Status: Updating soon, Half a chapter written so far. Will update as soon as possible.

A Shadow Of Blood By:M.S.P.

A Shadow of Blood Chapter 13

A Shadow of Blood Chapter 13 by: M.S.P.
Part 1
I drive to the antique shop and go inside. I browse lamps for about 20 minutes and decide on this splendid Victorian lamp.

I decide to call the prison hours ahead and tell them since I’ve been going there for quite some time and that I’m in good standing with them and would like to bring Sweeny Todd a pie. They agreed to my request. I drive home from the antique shop and my mum calls me, I decide not to answer as I am driving, I’ll call her back tomorrow.

As I arrive home I see Frankie up in my flat window looking at me. I walk up the stairs and I see flowers on my door step.
I read the letter to see what it says.

Dear Elizabeth,
I do wish we could spend more time together, and tonight we will. Since I have such good standing in prison lately, they let me arrange an Italian dinner in the visiting room by ourselves, with the exception of one guard. I look forward to seeing you there, at 8 pm sharp.
Love, Sweeny Todd

I feel so special to be able to have a long evening with Sweeny soon.
I feed Frankie his lunch and myself as well.
I decide to make Sweeny his own pie, a veggie sausage pie; I made some this morning but they were miniature pies. I get all my ingredients together and bake my pie. I know it will be yummy because it smells delicious.

I take a shower, put on my make-up and change into this very fancy red corset dress that Sweeny has never seen me in and that I haven’t worn in years, because it hasn’t fit me.

Around 8 pm…
I arrive at the prison with my pie in hand. Sweeny is in a black suit and tie and black dress pants.

“You look the best I’ve ever seen you. You do that suit Justice, Sweeny.”

“Thank you Elizabeth. You look divine as well, if I don’t say so myself. That’s the most beautiful dress I’ve ever seen you in and you look absolutely beautiful in it.”

“Thank you Sweeney, You’re too kind.”

He seats me to my chair and a few minutes later our food arrives, its eggplant parmesan.

“This smells delicious; I can’t wait to cut into it.” I said.

“It’s good, isn’t it?” “Yes it is Sweeny; you are such a sweet man for arranging this dinner for us.”

“I do my best my dear. It’s all worth it to look deeply into those beautiful brown eyes of yours.”

“Oh you’re too kind Sweeny.” “I’m just being honest, my love, I’ve actually never felt this way about anyone before.”

“Honestly Sweeny? Are those true words from a murderer?”

“I know you’re joking, but yes I am being honest. Every word, every smile, every look of mine has always been my true feelings for you.”

“That’s rather good to hear, Sweeny; and no one has ever said anything like that to me before, that was the sweetest and kindest thing I’ve ever heard coming out of your lips.”

He kissed me on the hand and we continued with our conversation and dinner.

To be continued with Chapter 13 Part 2…