Not Quite What Was Expected

Quiddtch Tryouts

“I trust that you’ve all done your homework,” Professor McGonagall said as she stepped into the now silent classroom.

“I wonder what you have all come up with, reasons of using the animate spell,” McGonagall hummed as scroll floated across the room towards her desk and piled up in neat stacks.

The rest of the lesson continued with them practicing more on the animate spell.


“The only homework for today, is for you to practice, practice, practice,” Professor McGonagall said.

“Kirana Animata,” Jacob said with a furling of his wand.

“Oh, Jacob, you’re still doing it wrong!” Rose cried. she then went into the complicated procedure of teaching Jacob how to do the simple animating spell. Well, sort of simple.

“Kiriana Animata!” Jacob said sharply with a flick and a twirl of his wand. The pencil on the table in front of him sputtered and exploded.

“Woah!” Rose cried and backed away.

“You have got to be kidding me!” Jacob yelled at the black spot where the pencil had been and marched away leaving his three friends baffled and mouths hanging.

“Are you going after him?” Rose asked no one in particular. The two boys shook their heads.

“It can’t be that hard,” Scorpius sighed, “Kariana Animata,” he said smoothly with a flick and twirl of his wand. His quill came to life hopping about a piece of parchment. Which happened to be something that Albus was writing.

“Make it stop!” Albus cried. Ink splattered onto his face. Rose and Scorpius couldn’t contain their laughter. “MAKE IT BLOODY STOP SCORPIUS MALFOY!” Albus roared.

“Alright, alright!” Scorpius cried flicking his wand once more, the quill became lifeless once again.

Albus looked down at his parchment. Hopeless. He sighed and crushed it into a ball, tossing it aside. He took out a new sheet of parchment and began writing again.

“Who are you writing to anyway?” Rose asked.

“Mum and Dad,” Albus said. Suddenly a paper airplane crashed against his head. “Ow!” he cried rubbing the spot where it hit.

“What’s that?” Scorpius asked.

Albus unfolded it, it was a note.

The Great One is watching. He knows of your success, you will be defeated.

Rose, Scorpius and Albus exchanged horrified looks.

“What success?! I’ve NEVER done anything special!” Albus cried.

Suddenly a roar of laughter emitted from the bushes behind him and his arse of a brother came stumbling out.

“You – should – have – seen – your – face!” James gasped. He was laughing so hard he couldn’t breathe properly.

“James you bloody arse! It’s not funny!” Rose cried, “be a little more mature for the age you are please!”

“Woah, woah! Don’t get all cranky cousin! It was just a joke,” James shrugged.

“Not a funny one!” Albus said through gritted teeth.

“Hey, is that the Malfoy kid?” James asked.

“Yeah, what’s it to you?” Scorpius snapped.

“Albus, how could you?! Uncle Ron said-” James began.

“Oh my father’s always like that, just shut up and buzz off will you!” Rose cried exasperated. James shrugged and stalked off to find his friends.

“Your brother, is twice as annoying as you are,” Scorpius said.

“What?!” Albus gasped, “no, no I am nothing like that… that thing!”

Scorpius just shrugged in reply. The bell chimed. Albus jumped up.

“Yes! Quidditch tryouts!!” he squealed.

“Al, buddy, Do. Not. Squeal.” Scorpius said shaking his head. Rose was giggling putting away her things.

“See ya later Rose, will you try out for the team?” Albus asked.

“Oh, come off it Albus, you know that my side of the family has no talent whatsoever on flying,” Rose laughed.

“Well during the summers you’re pretty good at it.” Albus shrugged.

“That’s alright, I’ll just stick to books, good luck you two, I’ll be watching!” Rose said and walked off toward the stands.

There was only one class in the morning due to the Quidditch tryouts.

“I love magic!” Albus sighed as the stepped out onto the field and other players were swooshing around on their brooms.

“I love Quidditch!” Scorpius said. He looked around trying to find Rose but instead found Mark. Who sat at the stands with his arms folded, he looked amazing in the sunlight. His dark hair was even deeper in color, his eyes shining and bright, the sun seemed to reflect slightly on his translucent pale skin.


“Hello! Earth to Scorpius! Wake up!” Albus cried slapping Scorpius in the face.

“What?” Scorpius asked.

“We’re up next for the Quaffle,” Albus sighed. He pat Scorpius on the back. The captain of the team threw the ball up and players from the team tossed the ball, back and forth, dodging other players and finally they scored a point.

“I want to get seeker!” Albus said to Scorpius once the tryouts were over.

“I’d like to be a Chaser,” Scorpius said looking for Mark again. The two sat down on the field waiting for the results. There were so many other good players that tried out for the team. None of the others were first years though.

“Alright everyone!” the captain said, “I forgot to introduce myself earlier, my name is Robert, I’m a fifth year at Hogwarts, and have been captain of Slytherin team for two years, I’m proud to announce that only our seventh year players are leaving and that means we have five positions open, one Beater, three Chasers, and the Seeker. The team and I have decided that, Albus Potter, shall be our new seeker,”

Everyone burst into applause though many were whispering and murmuring over the applause.

“Scorpius Malfoy, Anna Black and Gabbi Way will be our new Chasers, and Rachel Parkinson is our new Beater!” Robert said to the crowd.


“Oh it’s wonderful! We’re all on the team!” Anna said to Scorpius and Albus at dinner time, “I’m going to write a letter to my father and ask him to buy me a good broom!”

“That’s great!”? Scorpius smiled.

“I’m going to head back to the common room, I’m full,” Albus said. He left the Great Hall leaving a confused Scorpius and Anna starring after him.


Albus sealed the letter and went up to the owlery.

“Hey Merlin, can you get this to Mum and Dad by tonight?” Albus stroked the owl’s feathers. Merlin rubbed his head against Albus’ hand and dove out the window.

“Fly safe!” Albus whispered to the bird. He headed back to the Slytherin common room.


sorry for the long wait!!! hope you luv it!!! comment loads and i'll give you more for this spooky october!!!