Not Quite What Was Expected

Back to School

A whole two weeks of the holidays went by, so quickly. It was back to school for Albus, and James.

It only seemed like yesterday that they were at the station, coming home from the wizarding world.

“Ahh, holidays are over, I will miss you sweetheart, be safe my love,” Lilly said to Albus.

“And you, stay out of trouble, please, you have no idea how much it worries me that you’ll be blowing something up,” she said to James.

“So, sport, don’t worry, school will be over before you know it! You’ll be dying to go back!” Harry said to Albus. Squatting down to give his son a hug.

“Dad,” Albus said. “I love you,”

“Aww, now don’t get all mushy with me, you know I can’t handle love scenes!” Harry smiled.

“Yeah, I know. But just in case.” Albus said and hugged his father tight.

“In case? Haha, alright, love you too son, don’t miss me too much!”

“Bye Mum! Bye Dad! Love you!” The children waved from the train.

“Scorpius!” Albus cried as his friend sat down next to him in their compartment. Rose, and Jacob were there as well.


“Did you collect all your messages from Rachel?” Rose asked the two of them when the compartment door was shut tight and they had pulled away from the station.

“Put them together in order of the dates you got them, both of you,” Rose hurried them. The letter changed everyday of the week so Scorpius and Albus had scribbled on pieces of parchment, what each note had contained and dated it.

When they had it all laid out on the seat in order, Albus read them aloud, softly to his friends.

“Dear Albus and Scorpius, I know this may be frightening to you and all, but do not be alarmed. As I explained on the train, . Mark is Dangerous, but he’s not the only one involved in all the weird, dangerous stuff. Mark is the Leader of a group known as the Morgenstern, it’s meaning is, ‘morning star’ as in “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifier, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!””

“Lucifier! Isn’t that Satan?” Jacob asked.

“Of some sorts,” Scorpius responded coolly. Albus cleared his throat.

“Where was I, oh, right…. The Morgenstern is the group which is named after him, he is Mark Morgenstern, I think his first name is longer, but I’m not sure. The minute he stepped into the school, we could tell he was more powerful than any of us, who had hardly even touched magic. He sailed through classes, and passed all his exams without a problem. And that’s why you often see him in the common room, and never in class. The Morgenstern’s sole purpose is to “purify” the Wizarding world. “No mortal soul, if born impure, shall step unto the light of magic. The impure souls shant learn our knowledge and thus we cast them into oblivion” is the words of the clan. How I know this, is news from the DA. You must join the ranks in order to stop him. And Albus, he knows that you are just as powerful as he was when he entered the school in the first year….. I am?”

“Keep reading!” Rose exclaimed a little to loudly.

“In the first year, you must know that he will try to destroy you before you can destroy him. Many say he is the Voldemort of this generation. And you are the only one we know who can really stop him! I hope you’ve all had a wonderful holidays, hope you’ve been practicing for the match! Rachel.” Albus looked up at his friends. this was very scary, and why couldn’t Harry tell his father, his dad was the one who killed Voldemort in the first place!

“Because he’ll pull you out of school to try and protect you, which will cause even more problems,” Rose answered his thoughts.

“You were thinking aloud,” Jacob said when he noticed Albus’ blank expression.
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i FINALLY have an update for you guys! sorry to keep you waiting.. i'm sneaking on the computer again.. hahaa.. so enjoy! and tell me what you think should happen next!! thanks for reading it! ^ ^

love you guys loads!