I pleaded,
"Yeah. I mean it's not like what happens in vegas or a story like that. It's not your typical got hitched in vegas to a complete story, it's different."I carried on rambling, now standing up.
"It isn't like we won the lottery or any form of money. We have nothing to lose, except our pride or dignity or sanity.."I trailed off.
"Don't forget lives."Liz muttered.
All Brian, Aiden and me turned to glare at her.
"Sorry."She raised her hands up and slunk lower in her seat.

"So all you have to do is give us a annullment."Brian offered.
"That's right. A teeny tiny annullment."I chimed in.
The judge cleared his throat before tugging on his tie.
"THAT'S ENOUGH!!"He bellowed. I sat down immediately, a bit shocked at his outburst.
"I am sick and kids..."He looked around nervously.
"You younger generation."He corrected looking down briefly.
"Destroying the meaning, the true essence of marriage."He yelled.
"Your honour-"Brian began.
"NO!You two took vows. Marriage vows that take place between a husband and wife. Now you're bounded for eternity.."
My eyes widened.
"WHAT?!"I yelled, shock overtaking my body.

“You guys are my fifth couple today. Honestly when will you people stop thinking marriage is a thing you can do on a whim.”
“I suppose Vegas brings out bad decisions.” Aiden whispered.
“You know, I don’t like your generation very much." Yeah we know, you just said that. I rolled my eyes.
"With your Vegas, and the internet, and how you want everything done right now. On a whim. Over dosing on Alcohol, thinking it's so easy getting married and just like that divore."He snapped his fingers.
"I-I"he stuttered before swallowing.
I raised a eyebrow. Since when do Judges stutter.

"I’ve been married to the same woman for almost thirty years. And granted there are some days when I would like to kill her, but I don’t because I love her. She's the most annoying, obnoxious, nagging woman but i stay with her, cos that's what marriage is. Staying together even when you don't want to..”

“Whipped.”Aiden coughed causing me to smile, and the judge to glare at him.
“When I said