Not Quite What Was Expected

I'm in WHAT?

Professor Gigglesnort began to read out the names of each first year, by order of last name to first.

“Malfoy, Scorpius!” the professor called. Scorpius turned around to see Albus and Rose giving him the thumbs up sign.
He stepped up to the stool and the professor plopped the hat onto his little head.

“Hmm, this one, is hard to define, he’s got pure blood in him, but the heart of a brave Gryffindor, I know your father, dead set on getting into Slytherin, should you go there as well? You’d be great there, I’m sure, but you’d be equally great in Gryffindor…… Well then…. SLYTHERIN!” the hat shouted. The professor pulled the hat off Scorpius’ head and the blonde haired boy teetered off towards the Slytherin table who cheered and clapped really loudly. A pretty girl waved him over to sit next to her. More names were called. Then came Albus’ turn.
He hesitated before walking up to the stool and sitting down.

“Ah, the son of Harry Potter, had a tough time with that one, yes, he didn’t want to go to Slytherin where he would have been able to do great things, like you, would you want to go to Slytherin? You could be great there, really great…” The hat mumbled into Albus’ ear.

“No, I want to be in Gryffindor, please, I want to be with my family, my brother,” Albus pleaded with the ratty old hat.

“Hmm, I’m not so sure, you’d really be great in Slytherin you know!” The hat pressed on, trying to convince the young boy to take a place in Slytherin house.

“Please, don’t let me be in Slytherin,” Albus whispered repeatedly over and over again until...

“SLYTHERIN!” the hat shouted. Silence filled the Great Hall, and this deafening sound reverberated off the walls causing Albus to feel weak in the knees. He looked over at the Slytherin table, and the Gryffindor table. James was smiling, and so was Scorpius. James gave Albus the thumbs up sign and Albus hurried off to Slytherin table to sit with Scorpius.

“It didn’t work,” He whispered to Scorpius.

“What didn’t?” Scorpius asked.

“I asked the hat to put me in Gryffindor, it put me here!” Albus nearly sobbed. Scorpius patted him on the back.

“At least, you’re here with me,” Scorpius said.

“Weasley Rose!” Professor Gigglesnort shouted. Rose stepped up to the hat and it had barely touched her head when it shouted, Gryffindor. She hurried off to join James and his mates, she looked over at Albus and smiled making an ‘ok’ sign with her hands. All the students had been sorted out, Jacob had joined Rose in Gryffindor and were chatting away about their lessons. Jacob saw his father at the teachers table, waving and smiling. He smiled and blushed looking away.

There were two loud claps from McGonagall and food magically appeared on their plates.

“Eat your fill everyone!” McGonagall said.

“Hi there Albus! I’m Anna,” the pretty black haired girl next to Scorpius said.

“Hello,” I mumbled.

“This is my boyfriend, Veda,” She said gesturing to the boy next to her. Albus was jealous of how good looking the boy was. Come to think of it, as he looked around, every boy and girl at the Slytherin table was exceptionally good-looking. According to James, all the Slytherins had nasty boils and warts on their faces. James was obviously lying again….

Clap clap.
Professor McGonagall had stood to speak.

“Now that the Sorting Ceremony has ended, before we go to bed, will you all please rise to sing our school song, any tune you wish!” she said loudly. And with the flick of her wand, silvery words began floating out from the tip and all the students began to sing.

Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts,
Teach us something, please,
Whether we be old and bald
Or young with scabby knees,
Our heads could do with filling
With some interesting stuff,
For now they're bare and full of air,
Dead flies and bits of fluff,
So teach us things worth knowing,
Bring back what we've forgot,
Just do your best, we'll do the rest,
And learn until our brains all rot.

Everyone finished off the song around the same time, except for James, Daniel, Terry and Euan, who all sang to a slow death march tune.

“Very lively boys, thank you,” McGonagall said with a smile. They raised their hands and waved. People broke into laughter.

“And now, if all the students would please follow their House Prefects, you will all be led back to your dormitories, goodnight dears,” McGonagall said and all the students stood to leave the room.

“This way Slytherins! Follow me!” a tall gangly boy shouted. Albus and Scorpius followed behind the line of Slytherins to the dormitories.

“Pulforded,” The prefect said, once they were down in the dungeons where the Slytherin common room and dormitories was.

“What’s Pulforded?” Scorpius asked Albus as the giant metal doors swung open. Albus shrugged and they stepped inside. The walls were covered in green and sliver silk cloths, the air was mildly damp. All the furniture in the room was made of black leather with silver trimmings.

“Boys dormitories to the left, girls to the right, have a good night,” The prefect said.

“Have a good night Rosey!” One boy laughed.

“My name is Ross!” The Prefect said sternly.

“Aww, I’m sorry Rosey, don’t like being a girlie?” The boy asked with a mock babying voice.

“That’s it, you’ll get detention tomorrow Gurdy!” Ross said to the boy and stormed off to the boys dormitories.
Everyone stood in silence for a while, before splitting off to go to their own dormitories.


like it?? if not.. i'm deleting this story.... cuz.. i mean.. what's the point if i write and no one wants to read it? huh? lol.. yeah.. so comment.. if you like it!

^ ^ good night all!