Not Quite What Was Expected


Yay!!! chapter up! whoop! lol..i feel like i'm playing a video game or something!! lol.. aynway..this is the flying chapter.. and there is something else.... dum dum dum! read on to find out!


Vast green fields wrapped around the castle and stretched on for miles. The rolling mountains hovered in the horizon just over the lake, which was placid and smooth as glass, steady and unmoving.

“Now, your first lesson on flying, I don’t want any of you starting without my permission!” Madam Hooch cried over the voices of the excited and not-so-excited students who crowded around the field.

“Yes, Madam Hooch,” the students responded.

“Now, I want each of you to stand next to a broom.” The students lined up next to the rows and rows of broom sticks lying parallel to one another.

“Now put your writing hand out over the broom and say ‘up’” she instructed.

“UP!” The students shouted. Albus’ broom snapped up into his hand immediately. Rose shot him a look, while Jacob’s broom nearly took out his face.

“Up, up, up!” Rose cried. She was getting frustrated.

“Rose, say it sternly,” Albus hissed to her.

“Up!” She commanded. The broom rose into her hand. She smiled and mouthed ‘thank you’ to Albus.

They were told to mount their brooms and to kick off only when told to do so. Everything was going smoothly at first until one boy from Gryffindor accidentally kicked off and flew about ten feet into the air then fell off his broom. He landed on the ground with a hard thud. Girls gasped and guys oohed. It all seemed to happen in slow motion.

“Oh my, I told you not to kick off!” Madam Hooch cried, “every year, there’s always one,” she sighed, walking over to the boy.

“Don’t any of you move, I’m taking him to the Hospital wing,” she said.

“Ha what a dumb arse!” a tall boy from Slytherin cried as soon as Madam Hooch was out of hearing range.

“Oh shut it Wale,” Scorpius said.

“Make me faggot!” Wale jeered, he eyed Scorpius carefully and burst into laughter.

“What did you just call me?” Scorpius spat. This was a new side of Scorpius that Albus had never seen. He wasn’t just angry, he was intense, there was a fire in his eyes, he looked stronger, anger powered by hate and passion.

“I called you a faggot, girlie,” Wale laughed. He couldn’t see the anger in Scorpius’ eyes.

“Three, two, one,” Scorpius counted very calmly. Suddenly he took off on his broom, soaring through the air after Wale whose reflexes were quick to send him into the air as well.

“Shit,” Albus said under his breath. He mounted his broom and shot up into the sky after the two boys. The sensation was magnificent. If he hadn’t been chasing the other two boys, he would have enjoyed it. The winds blowing past his face, cool air beating down, the way his heart went to his throat during the vertical climb into the air. It was great.

“SCORPIUS! STOP IT! GET DOWN!” Albus cried after his friend.

“Stay out of it Al!” Scorpius yelled back. Albus leaned forwards on his broom to gain speed. A neat trick his father had taught him. Closing the gap between him and Scorpius he grabbed hold of the back of the broom just above the bristles.

“Geroff me Albus!” Scorpius shouted.

“No!” Albus said sternly.

“Get…off…..” Scorpius stuttered, he broke down in tears, no one could see them high above the castle walls. Wale had crashed into one of the towers, the students below rushed to his aid. Bruised, broken, and injured. Rose used a levitation spell to bring him to the Hospital Wing; he was in no condition to walk.

Albus wrapped his arms around his friend and shushed him as they hovered in the air.

“Come on Scorpius, don’t listen to that wanker, he’s so full of himself,” Albus cooed.

“B-b-but, I think…i-i-it’s true, I am a faggot,” Scorpius sobbed into Albus’ sleeve. Albus didn’t know what to say. His friend was gay? He thought of it for a moment, as they hovered there in silence.

“I’ll still be your friend, even if we have different preferences,” Albus smiled pulling away from Scorpius. He wiped away his friend’s tears with his thumbs.

“Really Al?” Scorpius asked, his eyes glistening with more tears.

“Really, I’ll even let you rant on and on about which guys in the school you think are good looking,” Albus sighed. Scorpius smiled and gave his friend another hug. Albus felt slightly awkward at this but pushed the thought aside and hugged his friend back.

“You’re the best!” Scorpius laughed.

“Eh, just don’t fall for me, I’m not that type,” Albus joked back. They both flew back to the ground laughing. They were greeted at the ground by a group of cheering students.

“Oh I can’t believe you did that!”

“Yeah! It was amazing!”

“How’d it feel going so fast!?”

“Man that was cool!”

They got praises from every student there.

“Ha I’m glad someone shut Wale up!”

“Yeah! Don’t listen to that jerk Scorpius!”

“Yeah, if he ever bothers you again tell me, and I’ll deal with him!”

“Ha! Yeah right! You’d probably run screaming!”

“Oh shut it!”

Over all the excitement and joy, there was a sudden change in the atmosphere.

“You boys, come with me now,” McGonagall’s voice came. Uh oh.

Albus heaved a sigh, this was not going to be good on his report card, his father would kill him now, and James would make him the butt of ever joke, not that he doesn’t already do that. Lilly wouldn’t look up to him anymore, he’d have to run away from home, or maybe his parents would disown him. As they trudged along the school grounds he heaved another heavy sigh. He looked over at Scorpius who had the same facial expression as himself. Scorpius looked up and met Albus’ eye. He smiled, Albus smiled back then looked away.

“What a sweet smile,” Albus thought, “did I just think that!? No, no I can’t, I’m not gay, I like girls, I don’t want to be a fag! My parents would really disown me then! Oh please no no no no no!”

He looked back over at Scorpius who was still smiling at him. His eyes were the clearest of blue, his hair a faint pale blonde, his mouth, was just the right thickness, his nose was perfectly set on his perfect face, hi- no, no, no. Albus shook his head.

“Are you alright Potter?” McGonagall asked.

“Huh? Yeah, sorry,” Albus said looking down at his feet.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! tell me if you did... give me comments.... haha... or suggestions... ^ ^