Not Quite What Was Expected

A Kiss

Hello!! sorry for the long long wait.. i needed to think of what to write! ^ ^ hope you enjoy!!!!

le gasp! a kissing scene!!!
The bell rang just in time for dinner, it was 6 p.m. and the sun was setting.

“Rose, I think, I’ll just go back to the common room and lie down,” Albus said to his friend, and cousin. She nodded, but helped him all the way to the door of the Slytherin common room.

“Rest well, I’ll tell Scorpius you’re here,” Rose said. Albus nodded and watched her go.

“Pulforded,” Albus sighed, there was the loud crack again just as he stepped over the threshold.

“Hey,” Mark said, smiling over the top of his book, he was reading another one.

“You finished your other book,” Albus smiled.

“Yeah, it was good, are you okay? You look pale and sick,” Mark said.

“Fine, just gonna lie down, sleep,” Albus said as he trudged up the steps, “enjoy your book.”

“Rest well,” Mark said. Albus slung his bag to the ground, and crawled into his bed kicking off his shoes. It was warm as usual, ready for him to rest in.


Albus shot up straight. There it was again, he knew it wasn’t the door to the common room. He crept out of bed jamming his glasses back on. Quietly as possible he stepped out of his room and peered over the edge of the stairwell to see Mark kneeling by the fire, where a man’s head was floating, at first this scared Albus, but then he remembered the times that he had seen Uncle Ron’s head in the fire as well.

“Yes, I understand,” Mark said in a hushed whisper. Albus couldn’t make out who the head was because Mark was blocking the view slightly.

“Yes, I know, I will. Thank you master,” Mark said. Then there was the loud crack again and the head vanished. Albus rushed back into his room and dove under the covers.

“Have you seen Albus?” He heard Scorpius ask Mark. He would have been laughing if he hadn’t seen what he did earlier. Mark was doing something that wasn’t right, it just felt wrong, and how come no one in the school knew? Because he did it during lesson times and dinner, no one would notice.

“You aren’t eating?” Scorpius asked.

“I was just about to go, I had to drop off some stuff here, Albus is in his room, sleeping, I think he’s sick,” Albus heard Mark say. There was the sound of the common room door opening and then footsteps up the stairs. Albus realized he was still wearing his glasses, yanking them off and sticking them on the nightstand. He lied as still as possible.

“Albus, you awake?” Scorpius whispered. Albus groaned and turned over. Scorpius sat down on the end of Albus’ bed.

“Albus, are you hungry?” Scorpius asked. Albus groaned some more and sat up in his bed, not having to squint to see Scorpius’ face just inches from his.

“I brought you some food,” Scorpius said holding up a tied napkin.

“Thanks,” Albus said taking the napkin and jamming on his glasses. He untied the package and saw his favorites, bread and cheese.

“Sorry, it’s the only dry food I could bring, oh wait, this one is from Rose,” Scorpius smiled pulling out another napkin.

“It’s alright I like cheese, wow,” Albus sighed, he untied the napkin and inside were all the sweets and stuff from dinner. Pumpkin pasties, chocolate cookies, warm nutty brownies and so many other delights! Albus helped himself to some bread and cheese before going on to eat some of the deserts.

“D’yu woant sum?” Albus asked Scorpius with a mouthful of pumpkin. Scorpius just smiled and shook his head. He grabbed his nightclothes and went to wash up. Albus finished all four dinner rolls and all the cheese, he was only able to eat half of the sweets because he was already too full. Passing the other dormitories on his way to the washroom he found Scorpius crouched by a door that was slightly ajar. What was he doing?

“Scor-” Albus began. Scorpius shot him a look and put his finger on his lips. Albus went over to see what Scorpius was peering at. It was Mark, changing into his night clothes, no one else was in the dorm room, which meant they were in the common room, hanging out, or studying.

“Scorpius, that’s wrong!” Albus hissed and walked away. Scorpius continued to peer into the room. Mark was gone from where he stood earlier. Suddenly the door flew open. And Mark was standing in front of him in all his gorgeousness.

“What are you doing Scorpius?” Mark laughed. His laugh was high and melodious. Well, so though Scorpius. Scorpius stood straight up and looked down at his shoes.

“uh, I wanted to ask you a question,” Scorpius lied.

“Don’t lie, I can see right through you, come in,” Mark said. Scorpius entered the room. Albus saw only as he was leaving the washroom. The door closed behind the two boys.

“Wonder what he’s doing in there,” Albus said to himself. He then suddenly got a very disturbing image put in his head. He shook himself. “Gross.” He thought.


“So, tell me really, why were you standing out there?” Mark asked, lying down on his four-poster bed, staring up at the canopy.

“I was… I …uh… er…” Scorpius’ words tripped over each other struggling to come out.

“You were, peeping at me, while I was changing,” Mark answered for him. “Why?” Mark asked.

“I ono, I think, that, maybe… I… uh…” Scorpius stuttered again.

“You fancy me?” Mark asked. He cocked one eyebrow and flashed Scorpius a crooked grin.

“Um…” was all Scorpius could utter. He once again looked down at his feet.

“Well, don’t be shy then,” Mark’s voice was in his ear and Scorpius could feel his hot breath slide down his neck. The smell Mark carried was so rich, and sweet.

“Um… I… uh… think I should go,” Scorpius said. He turned to leave the room, there was a tiny click from the door. Mark had locked it.

“Uh… I need to go… back to my dormitory… lots of homework,” Scorpius said.

“Don’t worry, your homework is already done,” Mark said. He took a step and was suddenly inches from Scorpius’ face.

“I…uh….um….er…” Scorpius sputtered.

“Shhh,” Mark hushed, placing a slender finger on Scorpius’ lips. His other hand brushed the stray hair from Scorpius’ face away.

“Don’t worry, I wont bite,” Mark smiled. He moved in, and kissed Scorpius, a soft sweet peck. And with that, Scorpius was begging for more. And Mark knew he would be. He smirked into the kiss, as Scorpius dropped his night clothes on the ground and tangled his fingers into Mark’s brown hair, begging for more. Mark pulled away from him.

“Maybe you should go back,” Mark sighed.

“No, I could stay, if you want me to,” Scorpius said eagerly.

“Hah, maybe tomorrow night,” Mark laughed. He brushed the back of his hand against Scorpius’ face and gave him one last soft kiss.

“Good night,” Mark said. Scorpius left the room. He hurried back into his own. Not bothering to change.