Get It Up


Max's POV

Things were seemingly quiet today, must of been because Hayley wasn't in class.
I saw her today, she was sitting under a tree by the football field.

"Skipping class today, Haylstorm?"
she nodded and laughed. "It's history, I don't feel like committing suicide because of the crazy lady!"

Most of the time, she skipped third through sixth hour.
she claimed the teachers were 'out to get her and wanted to murder her'
I knew I wouldn't see Hayley till seventh hour; it gave me time to think about what I was going to do about Kiki.
I knew I really liked Hayley, but I was with Kiki, and I thought I loved her.

Unsure now.
I felt like...something weird would happen today, something with Hayley and I...
just that feeling.
not like kissing, something else.
I stared down at my schoolwork.
"Oh, look class, this is something new! Max is actually doing work!", our history teacher said.
"Not today! Please, not in the fucking mood.", I groaned.
"Has every teacher in this school yelled at you for profanity?!", she snapped.
"Like I said, I don't give a fuck."
"Out! Now!", she pointed to the door.
"Thank god."

As I got up, one of the school security guards dragged Hayley in.
"Does she belong to you, Ms. Rynolds?"
"Hayley, Hayley, Hayley.", she said.
Hayley looked kind of high, I knew what she was doing. "Let me the fuck go!", she screamed.

"I found her out by the football field.", he said.
I saw Hayley glancing at me. "Help me...", she mouthed.
"What do you have to say for yourself?"
"Hm, let's're fat, a bitch, and you smell really weird!"

the class snickered.
"What do you want me to do with her? Office?"
Ms. Rynolds nodded. "I was just sending Mr. Green to the office as well. Out now, Max. and take Miss. Smartmouth with you!"
Hayley flipped her off.
"Cool it, Hayley.", I whispered.
"Fuck my life.", she whispered back. "I wanna get higher."

I grabbed her and took her out of the classroom.
"We both lucked out here."
She looked at me. "H-how?"
"Got out of class, and now we probably gonna get suspended."
"I got an idea, wanna skip the rest of the day?", Hayley asked. She smiled really big.
I looked at her, sorta confused, but sorta happy. "What do you got planned?"
"Get high, party, get away from everyone."
I hesitated. "Well..."
"Man up, grow some balls. Kiki's brainwashing you!"
"Hayley, it's not that. It's just..."
"Fine. All I wanted was my best friend back.", she sighed and looked down.
"Sorry, Hayl."

She started to walk out the building. "I'm never gonna get the real Max back. The one that's not a jackass and not a douche to his 'so called' best friend!"
that was her high-ness kicking in.
She kicked the door on her way out. "Stupid manwhore jackass.", she muttered.

Hayley's POV

Nine o'clock, high off my ass.
No boyfriend, three empty pill bottles.
Just my sober, happy memories.

My phone rang. I didn't wanna answer it; I felt like I had to.
Always hoped it would be the coroner calling to say my dad was killed in a car accident.
I picked up the phone. "Yes? Can I help you?"
"Hayl, it's Max. Get ready. Meet me by the school in fifteen minutes with your shit packed. I broke up with Kiki."
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this chapter a few days ago, I finally decided to post it on my mibba. :D
Comments, please?
they'll make the author smile (: