Status: Updating soon, Half a chapter written so far. Will update as soon as possible.

A Shadow Of Blood By:M.S.P.

A Shadow of Blood Ch.12 Pt. 1&2

A Shadow of Blood Chapter 12 by: M.S.P.

Part 1
I wake up to the sound of Frankie purring, it’s 9:30, we both slept in for half an hour longer. I decide to get my stationary and write Sweeny a letter.

Dear Sweeny,
Oh how I missed you yesterday. It really was sad that I couldn’t make it but I had several things to do and woke up rather early as well. Detective Stewart told me your brother isn’t at your Grandmother Ester’s house at this present time, he’s flew the coop, so to speak. He got private investigators watching his every move and they found where he’s been. Were all hoping that they track him down soon, please keep that in your prayers. We really want Cedric in prison so a splendid man such as you gets out.
I also want you to know that the short time we spend together almost daily I don’t take for granted, I enjoy every waking minute with you Sweeny; and I believe I always will. You’re the kindest man I’ve ever met and I hope someday soon we can go out on a date together.
All my love, Elizabeth Smith
I change into my pink and black plaid bondage pants and a black tank top, put on black eyeliner and black mascara; I decided to dress rather different today. I feed Frankie and make myself some breakfast as well.
10:30 am
I read the rest of Hebrews in my Bible and read the first 4 chapters of Exodus and pray, I pray for Sweeny, I pray for myself, my mum and my sister Isabelle. Then I decide to run errands again. I go to the health food store and see a familiar face, it’s my best friend Ashima from India, and we went to High School together, we were the closet friends there ever was and then we stopped being friends after college. I went to Cambridge and she went to a school in Paris, I guess she’s back now. “Hi Ashima, long time no see.” “Elizabeth Smith is that you?” “Aye, it is. I never thought I’d see you again after High School.” I said. “After I graduated from that college in High School, I moved to London again, I used to be a teacher, but now I work at Tiffany’s.” Ashima said. “Blimey! That’s an interesting job.” “Yes it is; they take a lot of trust in us with that job.” Ashima said. “Well definitely I’d assume. Is it any fun?” “Oh yes, I meet a lot of men, but most of them are about to be engaged or already married, so it’s not like I’m going to meet my soul mate there, but it’s a job not a dating site. Ashima said. I laughed. “Oh well dating sites don’t work, believe me I tried.” I said. She hands me her card. “This has my mobile phone on it, if you ever want to call me we can have lunch sometime.” “Why don’t we have lunch later today instead?” Ashima laughed. “That would be grand, call me when you pick a time and place and I’ll be there, bye now Elizabeth.” She said as she hugged me. It’s really nice to see old friends, I didn’t have many friends in High School and she was my only best friend. I hope to be friends with her again; life is rather boring to me besides writing, praying, reading the Bible, talking to family and visiting Sweeny; besides that it’s a down right drag. I buy the rest of my groceries and pick up my clothes at a “Green” Dry Cleaner. I get home around 12:45 and decide to take a nap.
Around 2…
I call Ashima and we arrange to meet at a vegan restaurant called By the Sea. It’s not really a place to eat seafood the owners just called it that to get everyone to go there. I get a table for two and half past two Ashima arrives. “Nice to see you again, I’m glad we could have lunch.” Ashima said as she hugged me. “Oh, so am I Ashima. It’s nice that were coming to know each other again.” I said. “Tis true, We haven’t talked since high school.” Ashima said. “What would you like to eat Madam?” Chris the waiter asked. “I’d like the Lentil Soup to start with, followed by Mock Tuna Taco’s and for dessert Chocolate Apple Pie.” Ashima said. “And for you Madam?” “I’d like the Pad Thai and avocado and tomato salad, and for dessert Chocolate Apple Pie as well.” “Excellent, I’ll fill your orders.” Chris the waiter said. “Wow, I’m bloody starving now that I ordered my lunch.” “As am I Ashima, As am I.” I said. “So are you seeing anyone at the moment Elizabeth?” “Aye. Well sort of. We haven’t actually gone on a date yet because he’s in prison, but he didn’t do the crime he’s in prison for. I currently have private investigators looking for Cedric Todd, his twin brother.” I said. “You’re sort of seeing Sweeny Todd? Blimey! I didn’t know you could date someone in prison it sounds rather dangerous.” “Well, he hasn’t laid a finger on me and I trust him, he would never harm me I know he wouldn’t because I know he didn’t do it. We’ve tracked down his twin Cedric and were step by step behind him, it’s only a matter of time that we find him right in his tracks.” I said. “I understand, well I guess you really know this man so I’m not too worried for you.” Ashima said. We have lunch and go on a walk and talk for 2 more hours then I go home and figure out what I’m going to wear to visit Sweeny.
Part 2
I change into my pink corset dress that Sweeny has never seen and I haven’t worn in years. It’s a little too fancy for prison but most of my clothes I wear for Sweeny are too fancy for prison. I just want him to feel at home with me so I dress accordingly.
Sweeny Todd’s point of view:
I’m actually terrified of being in prison, and I wish I didn’t have to be in here. My mood changes all the time and one minute I could like my prison mates and the text want to kill them with my fists. I really do need to pray so that I don’t hurt or kill anyone, and actually try to breathe more when I’m freaking out. I can’t wait for Elizabeth to come and visit me, I cherish each night she’s with me and without her I’m sure I’d go completely mad. With God and her on my side I know I can do great things.
Elizabeth’s point of view: I do need to pray more for my safety especially dear Sweeny’s I do tend to worry about him more than I should, but you cannot blame me. 45 minutes later I arrive at the prison. I look at Sweeny and he looks stressed yet more at peace. “You look a little better than you did a few days ago, it must be God, Sweeny. Is it?” “Ah, yes it tis. Without God and you in my life I’d probably be dead cuz’ I would’ve given up on life.” Sweeny said. “Aye I see, well I do miss you when I’m not with you, oh how I miss you my dear Sweeny.” “As do I, my love; as do I. A week without you would be a week without living, I’d be numb with pain and more open to the evil people in this great big pit.” Sweeny said. “Oh Sweeny, Well I do try to come as much as possible.” “Oh I know, believe me I know; I do give you credit for each day you’re here; believe me I do.” Sweeny said. “Sweeny I’m sorry son; but it’s time to go. I will give you more time to be with her tomorrow.” The guard said. “Sweeny, oh how will I miss you.” I said as I kissed him on the lips.” “Please pray for my safety darling, it is hard to live here without the help and protection of God.” Sweeny said. “Well God is always on you’re side, do remember that.” I said as I hugged him goodbye. It felt as if I was going away and never coming back, because I miss him when I’m away from him. I go home, draw in a hot bath and relax in my bath tub. I listen to my Christian music and pray for Sweeny, as well as my mum and sister. After my bath I relax with my cat Frankie then turn in to bed. I hope tomorrow brings a better day with less problems and more time with Sweeny. I never do see him enough, and I hope I get to spend more time with him very soon.
9 am…
I wake up with Frankie purring and up to my face, how delightful a cat I have. If I didn’t have Sweeny in my life he’d be the only male in my life. I greet a brand new day with the London sun in my eyes. I decide to make tea and make myself breakfast pies with veggie sausage. I change into a black and white corset dress and decide to go antique shopping because my flat is looking rather boring today; it needs more liveliness to it. I do my make-up and say goodbye to my dear Frankie after I feed him. I go into my car and turn on my mobile phone that I’ve been charging all night and off I go.