Not Quite What Was Expected


As they left the common room, the first bell rang, signaling that they had about 5 minuets to get to their Potions class. Albus and Scorpius ran to the classroom in the dungeons, luckily it was near their common room.

“Hey guys,” Rose said happily. She had her mother’s old potions book. Albus had his dad’s old book which actually belonged to Severus Snape. They only had one book for all 7 years.

“Hey,” Albus said. Scorpius just nodded, his tiny ponytail swishing up and down. The four of them sat down, with Albus and Rose at one bench and Scorpius and Jacob at the one behind them.

“Wonder where the teacher is,” Jacob said. They all shrugged and suddenly jumped when the dungeon doors slammed open. A tall thin man walked in his long black robes swooshing out behind him. His white-blonde hair combed neatly back and tied into a ponytail, his hair slightly wavy, and his eyes a piercing blue and his lips were thin yet lush.

“Put away anything that is not related to Potions or I will confiscate it, in this class you are only allowed to use black ink, only black ink, ladies, I do not wish to find multi-colored homework on scented parchment, gentlemen, neat work please, if I find handwriting unacceptable you will fail that particular assignment, is that all clear?” the professor asked.

“Yes,” all the first years answered. Their benches now only held their books and parchment and quills.

“Right, my name is Professor Rosier,” The man said with a quick bow. The class stood and greeted him.

“Open your books to page 562, yes we start at the middle,” the professor said.

“Right now, Rose, what is it you will get when you add powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?”

“That mixture would conjure up a sleeping potion so powerful it’s also called the Draught of Living Death,” Rose said smartly.

“Very good, five points to Gryffindor,” Professor Rosier said. A few Slytherin’s made faces and grumbled.

“And where could I find a Michmerch and what are its uses? Fred?” Rosier asked. Rose twitched at Albus’ side, he knew why, her uncle Fred, Ron’s brother had died in the fight to stop the dark lord, which many people thought was his fathers fault that the dark lord came back. The boy Fred shrugged and Rose raised her hand.

“Yes Rose,” Rosier said.

“The Michmerch can be found in the highest peaks of the Everest Mountains, often difficult to locate as its appearance is very close to that of the ice that surrounds it, the Michmerch can be used to cure almost any sickly magical symptoms.” Rose said very quickly. The boy, Fred who was also in Gryffindor smiled at her and blushed.

“Excellent Ms. Weasley, that’s another five points to Gryffindor,” Rosier said happily. The lesson dragged on for two periods. The teacher had gotten them into pairs and they were told to conjure up a simple love potion.

“I don’t suppose Victoire is in need of any of this stuff eh?” Albus laughed.

“Yes, that I doubt,” Rose giggled. Their potion had turned a lovely light pink after they added in the crushed dried rose petals and stirred for ten minutes.

“Ah!!!” Scorpius shouted and dropped something which shattered on impact at the ground. Albus and Rose spun around in time to see the potion Jacob and Scorpius made turning an icy blue and the stirrer was frozen solid.

“Scorpius, what happened?” Rose asked, “Did you crush the dried rose petals?!” Jacob shook his head no.

Albus checked his book and quickly added a pinch of ground snake fang and a dash of crushed rose petals. The potion turned back to a rosy pink color.

“Thanks Al,” Jacob said. The cauldron they were using had been turned to the same icy material as the stirrer had so Rose used a simple levitation spell to pour the rosy contents into a new cauldron.

“Very well handled,” Professor Rosier smiled, “Albus, your quick thinking and good knowledge of the counter ingredients has earned your house 15 points, and Rose, your brilliant levitation trick to pour the contents of the cursed cauldron into a new one has earned your house another five points,” and with a flick of his wand, he cleared up the shattered icy stirrer and ice-coated cauldron.

“You okay, Scorpius?” Albus asked. Scorpius held up his hand, it hand turned a silvery white color.

“Oh dear! Professor! I think someone should take Scorpius to the hospital wing!” Rose said while raising her hand.

“Oh my, yes yes, tell madam Pomfrey that he suffered burns from an Imaculus potion,” Rosier said. Rose left the classroom with a teary-eyed Scorpius in tow.

“Sir, what does the Imaculus potion do?” Albus asked.

“Ah, the Imaculus potion, will freeze the part of the body that touches it, but freeze in feeling, not in physical use. If Scorpius were to slam his hand against the wall, he wouldn’t feel a thing, if he held it to the breath of a dragon’s fire, he wouldn’t burn. How interesting that a simple love potion can go wrong and create the Imaculus potion,” the professor sighed, he looked dazed. Albus had taken all of that down, including the wrong steps that Scorpius and Jacob had made to create the Imaculus potion.

The bell rang, and that signaled the end of the lesson, and a good ten minutes to get to the next class, which was Transfiguration.

“Let’s go check up on Scorpius eh?” Jacob asked. Albus nodded as they collected their books. The professor had given them an assignment, to analyze and explain the uses of a Chiere Root.