Not Quite What Was Expected

Tell No Lies

“Did you see who it was?!” Albus questioned.

“It was a girl! Long wavy brown hair!” Scorpius cried as they ran into the school. They ran down the halls, split up in two teams, Albus with Scorpius and Rose with Jacob.

“We have to corner her off at the stairs!” Albus cried.

“That’s her!” Scorpius cried as a girl with long wavy brown hair and blonde streaks, ran round the corner.

“Hurry! I’ll send Rose a signal!” Albus said. He flicked his wand and a spark appeared, the spark fluttered off down the corridor behind them.

“Cast the binding spell!” Albus said to Scorpius.

“Petrificus Totalus!” Scorpius cried out. The spell hit the girl right in the back, her arms and legs snapped tight to her body and she fell to the floor.

“Got you!” Albus said as the came closer to the girl’s body.

Scorpius gasped. It was Gabbi, the girl from Slytherin!

“Why were you watching us from the window?!” Scorpius scowled.

“Scorpius, she can’t talk, or respond to that you naff!” Albus smacked Scorpius’ arm.

“You got her!” Rose called running up to them. The corridors were surprisingly empty.

“We have to go somewhere more private to question her!” Albus said. As soon as those words escaped his mouth a door appeared on the wall behind him.

“The room of Requirement!” Rose gasped, “I thought it was a myth! A fake!”

“It’s real, let’s go. Grab her legs!” Albus said picking Gabbi up from under her arms.


“Talk! You tell us everything now!” Scorpius spat.

“I – I – I don’t… I don’t, where am i?!” Gabbi squeaked.

“You expect us to believe that?” Scorpius quizzed.

“I was, one minute I was walking back to the common room from the library, and then, I blacked out, and then I was here!” Gabbi cried. “What do you want with me?!”

“I think she’s telling the truth!” Jacob said.

“We need to get it out of her! There’s something that happened, that she knows!” Scorpius hissed.

“Let it go, we just have to make her forget what happened just,” Rose said. She turned to Gabbi and cast a simple memory erasing charm.

“Where am I? where’s Mark?” Gabbi asked.

“Mark, what do you have to do with Mark?!” Scorpius asked.

“He was here a minute ago,” Gabbi said absent mindedly.

The four friends starred at each other each with a questioning expression on their faces.

“What did Mark tell you to do?” Rose asked softly.

“He told me to watch the boy, the one with the silvery hair, him!” Gabbi pointed at Scorpius.

“Why did you do it?” Albus asked.

“He loves me,” Gabbi said softly looking at the floor.

“No, no, this can’t be happening!” Scorpius breathed. He had put so much trust in Mark, even though he never seemed to talk much to him, the times they’d sneak into the bathroom together, the nights in each other’s arms. He couldn’t believe what was going on.

“It’s okay. We need to make her forget more now that we know who we need,” Albus said.

Rose cast a stronger memory erasing charm on Gabbi and then they walked her back to the common room.


“What happened to her?” Mark asked looking up from his book.

“She hit her head, slipped on some ice,” Albus lied.

“Oh, is she okay?” Mark asked.

“She’ll be fine, she just needs rest,” Scorpius hissed. He helped Gabbi up the stairs and Albus sat down across from Mark.

“So, what are you reading?” Albus asked.

“Ancient hieroglyphic scrolls,” Mark shrugged. He acted as if that’s what all teenage wizards did.

“What are they about?” Albus asked, trying to keep a conversation.

“About prophecies and tales of old, nothing of interest to you I’m sure,” Mark smiled.

“What kinds of prophecies?” Albus asked.

“You are interested!? Well then, one that I am reading now is about a boy and a dark wizard, how only one is to live while the other is defeated, how the powerful dark wizard could not kill an insignificant little baby boy,” Mark said his voice changing slightly, darker, thirsting for something.

“Sounds familiar,” Albus said.

“I believe that little boy, is your father,” Mark said lightly.

“Is that so, well then, I guess my dad has a few more stories to tell me over Christmas break,” Albus smiled. Albus looked at the clock and noticed it was time for them to leave.

“Scorpius, it’s time to go!” Albus said as Scorpius came down the stairs.

“Okay, let’s go then,” Scorpius said walking straight out of the common room. Albus followed after. Mark stayed where he was, as always, he never left the room.

“What’s going on, why were you up there so long?” Albus asked. Scorpius shrugged and continued walking in silence.

They reached the station just in time.

“Oh ye two are the last, hurry along now,” Hagrid grunted. “Wish your parents a Happy Christmas for me eh.”

“See ya soon Hagrid!” Albus and Rose waved from the open compartment window.

“Bye!” Hagrid smiled, “Happy Christmas!” he waved at the train as it pulled away from the station.
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OHHHH sorry it took so bloody long for me to update! what with christmas and all!!!