Our Hearts Are Kept in Wicker Baskets and Porcelain Jars

No, You Cannot Have Red Walls... It's Either Blue

"Now may Joseph Armstrong rest in peace."

The wooden coffin was slowly lowered into the grave, and Adrienne turned to look at her husband. She could see that he, too, was crying. She attempted to smile at him, but the attempt proved unsuccessful when she began silently sobbing once again.

Billie stood up and headed over to the parking lot that was located close to the cemetery where his son's funeral was held just moments ago. He took the box of Marlboros out of one of the pockets of his black trousers, sighed, and placed one of its contents in his mouth.


Adrienne watched as Billie headed towards the exit of the cemetery. She then turned around, and went off in search to find Jakob, which was an easy task, seeing as he was standing only about 10 feet away from her. He was standing alone, staring down at the ground

Adrienne strode over to her son. He still didn't look up, he continued to stare intently at the dirt below his feet. Adrienne slid her fingers into his hand, and their fingers interlaced.

"C'mon Jakey.. Lets go find Dad."

Jakob looked up at his mother and nodded, though releasing his hand form her grasp. They spotted him, and walked over.

"Bill... You really gotta quit that." Adrienne stated to her husband."

Billie rolled his eyes slowly, "Yeah, yeah... I know, I know." He dropped the cigarette on the asphalt, and put it out with his foot. "Lets get going... "

We all got into Billie's BMW, and Billie maneuvered the car out of the parking lot, and onto the freeway.

*Adriennes Point of View*

The next day, Billie had gone out to get us lunch from Applebees, and Jakob was at school.

I was ascending up the stairs, when a thought crossed my mind.

"Joey! Its time for bed!" I called up the stairs, awaiting a response, yet none came.

"Joey?" I sighed to myself, and walked down the hallway to his bedroom, " Joseph Mar-"

Joey was lying on his bed, scribbling away in some book. When he saw me open the door, he gasped, and stuffed the book under his pillow, "H-hi."

"Joe, go to bed." I said, rolling my eyes at my elder son.

Joey nodded, and I shut the door.

"The book... "

I hurried down the upstairs hallway, and opened the door to Joey's room. It was exactly the same as it had been the morning he told me he was ill- the same morning that I saw him alive for the last time. The deep blue walls, unmade bed, clothes tossed on the floor. I remembered the day we painted his room.

"Moooooommmmmyyy! Can I have RED walls?" Joey screeched.

I chuckled to myself as I stared as his toothless grin, "No."

"But- But-"

"No buts, or It'll stay the same 'chick yellow' as it was when we bought the house."

Joey glared at me, "FINE!"

I proceeded into the room, and began my search. There was nothing. Only clothes and CDs scattered around the room.

The door opened, and I jumped.

"Adie, what are you doing in here?"

It was Billie.

"Oh... Uh... Nothing."

"Ok then, well come down stairs."

I followed Billie out of the room and down the stairs to where my lunch awaited me.


*Adrienne's Point Of View*

I stumbled into the bathroom in the dark. It was around 3 am, and about two weeks after Joey's funeral. I flicked on the light, and looked down. I had woken up abruptly, a bit of pain in my stomach. I gasped.

I ran back into the bedroom and shook Billie violently. He squinted his eyes, and hissed, "What the fuck Adie? Go Away... "

"No! Billie... I... I think I'm having a miscarriage."