Not Quite What Was Expected

What Are Friends For?

“Al! Get your arse out of bed! The match is in 3 hours! You’ll have no time for breakfast!” Scorpius cried. He was already dressed in his Quidditch robes, the emerald green, silver and midnight black colors really looked dashing on him. Albus gave him and up and down after he had put on his glasses.

“No more blue?” He asked noticing that Scorpius’ hair had returned to its original color.

“Nah, I like my platinum blond locks. The color is in season and it’s totally hot,” Scorpius joked. “anyway, I’ve still got this,” he turned to the side to show Albus a nice green and black streak that went down the side of his hair that was slightly longer.

“Neato,” Albus smiled hopping out of bed. He didn’t bother to go to the toilets to change since only he and Scorpius were left in the room. “Right, I’m all set, let’s go,” he turned to face his friend who had turned the shade of a ripe tomato.

“Scorpius! You perv!” Albus cried chucking a pillow at him. Scorpius did not bother to doge it, but rather, let it hit him square on the face.

“You know, you do have a very slender body, I’m wondering if you’re eating enough boy,” Scorpius said in a fatherly tone. Albus rolled his eyes and they headed out of the dormitories and to the Great Hall.

“Morning!” Rachel smiled as they went to sit by her. The boys nodded in unison. Rachel raised an eyebrow. But ignored it and smiled.

“So! Excited for the game?” She quizzed, she, along with the rest of the team were all clad in the Slytherin colors, just waiting for the game to start.

“Absolutely, my only worry is Al here will catch the snitch five minutes into the game and no one will get to play,” Scorpius drawled. He suddenly reminded Albus of Draco, his father. Albus gave him a cold hard stare. Not that he could do that very well.

“Yeah, don’t take all the fun away from us later Al,” Rachel laughed. Albus now slightly peeved, crossed his arms over his chest and sulked.

“Aww, don’t be upset,” Rachel said, she and Scorpius both patted him on the back. Albus shoveled the last bits of his breakfast into his mouth and stood to leave, knocking their hands away.

“I’ll let you have your fun, but no guarantees,” He smirked turning to wink at Scorpius then to nod at Rachel who looked completely baffled by his change of mood. He left his two friends sitting there, astonished and a little red at the tips of the ears.

“Al!” Rose called catching up to him just outside the Great Hall, she had seen him leaving, looking rather upset.

“Oh, hey Rose!” he smiled, his cousin was adorable and never failed to put a smile on his face.

“Hey, good luck later today!”

“Hmm…” Albus said thoughtfully, “A Gryffindor, cheering on a Slytherin, no doubt we’re related but still, is that not considered betrayal, punishable by being shunned?”

Rose giggled. “It’s worth the risk dear cousin. I just want you to kick their lousy arses!” she made a fist and her eyebrows stiched. I really detest that bunch. The boys on the team mostly, ugh they make me so mad! Do you know what they’re doing? They’re exploiting their positions as Gryffindor team players and make other Gryffindors do their homework for them! ‘We need the time to practice’ they say. What a bunch of pathetic--”

“Hey, hey, calm down cousin,” Albus stifled a laugh. He held out a hand, “Okay, you’ve got a deal, time to kick Gryffindor teams butt.” Rose took his hand and shook it.

“I’ll be secretly rooting for you!” Rose gave him a quick hug and ran back into the Great Hall.

Albus stood there smiling after her. His cousin was always there for him. She was wonderful, and smart like her mother, funny like her father, but also deathly afraid of spiders like he was. Which reminded him. Halloween was coming up. Albus turned and headed out to the Quidditch field.
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Hmmm... we'll all wait and see how the Quidditch match goes! comment comment comment to find out if Gryffindor or Slytherin wins!

ohhhh i know! let's bet our Galleons, Sickles and knutz on who wins the game! i know James is holding his own betting reel... =) anyone care to take a spin?