Not Quite What Was Expected


Yay!!!! fourth chapter!! i have 17 readers and 8 subscribers..... i need more subscribers to get this as a ten star story!! lol... so.... subscribe more!! and yay!! new characters introduced... all from slytherin.... including... dun dun dun!!! someone else.. ahahhaaa... okay..... now on to the story! thanks to deviant art and google where i found the parchment styles... i think the two featured here are from deviant art!! yay!!!

“Wow, the beds are so soft!” Scorpius said clambering into the warm bed that his trunk was set in front of. Albus climbed into his own four post bed and immediately agreed with Scorpius. The beds were more comfortable than the ones at home! He drifted off to sleep easily after taking off his glasses and setting them aside.

The next morning he woke early, to a light tapping on his window. A small paper bird was fluttering and tapping away at his window. Albus stuck on his glasses and opened the window grabbing the paper bird. He unfolded it.
The note was written in Rose’s beautiful script…


“Hey, Scorpius, we’ve got mail!” Albus laughed. Scorpius rolled over and fell out of bed. Thud.

“Owww!” He groaned. He jumped up to his feet rubbing his head, his hair no longer slicked back into the neat and tidy look he had the day before.

“Who is it?” Scorpius asked.

“Rose,” Albus said.


“Wow five subject together out of seven! That’s great! Even our breaks are at the same time!” Scorpius exclaimed when they were standing outside the great hall cross examining their time tables.

“Can we go eat?” Jacob asked.

“Yeah sure, sure, let’s go, see you in Potions Al!” Rose said. She referred to the two boys but Scorpius understood. Scorpius’ hair was slicked back again to the prim and proper look as he had the day before. As they sat down the girl from the day before, Anna came and sat down next to them. Her green eyes where piercing today. Brilliant even.

“Hey Scorpius, Al, I want you to meet some of my friends!” She said.

“This is Adeline Clarke, she’s in year six now,” she gestured toward a tall thin girl, who was pale in skin and had deep brown eyes to match her hair. Adeline smiled, well, sort of, and waved meekly at the two boys.

“Rachel Parkinson, her mom used to go to this school too, like most of us,” Anna waved a graceful hand at a girl who looked out of dress code, not that there was one in the school. She had black hair that lined her pale face and dark eyes, which were heavily lined with black, he hair had pink underneath and green, blue and purple streaks all throughout.

“She’s taking her N.E.W.Ts this year,” another girl said.

“I’m Gabbi by the way, year five now,” the girl said. Her eyes were the shockingest blue, and her hair was dark with blonde streaks in it.

“and this is Michelle Forrester, year six,” Anna said putting a hand on the shoulder of the girl next to her. She was the only other one who wore glasses. Everyone else at the Slytherin table seemed perfect!

“Er… hello,” Albus and Scorpius said together. They felt extremely out of place, especially Albus who kept glancing over at Gryffindor table to see his own brother making faces at him and laughing. Albus took out a piece of parchment and his quill, a brand new one, his green ink bottle and spread it out on the table. He began to write, infuriatingly, in his clumsy scrawl, to his mother and father and younger sister.


He folded up the note and kept it in his pocket, he would send an owl later.
He peered back over at the Gryffindor table where Rose, Jacob, James and all of James’ friends were in hysterics over something. He looked back at the people at his own table, they didn’t look anywhere near being able to smile, much less laugh.

“hey, uh, I’m done eating, I need to go grab my books for first period,” Albus said. He scooted back and headed out of the Great Hall. He walked through three or more different corridors before he realized he was being followed. He turned around to see Scorpius at his tail.

“What’re you doing?” Albus asked.

“Coming with you, you seemed troubled,” Scorpius said fiddling with the hem of his robes.

“I’m fine, just getting my Potions book,” Albus said.

“I forgot mine too, let’s go,” Scorpius said grabbing Albus by the wrist and dragging him off to the common room of Slytherin. They offered the password and the doors swung open. Albus heard a loud crack just as the door was opening.

“Did that come from the door?” He asked Scorpius. Scorpius shrugged and continued walking up to their dormitory. As they passed the common room, there was a boy, sitting alone, and reading. He wasn’t in the school uniform either. Just a dark t-shirt and a pair of ripped dark jeans, he had dirty blonde hair and looked quite tall. The boy looked up for a fleeting moment at Albus, who quickly turned and headed up to the dormitory after receiving a cold look from the boy’s brown eyes.

“Scorpius, I think that kid was the one who made the crack noise,” Albus hissed to Scorpius.

“So, he was probably messing around with magic prank stuff,” Scorpius said.

“I don’t know, I feel iffy about it, I think he might’ve been talking to someone in the fireplace, did you notice it was lit?” Albus asked.

“Was it? That’s strange why would you light a fire in the middle of July?” Scorpius asked. He had found his potions book. Albus’ potions book was already inside his messenger bag.

“Did you get your book?” Scorpius asked Albus. Albus patted his bag and nodded. They left the dormitory and headed out of the common room. The boy who was pretending to read watched as they left.
