Not Quite What Was Expected

The Forbidden Forest

“Welcome back students! I’m very happy to announce that we will be having a Galla Ball for the Year Seven students, in well wishes for their N.E.W.Ts!” Professor McGonagall said to the crowd in the great hall, everyone burst out cheering and smiling. Girls giggling and suddenly gushing over what they would wear to the ball, boys making noises in their throats looking at one another with wicked expressions.

“However! There will be a dress code!” Professor McGonagall added, the crowd groaned, displeased. “boys, must be in black, and girls are allowed any color, nothing too showy, we don’t want to see too much skin!” the crowd let out a sigh of relief.

“More information will be sent to each student’s sleeping quarters. Speaking of which, that is where you should all return now. Have a wonderful rest and be prepared for studies in the morning!” Professor McGonagall smiled. The leftover food on the tables dissolved into the tables and disappeared. The students rose from their seats and lined up to go back to the common rooms.

“Meet me at the edge of the Forbidden Forest at 1 a.m.” a voice whispered into Scorpius’ ear. Then Rachel brushed past with her friends, laughing and smiling, she turned to wave at Albus and Scorpius.

* * *

“I don’t know!” Scorpius cried, throwing his hands up in the air. He and Albus were in their sleeping quarters, arguing about what had happened in the Great Hall, “It was Rachel! I know it was! It was her voice, I’m sure of it!”

“You’d better be! If this goes wrong, I’ll kill you in your grave!” Albus threatened. He was cross, and very uptight. Scorpius wondered if it was some kind of puberty change thing.

They pulled on their cloaks and put up the hoods, sneaking out through the dungeon doors. They opened silently, and shut without a sound.

“Lumos,” said Albus under his breath. The tip of his wand lit just enough to see a few feet in front of them. Albus breathed and felt a pang of fear. Like something was following them, or coming at them. He extinguished his wand and forced Scorpius behind a pillar. And peered around the corner, he heard nothing. Scorpius grabbed his arm. He was trembling slightly. Albus gave him a reassuring pat as the entered the foyer, where they exited the front doors. They dashed across the lawn, past the lake and the single tree by the lake. It was a long dash, and by the time they reached the Forbidden Forest, they were out of breath.

A beast howled in the distance, rough, and low, unlike a wolf’s that was high and towards the moon.

“Pst!” it was Rachel, also in a hooded cloak but hers was purple, a deep, dark purple. Her colorful hair hidden under the hood.

“Oh thank God!” Albus cried, relieved that Scorpius had been right.

“Thought you guys wouldn’t show,” Rachel said with a smile. It was too dark to see, but just under the moonlight, she looked as if she had been in a fight.

“What happened to you?!” Scorpius asked, worry hung in his voice. He stared at the dark patch on the sleeve of her arm. It was dark and wet.

“Is that blood!?” Albus squeaked. He did not like blood. Not one bit.

“NO, it’s mud! You guys!” Rachel let out a sigh. And gave up. “sit.” She said.

They sat down on the damp earth, Albus wish he knew a charm to keep his butt from getting wet.

“so, are we going to crack out the tea and crackers or something?” Scorpius asked looking around.

“No, I’m going to tell you how to get into the DA.” Rachel said softly. They listened. But just as she was about to speak, there was the low howling sound again, and this time it seemed like it was right next to them. Scorpius looked at Albus, fear in his eyes.

“Get back you guys, I’m going in,” Rachel said. She yanked her wand out and held it in front of her. She took a few steps forwards. Then leapt into the thick of the trees.

“Shit!” Albus hissed. “Come on!” he went in after her. Scorpius on his tail. Albus was just in time to see the dark purple cloak duck through the thick of trees following a dark shape. Looked like a dog. It couldn’t be a werewolf, the howl was too low.

“Rachel!” Albus hissed. He heard a scream, and ran towards the sound.

Rachel was on the ground, hands supporting her fall, looking up at the towering shape of a monster!
♠ ♠ ♠
here ya go rach... it continues after... comment if you want to know what's gunna happen to Rachel! or i might do something STUPID!!!!!

the more comments i get, the more she has the chance to live. =D

(sorry rach. had to hold somone hostage!~ i'm not getting any comments)


save rachel! comment!