Not Quite What Was Expected


“ALBUS!” Scorpius hissed as he drew up next to Albus’ bed.

“What?” Albus asked. He looked at Scorpius’ face and could tell something was weird.

“He… we… Mark…” Scorpius sputtered.

“Breathe, it’s just you and me in here, no one else will hear what you have to say,” Albus said.

“Mark, just now, asked me to go into his dormitory-”

“Yea I saw,” Albus cut in.

“No that’s not that part! He, just now,” Scorpius hesitated and waved for Albus to go nearer.

“NO! He didn’t!” Albus gasped.

“Shhh!” Scorpius squeaked.

“Hah! Scorpius, your dream’s come true!” Albus laughed.

“Never mind, I’m going to sleep,” Scorpius sighed. Albus obviously didn’t know how he felt. He wasn’t gay.

“Night, sweet dreams!” Albus giggled.


“Wake up sleeping beauty! We’re gonna be late for breakfast!” Albus screeched at Scorpius.

“Wha-?” Scorpius groaned. Albus dragged open a curtain and bright sunlight poured into the room. “Gah! Turn it OFF!” Scorpius cried.

“I can’t, it’s the sun you naff, now get up! Rose is waiting!” Albus stated. He was already dressed and had his bag packed for the morning lessons. He had also taken the liberty of packing Scorpius’ bag.

“All you need to do is get up and get dressed, now go!” Albus said to Scorpius. Who finally, but still reluctantly got out of bed.

“Good, now hurry up,” Albus said.

“Stop it, you sound like my mother,” Scorpius grumbled. He grabbed his robes and uniform and changed into them, the way Albus did. Putting his robes on and taking everything underneath off and changing right there in the room. He still managed to look neat for all but his hair. Grabbing a comb and his hair tie he went to the washroom.

“Don’t know why he’s so happy,” Scorpius muttered to himself.

“Who is?” Mark’s voice asked. Scorpius looked up into the mirror from tying his hair to see Mark standing behind him with out a shirt on. Pure beauty. Scorpius starred at Marks bare chest. Light seemed to glow from his skin so pale and translucent. Scorpius’ eyes trailed up to Marks face. His hazel eyes were bright and beautiful as ever. Scorpius looked at Marks lips. The lips he longed to be able to kiss again. But Mark seemed to have forgotten about what happened last night.

“Uh, um, my roommate,” Scorpius stuttered, realizing that he wasn’t speaking. He looked back at himself in the mirror and continued to tie his hair. He was neat as a pin. Straightening out his green and silver tie and dusting off his robes. All set.

Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around his waist.

“Tonight you’ll be thinking of me,” Mark’s voice whispered into his ear. Scorpius was always thinking of Mark. The arms let go and Scorpius turned around. No one was there. He hurriedly left the washroom and went back to the dormitory.

“Took you for-bloody-ever to tie your hair!” Albus complained, “Let’s go! I’m starving!”

The two boys hurried out of the common room and ran all the way to the Great Hall.

“Where were you two?!” Rose asked.

“This guy takes forever to get ready!” Albus said jabbing his thumb in Scorpius’ direction. Scorpius wasn’t paying attention.

“Hellooo! Earth to Scorpius!” Jacob said waving a hand in front of Scorpius’ face.

“Wha-? Oh um, sorry,” Scorpius said. He couldn’t spot Mark in the crowd of students.

“Is our first period together?” Albus asked. They had taken food out to the courtyard and were eating under a big tree. Albus, Rose, Jacob and Scorpius sat there by the lake, eating and talking.

“Yeah, it’s Transfiguration,” Rose said taking a bite of a pumpkin pasty.

“Did you finish all your homework?” Jacob asked.

“Yeah, I did mine,” Albus said.

“I finished it yesterday when she gave it to us,” Rose said. She was always so smart.

“I dunno if I did mine,” Scorpius said. He dug through his bag with his sandwich between his teeth. And pulled out a scroll of parchment, his transfiguration homework all done, and in his handwriting!

“Wow Scorpius, that’s a very long essay,” Rose said. She sounded disappointed.

“Yeah,” Scorpius said in awe. He pulled out all the other rolls of parchment. All his homework had been done for him, just as Mark had said. And they could guarantee an A grade.


yes!~ finally an update!!!