Get It Up


Hayley's P.O.V.

The rest of the school day went as usual;
went to lunch, went to gym, got a dodgeball thrown at my head, threw it back, got sent to the office, went to my last two classes.
The end.
I had my drivers license, but I never drove anywhere.
Why? Mainly because my step-mom, Matilda always had my car.

I never really knew my real mom; she had died in a car accident when I was six.
I had to stay with my dad, a person I could not stand to be around.
Reasons; abusive, strict, and just an all out jackass.
It's been like that since I was a baby; been in the hospital about ten times from him.
Always hated to go home. I always used to stay at Max's, he was one only person I could tell this stuff to.
Now I don't even have him.

I walked up to the door of my house, opened the door and set my stuff down.
My little brother, Tommy was on the floor playing with his toys.
He looked up at me with his blue eyes. "Hi, Sissy!", he exclaimed; jumping up and hugging me.
I held him in my arms; looking around the house, no sign of the drunk, and no sign of the abusive fuck.
"Where's Matilda and dad?", I asked in a little kid voice.
Tommy pointed to the front door, "They went bye bye."
I set him down on the couch. "How the fuck can they leave a four-year-old home alone?!?"

I've raised Tommy ever since he was a baby; his mother doesn't do anything for him.
She's too busy fucking my father.
I hate them both.

"Tommy, wanna go to Lacey's house?", I asked him.
Lacey was my best friend, she helped me take care of Tommy.
Immediately, Tommy jumped up. "YES! YES! I wanna go, Haywey."
I smiled a little.

As soon as high school gets out, I'm gonna take Tommy to live with me.
I don't like him living here with these people. I don't want him ending up like me.

I picked up Tommy and walked out the door to Laceys.
"No! I wanna walk by myself.", Tommy said.
I gently set him down. "Alright, don't go far, though."

Another ten minutes, and we were at Lacey's.
"Tommy's getting big.", she said.
I nodded. "It's amazing."
"So, heard you and Greenie got into it in Flemming's class-"
"Lace, please don't even mention Max right now; I'm extreamely pissed at him! He's the I'm in trouble in the first place!", I snapped.
Lacey sighed. "I wish you two would just kiss and make up already. It's not his fault that he loves a hoe. And it's not your fault he loves her."

I shruged, "I just want my best guy friend back."
She looked at me and groaned. "Well in my opinion, both Max and Kiki can suck my left nut. They're both whores."
I nodded. She put that together very well.

It was 11pm when I took Tommy home, I was probably gonna get hurt.
I slowly turned the door knob and snuck into the house.
Right there, was my dad. "Where the fuck were you?!", he shouted.
I didn't answer. I lay Tommy on the couch and started to walk upstairs.
My dad pulled me down the stairs. "I asked you where you were! Now talk."
"Suck one.", I simply replied.
I felt myself get thrown down the stairs; I felt something sharp go into my thigh area.
Holding back tears, I quietly told him. "At Lacey's. You and Matilda weren't home and Tommy was home all alone...", my voice trailed off.
"Hayley, you're not allowed to take Tommy without asking!", he yelled.
I got furious. "Well I wasn't gonna let him stay here all by himself! He's four-fucking-years-old! Not seventeen like me!"
A smack in the face.
"You best shut up before I do to you what I did to your mom.", my dad warned.
I got up the courage. "Drop. Dead.", I said trying to run up the stairs; my leg bleeding.

'I literally have no one...', I thought to myself, tears rolling down my face.
I just want this to be over.
I looked over to see what was in my thigh; a good sized nail, sorta rusty.
As if things couldn't get worse.
Slowly but surely, I pulled it out. I held in my screams.
It was out. The blood dripped down my leg.
'Another scar', I thought to myself.

It only gets worse; in school with Max. And at home with my parents.

~ ~ ~

My alarm went off at 6:30am, I got up and limped downstairs.
No one was home, just the way I liked it.
I suddenly remembered, baby project starts today. Just fucking great.
Stress with shit at home, then shit at school with Max is gonna make me end up in the psych ward.
I swear it will. As soon as I get out, I'm gonna shove my foot far up his ass.
I picked up my school bag and headed out the door.
As usual, when I got close to school, I wasn't paying much attention; someone almost running me over with their car. I dove toward the ground.
I realized it was Kiki, Max's slutty girlfriend.
"Real mature, Kiki!", I shouted, getting up from the ground; dusting off the dirt off my jeans.
She laughed, "You probably wanted to get hit, emo fuck."
I flipped her off, double time.
Her friends laughed.

I walked up to her and her friends; Max was with her.
I nodded, "Max, whores, big whore."
Kiki got pissed. "At least I'm not pregnant."
I shook my head and laughed, "You're with Max Green, you're gonna end up pregnant within a month. Believe me, babe."
One of her friends, Allison, was holding in her laughter.
"I kicked your ass once, Hayley. I'll do it again.", Kiki warned.
I bursted out laughing.
"You took one swing at me. You ran off screaming because you broke a nail!"
She took a few steps toward me.
"Really, Kiki? Hit me. I seriously dare you.", I giggled.
Max held her back.
"Good thinking there, Max. Restrain your hoe."
He gave me a dirty look.
The bell rang.

~ ~ ~
I went to my first three classes; two out of three peaceful, because Max was sleeping in almost every class.
Next came Flemming's class.
He was awake for that one.
Something got thrown at the back of my head.
A note.
"Flemming likes me more."
Lacey sat next to me. She tore up the note.
"Suck my left ball, Max!", she shouted.
The class and Ms. Flemming stared at her.
"Out in the hall, Lacey.", Ms. Flemming said pointing to the door.
She got up, putting a note on my desk.
I read it. "Max can suck my left ball. He makes me want to commit suicide.
- Lacey"

"Hayley, stop passing notes.", Ms. Flemming snapped.
I put the note away.

"Alright, just like I said yesterday, we're starting the baby project. This will go on till next Thursday. You have your partners picked, so will one of the parent's from each group come up and get their baby?", Ms. Flemming said.
"Go get the baby.", Max said.
I sighed. "You have twp legs. Get it yourself."
He got up and got it.
He threw the baby at me. "Abuse!", I yelled.
"Shut up, Hayley.", he laughed a little.

I sighed.
I really did like him.
I want him back.
♠ ♠ ♠
I think I like this chapter.
Read and gimme your thoughts.
Took me all day to write