Status: Updating soon, Half a chapter written so far. Will update as soon as possible.

A Shadow Of Blood By:M.S.P.

A Shadow of Blood Ch.9 By: M.S.P.

A Shadow of Blood Chapter 9 by: M.S.P.
I woke up around 9 am and realized I had errands to run so I couldn’t visit Sweeny till later that evening. I prayed for him before bed as well for myself. I prayed for his safety and all that jazz. I needed to pick up my dress from the dress shop, they ordered it from Wales for me (I picked it out in the catalog) they shipped it to the store for me. I also went grocery shoppin’, picked up more office supplies to start brainstorming for my next novel and visited my great great… grandmother Elizabeth Turner (whom I was named after) and put flowers on her grave. She was married to William Turner many years ago and he was a Captain of a ship that only went on land every 10 years. I never got to meet this great woman but hear a great many things about her. She was a strong woman and a stubborn one at times and did things her own way. When I visited her grave I cleaned it off and got all the grass away from it, it looked like it hadn’t been visited for quite some time. Not much far away from it was a Captain’s grave. Captain Jack Sparrow, his picture was on the headstone; he looked like a beautiful man, but nonetheless a pirate.
3 hours later…
After I ran all my errands I ate my dinner and changed into my new dress which was a pink and black corset dress. I didn’t think Sweeny would mind a change in colors on my behalf. After getting my make-up and hair done I am ready to leave my flat.
30 minutes later…
I arrive at the prison with a cross in my hand, something to give Sweeny to look on in times of trouble while he’s in this wretched place. It’s not a rosary, but a cross necklace, so he can wear it, but I will tell him to hide it under his prison clothes in case an atheist is at bay. I greet him with a smile upon my face . “Oh my Elizabeth you look so beautiful, is that a new dress?” “Ah, yes it is, I ordered it from Wales and it just came into the dress shop today.” I said. “Oh absolutely lovely.” He said as he twirled me to see the entire dress. “Thank you Sweeny, I just loved it so much out of the catalog that I just had to get it.” I said. “Oh splendid choice my love.” “I brought you a cross necklace, I got it outside of London just for you; to comfort you in times of trouble while you’re ‘ere.” I said. “Oh thank you Elizabeth, I love it.” He said as he hugged me. “Well, not to change the subject, but I sent my book to the publishers, I’ll get you a copy when it comes out. “Elizabeth that would be so grand to read your story; I just fancy a good read. “I can’t wait for you to read it; I worked rather hard on it.” I said. The guard comes up to me to say something. “Ms. You must leave now, there’s a riot in the prison.” The guard said. “Goodbye Elizabeth, oh how I’ll miss you.” Sweeny said as he kissed me on the lips goodbye. “Just pray Sweeny, if you get frightened just pray.” I said. “I will my love, goodbye.” Sweeny saying goodbye with tears in his eyes and a scared look on his face.