Not Quite What Was Expected

Feeling Queasy

HELLO!!!!! yes, be happy, jump for joy, i have updated! and it's quite a long update... so take your time, take breaks in between if you must... but don't skip it! lol.... alright.. and make sure you comment.. or i wont update!
without further ado... well maybe a little ado...


enjoy the story!!!!

“Right boys, I was sitting in my office and I saw you two zoom past the West Tower, chasing after that other boy, Wale,” McGonagall said with a nod.

“Well, professor, you see what happened was tha-” Scorpius began to say.

“I’m not finished yet Malfoy,” McGonagall cut in, “I noticed that the two of you have exceptional skills in flight, and thought you might like to try out for your Houses Quidditch team.”

“Wha?” Albus let out dumbly.

“Yes, yes, of course we would!” Scorpius cried with joy.

“Well then, your teams try-outs are next Monday, at 4 p.m. at the Quidditch field, I will let your house teacher know that you two will be trying out, you may go.”

“Thank you so much professor, thank you,” Albus said as the two boys left the office.


“Okay, you said you’d let me so listen,” Scorpius said suddenly as he and Albus walked to their Charms class, it was with Hufflepuff.

“What are you talking about?” Albus asked.

“You know, when we were up in the air?” Scorpius egged. Albus nodded.

“Yeah, well you know that Mark kid in the common room?” Scorpius asked.

“Oh, god no,” Albus laughed.

“Why not?!” Scorpius cried.

“You think he? You… he… er… okay.” Albus smirked and pushed open the door to their Charms class. Professor Flitwick was standing at the podium, on a pile of book so he could peer over the edge.

“Please take your seats students,” Flitwick smiled over his half-moon glasses. All the students in the room quieted down and sat at the long benches which lined the wall, two rows on each side, the back row raised three steps higher. It reminded Albus of a courtroom in the muggle world.

“Alright class, today we will learn a simple levitation spell,” Flitwick squeaked. There were murmurs from the students all around.

After the professor taught them the spell and wand movements, they were asked to get into pairs and help each other practice. Albus and Scorpius paired up and started practicing.

“Professor!” a girl from Hufflepuff squealed raising her hand. “Frankii doesn’t have a partner!”

“Who? Oh, yes, uh, why don’t you join those two boys there by the door?” Flitwick suggested.

“Thanks loads Lina!” The girl snapped before she sauntered over to the two boys who smiled meekly at her.

“Um, hello, I’m Albus,” Albus said.

“Well thanks to that git over there, you already know my name,” Frankii grumbled, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

“I’m Scorpius, and uh, watch me do some magic!” Scorpius laughed. He recited the spell and with a swish and flick, the feather that lay on the bench top rose slowly but surely into the air.

“Nice,” Albus praised as the feather landed back onto the bench. Frankii flipped out her wand and completed the spell easily.

“Very good, Frankii,” Flitwick smiled from the podium. “No, no, no! SWISH AND FLICK, SWISH AN-”


“Oh dear,” Flitwick sighed. The bell rang and Flitwick took the boy who had made his feather explode to the hospital wing.

“Great isn’t it? Almost every lesson so far, we’ve had a kid go to the hospital wing! Me included!” Scorpius laughed.

“Yeah, magic is dangerous, let’s get to DA okay? I don’t want to be late!” Albus dragged Scorpius along the halls.

“That girl Lina, did you see? One random spot on her hair is blue, just on the left side, it’s so randomly there!” Scorpius laughed as the turned the corner. The girl who he was talking about was standing just outside a classroom. Scorpius smiled at her.

“I love your hair!” He giggled.

“Really?” Lina asked she was just as confused as Albus was. Scorpius nodded really hard.

“I’d never be brave enough to do it though, I never thought of stuff like that,” Scorpius said.

“Well your hair is really nice too!” Lina smiled. Scorpius blushed.

“Thanks.” After a quick goodbye Albus and Scorpius started off to their DA class.


“Albus, come sit next to me!” Rose smiled. Albus sat on her left and Scorpius sat on the right.

“Oh, good morning students!” a withered man said coming out from the office just above the classroom. He was tall, thin, with graying hair and glasses perched upon his nose. He had on dark grey robes, and a maroon sweater underneath it. the students greeted the teacher and sat back down.

“Today, we are going to learn something, that your parents probably learned only in their third year at Hogwarts, don’t worry, it’s nothing life threatening, just, you should learn how to defend yourself from these, you are now in the Defense Against the Dark Arts, Advanced class, ” the teacher prattled on.

“Sir, are we going to learn about the Three Unforgivable Curses?” A girl in the back asked. She was short at the torso, with brown hair, which was untied and hung all over her shoulders. She had piercing blue eyes and many piercings on her ears and one on her nose.

“Ms. Kaske right?” The professor asked. The girl nodded.

“Well, we can learn about those if you wish,” He addressed the class. Everyone nodded in agreement. The professor went back up to the office.

“What was his name?” Jacob asked Rose. She shrugged and took out her time table. Scanning the list, she jabbed a finger at the name.

Professor William Burenart

“How do you pronounce that?!” Scorpius hissed.

BOOM! The door to the office slammed. The professor carried a jar of three spiders. Rose cringed, she hated spiders, like her dad did. Burenart set the jar down and twisted it open using a levitation spell to pull one out.

“The following are the three unforgivable curses, you will all write a thousand word essay on why these are unforgivable,” Burenart said as he cast the three unforgivable spells onto the spiders. One by one the spiders were tortured and the last, killed, with a blinding flash of green light. Albus felt something inside him, he felt uncomfortable, it wasn’t right.

“Sir!” Albus whimpered from his seat, “Professor, I don’t feel well, I think, can I, hospital wing?” Albus sputtered.

“Oh, dear, yes, yes, um, Ms. Weasley, take him there will you?” Burenart said. Rose nodded and supported Albus out of the classroom.


comments are loved!!! sorry there aren't any pictures for this extremely long chapter! ^ ^

love yas!!!