He Could Be the One

I'm going crazy about him lately

December 16th. The day I spoke to him. you may wonder how since we were on break, but it's a small world after all.

"Addi, I have a friend coming over to talk about business. He works for m. his son is coming too. He is about your age. Entertain him. you can to the basement or give him a tour of the house. Maybe watch a movie?" My dad told me. My dad didn't like me around boys, but sometimes there were exceptions. This was one of them. The doorbell soon rang.

I ran to open the door. "Hi, you must be Addison. I'm Mr. McAdams. I think you know my son, Stryker." The man said. Next to him in the flesh was Stryker.

"Oh yes I do. We have classes together." I said with a smile. "Well do come in."

My dad soon appeared taking Mr. McAdams with him. "Hi, Stryker." I said trying to be friendly.

"You don't have to be nice to me. I know your type. The girl who wants nothing to do with me because I'm different." He said.

"No, I'm not like that. I can't judge someone I barely know." I defended myself. Who was he to stereotype me. Yes, I hang out with people like that, but I'm not that way.

"Right, you can't. I guess I was wrong about you. I thought you would be shallow." Stryker told me.

"No far from it." So what do you want to do?" I asked him.

"Can I see your room?"

"Sure." We walked up the stairs to find a room covered with Paramore, Fall Out Boy, and alot of other posters.

"Nice, not what I was expecting." He said. "I thought it would be girly."

I laughed. "I'm not girly at all. I'm really into rock." He sat down on my bed and sat down beside him.

"So I was wondering why do people not like you?" I asked him.

"Personality wise, I'm not like everyone else and I think that scares them. So people can't accept that."

"Well I accept it. I think you're pretty cool." I told him. "I wish I didn't care about what people think of me."

"Thanks." He simply said.

"Anytime." I said kissing his cheek. He blushed. "Stryker, I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship." Question is what would happen when we went back to school.
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