Status: RIP Jimmy, forever shall we miss you! <3.

Synyster Gates Is My Sex Slave

Until The End

SO the guys and I were sitting around in my lounge. Zacky by my side, Johnny next to him. Matt was on my other side, with Jimmy sitting in front of me. I couldn't believe the guys were actually going to sit down and read. Zacky and Matt had been in an interview, and they had asked them if they ever had read a fictional story one of our fans wrote. They of course said, "no" we actually didn't even know they were out their. So what we thought of doing was searching and finding some.

So we are sitting around waiting for the laptop to load. All the girls went out to go shopping, Leana being the one dragging them off. Her, Michelle and Lacey are really close. It's kind of creepy having a girlfriend who is ultra close to an ex-porn star. But hey, it is also weird having people write about you.

In some cases I think its funny. I have heard from rumors that their are really juicy ones out their. And me and the guys are hoping to come across some sexy ones. But right now all is where going to do, is sign up to one of the most popular creative writing sites -which we will have to find- and start readings.

The computer was fully loaded, Jimmy typed in something along the lines of, Online free creative writing site. Loads of searches popped up instantly. Zacky looked at me, I looked at him, then stared at Matt, who looked at Johnny and Zacky. We were all completely hyped about how many stories their may be. But we were also wondering of which site to choose. Zacky took the liberty of remembering a friend of his talking about a site called mibba. And told Jimmy to search that. popped up and he clicked it.

At first we thought we could just read and go, but nope you had to be a member. So we made and Avenged Sevenfold page. "Okay, so our names avenged sevenfold, out email is and our age is 28. We should put pictures up with the link to our mibba so they won't call us a fake?" Zacky said. He seemed to be the brains behind this.

"Yeah, properly best if we did that, don't want to get kicked out," Jimmy muttered. Johnny got up and grabbed my camera which was laying on the coffee table. He looked towards us and smiled.

"We have a camera, we just now need a motherfucking piece of paper," He laughed. Matt tapped his chin as if he was thinking, while i stood up, fetching a pen and paper for Jimmy.

"Here ya go Jimmy, your our amazing model okay?" I said laughing as I sat back down between Zacky and Matt. He chuckled and wrote down our mibba address, and held it up. Johnny stood in front of us. Getting all of us in the picture. Making sure you could read the address clearly he snapped the picture and that was it.

We uploaded it onto our page. A smile on each of our faces. And then it was time to search for a story to read. Jimmy clicked on stories, then on search stories. Typing in Avenged Sevenfold we clicked search. We thought maybe only a few pages would come up. But we were way off. scrolling down the page, we found thousands of results.

Jimmy moved the mouse to a story, it's name being Unholy Confessions. A lot of the stories were lyrics or song names for the titles. This was one that Jimmy seemed to like. He looked up to the rest of us. And eyebrow raised.

"Dudes, this is going to be an awesome story I can just tell, you so have to let us read this, it will be good!" he said, enchanted by the thought of reading this story. A smile started adoring his face. We all looked at each other again. Thinking that it may be good. Before nodding our heads.

"Sure man, lets take a look, I guess Unholy Confessions may be a good story to read," Matt said. His voice was deep, but you could here the smile, and see the smile entering his voice and face.

"But," I started, a smirk on my face, "We read every update, we all come here everyday to see and update and," I took a breath the smirk growing, "we have to read until the end."

All the guys looked at each other, then smiled at me. "Okay," was the reply. So Jimmy clicked the link...
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Hoped you enjoyed this. I will write longer chapters.
But this was just a starter, and i really wanted to get it out and about. I hope you like it.
And i hope you will keep reading it. Me personally, i think it's going to be really great. So please comment and subscribe!
