Get It Up


Hayley's P.O.V.

Just another typical day in high school:
slutty cheerleaders t trying to start shit, dumb ass boys constantly harassing you; especially when you have told them many times that you want nothing to do with them.
I say that because of a certain guy; named Max.
Super hot, but super rude. I watched him carefully.
I looked back down at my paper and continued to do my work; ignoring Max.
He came by me and sat next to me. "Sooooo, Hayley, heard you're pregnant-",
"Get lost, Max.", without looking at him, I gave him a dirty gesture.
He laughed. "Very lady like."
I looked at him finally. "Do work, son."
"So you are pregnant?", he asked.
I stood up, grabbed him by his shirt, and threw him into one of the desks. "When a girl tells you she wants nothing to do with you, she means it!"

Max stood up; he smirked. "Do you enjoy getting thrown into desks? Cause I can make it so you'll end up in the hos-", I felt someone touch my shoulder.
I knew who that was. I turned around slowly.
My life science teacher, Ms. Flemming gave me a dirty look. "Hayley, Hayley, Hayley...", she began.
"Before you send me to the office, lemme explain", I said, panicked.
She sighed, "Alright, go."
"I was minding my own business, doing my work, and Max came up and asking me inappropriate questions. I got annoyed."
She looked up at the ceiling, and then at Max. "Can't you two be mature about this? You guys are seniors, are you gonna be doing this stuff in college?"

Max and I looked down. "No ma'am."
"Both of you stay after class. I wanna have a talk with both of you.", Ms. Flemming said walking back to the front of the room.

I sat back at my desk; I couldn't even have a moment of peace because Max threw a ball of paper at me. I flashed him a dirty look.
I unfolded the paper and read it. "Oooooh, Hayley get in trouble again? Hahaha, can't wait to see what Flemming does to you."
I tore up the note.
That boy is the most annoying, conceited, fuckwad I have ever met.
I took out a piece of paper and took notes to what Ms. Flemming was saying:

"Alright, class. Now that it's getting to be the end of the year, I thought we'd do a project. Since this is life science, and we just finished learning about the infant and toddler stage of life, our project is gonna be taking care of a doll. It weighs the amount of a newborn baby. You must treat it as if it was an actual living, breathing baby."
The class groaned and the bell rang.
"Remember, the assignment will start tomorrow.", she said at the last minute.
Max and I tried to sneak out the door. "Hold it right there, you two.", Ms. Flemming said, blocking the doorway. "Have a seat."

Max and I sat a few seats away from each other.
"Alright, I don't know what's going on with you two in your other classes, but it seems like your fighting gets physical in my class. This needs to stop. I could get both of you suspended right now. But, I'm being generous and gonna give you the benefit of the doubt. You two have to be partners for the baby project."
Right then, Max flipped out. "Hell no! With her?! Are you crazy-"
"Max, watch your language. Hayley is a beautiful, smart girl. You'd be lucky to have her. And it's either Hayley, or suspension."
He groaned, "Fine, I'll pair up with the whore for the project."
I stood up out of my seat and went towards Max. "What the hell was that, Max?", I went closer to him; Ms. Flemming held me back.
"Hayley, Max, knock it off! Grow up. Max, you're getting detention for using profanity in class, and Hayley, go to the counseling office to take your anger out on something. Max, out.", she said.

I sat back down; watching Max leave. He glared at me.
"Ms. Flemming, is there any way I can be switched to a different hour so that I don't have to put up with Max?", I asked.
She sighed and shook her head. "We've been through this ten times, Hayl. No. All the other hours are full."
I sighed. "Still want me to go to the counselor?"
She shook her head, "No, go to class. I don't need you being absent."
"Great.", I thought to myself.

I walked out of the room; just like I had imagined, Max was right by the door.
"Flemming gave it to you, didn't she?", Max laughed.
I shook my head. "No, Max. Nothing happened. Though, if you don't wanna end up in that locker over there, you'd leave me alone."
"Hayley, what the fuck are you such a bitch to me?", he asked.
I kept walking, "If you must know, it's because you chose to be with a slut over your best friend of eleven years. Now I want nothing to do with you. All we'll be is partners in the baby project. Nothing more. I want nothing to do with you."
I noticed he looked kind of sad; maybe he finally got it. "Not even friends?"
I shook my head. "Like I said, you chose a slut over me. No."

Max moved away from me a little.
I looked at him; I still liked him. Not as a friend, but more than a friend.
That's the real reason I want nothing to do with him.
I'd be too tempted.
♠ ♠ ♠
My newest story.
though, no talent here.
It sucks ass.
if you read this, comment it.
and, don't leave rude comments; it's not polite.