Not Quite What Was Expected

Welcome Home

“So we have to stop him? So they can’t get rid of me?” Albus questioned. Rachel nodded grimly. All the information came so fast.

“Is this some kind of sick joke?!” Albus cried jumping out of his seat.

“No, no joke, this is serious stuff Albus, you can’t tell anyone about it. No, not even your parents!” Rachel said cutting him off before he even said a word.

“I’m only 11 years old! How the bloody hell do you expect me to cope with this kind of stuff?!” Albus cried. He was scared. It was a frightening situation.

“You’ll have to think of a way, to stop Mark, he’s a dangerous person, I’ll only be able to help you after the holidays in school, I’ll try my best to find out more so we can stop him together.” She put a hand on his shoulder. “it’ll be okay Albus, your father is one of the best wizards in history, you will be too!”

Albus smiled meekly and looked out the window. This was all too much for him. He didn’t want to be just like his father. He wanted to be something different. He wanted to be special.


“Albus! Baby! Oh James darling!” Ginny called and rushed over to hug them.

“Gerroff mom! People are looking!” James said as he wiggled out of her vice like hug.

“Missed you too mom!” Albus smiled.

“So how is school so far? Oh, I remember my first year there, it was frightening!” Ginny remembered. She looked at Harry who took her hand.

“Heya sport, how’ve you been holding up?” Harry asked Albus.

“Fine, I’ve made lots of new friends! Scorpius Malfoy is one of them, he’s in the same house as I am!” Albus smiled.

“No use making the kids hold grudges, it was our fight, not theirs,” Harry said to Ginny smiling. Ginny smiled back and kissed his lips.


“Shut up James, grow up a little!” Rose said angrily.

“You’re such a tom boy!” James squealed.

“Shut up!”

“you shut up!”

“UGHHH!!!” Rose stalked away.

“Teddy! Victoire!” Ginny called. As she saw the tall turquoise-haired boy walking over, hand in hand with Victoire.

“How are you darlings?” Ginny asked. Hugging them both and receiving a kiss on the cheek.

“Good, well, alright, there’s lots of work to be done,” Victoire smiled, “but with Teddy’s help, I think I can manage.

“Well, I’ll hope to see more of you two during the holidays. Teddy, how is the city?”

“Very nice, I need to ask Bill if he’ll let Vic come stay with me for the holidays, he’s all the way in Romania again.” Teddy smiled.

“Why don’t you ask Fleur?” Harry asked coming to join the group.

“DAD!!” James and Albus cried. Albus threw himself into his father’s arms.

“Heya sport, I missed you too!” Harry smiled ruffling Albus’ hair. “So did you make any new friends? get into trouble?”

“Sort of, and no, no trouble,” Albus smiled.

“And you James?” Harry quizzed. James looked at the ground and nodded.

“As I expected, well nothing to harsh, you haven’t been expelled.” Harry gave James a hug.

“Where’s Lilly?!” Albus craned his neck looking around.

“She’s over with Hugo at your Uncle Ron’s,” Ginny said.

“Oh, can we go there now?” Albus asked excitedly.

“After we’ve put your stuff back at our place, we’ll go out to dinner with your aunt and uncle,” Ginny smiled. “Come on dears, let’s go.” The family headed to the parking lots.

“Bye Albus!” Scorpius called from the platform. Albus turned and waved.

“You’ve made friends with Malfoy?!” James gawked. Albus nodded and gave his brother a questioning look.

“Malfoy is an enemy to the Potter family! I can’t believe you!” James cried. Albus looked at his mother and father who were scowling at James.

“That’s enough James, no more of this nonsense!” Ginny snapped. Harry popped the trunk of their car open and stuffed the children’s trunks in. the magically expanding trunk, made the luggage fit with ease. A nifty trick he had picked up from his father-in-law.

“Right, to home!” Harry said starting the car, after they all piled in.
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please read and comment! cuz i luv ya! <3

sorry it took so long.. been really busy with school and all.. since this year is my final year.. got all these exams! gah!