
I Want You All To Myself

The next morning on the bus, everyone could feel the tension between Alex and Sara. It was thick enough that you could actually cut through it, as most people would say. Sara couldn’t take it, so seeing as how it was a day off, she called Cassadee for a much needed girls day out at the spa.

“Where are you going?” Alex asked Sara as she was going through her bunk for her wallet and other accessories.

“I’m going out with Cass, if that’s okay with you. Or do I need your permission on who I can hangout with or not,” she answered him sarcastically.

He sighed tiredly, not getting much sleep from the night before. “Look, I’m sorry about yesterday.”

“Yeah, I’m sorry too. Sorry that you were a jerk.” She wasn’t in the mood to hear apologizes. She’s been hearing them for so long, that she got sick of it. “Tell Rian not to wait up for me.”


“Ugh, stupid Alex and his stupid jerkness,” Sara complained as they were both getting massages. “He thinks I like John just because I spent the day with him. Gosh, can boys be anymore stupid. I mean, if I liked John, I would of kissed John and not Alex.”

“Well, I’m sure he has a reasonable explanation. I mean, I know Alex, not as well as you do, but I know that he doesn’t get upset for no reason. He must really love you, and was probably afraid that he was going to lose you,” Cass explained.

“He…loves…me? But…huh?” Sara stuttered confused.

“Wow, you’re really slow,” Cass joked. “But seriously, you guys need to tell each other how you feel. Communication is key to any successful relationship.”

“That’s so not fair. You’re only 19! You shouldn’t be more wise than me,” Sara whined childishly.

Cassadee laughed. “I’m only a year younger than you. Now, stop thinking about Alex and enjoy yourself.”

Sighing contently, Sara did what she was told. She forgot about her worries and relaxed.


While all the other guys did their own thing, Sara quite enjoyed having the whole bus to herself. She had Paramore playing while she was making herself a sandwich. She heard the door to the bus opening, having a feeling who it was.

Her heart starting beating faster, as she was getting more anxious. She turned around and saw Alex standing in front of her looking miserable and tired, causing a frown to form on her face as well.

Before they knew it, their lips crashed in a soft, and sorrowful kiss. “Alex, I’m so sorry,” she apologized.

“No, I’m sorry. Why don’t we go sit down?”

They walked to the couch holding hands and sat down. Alex took a breath before speaking. “When I saw you with John yesterday, it was obvious I was jealous. I thought I was going to lose you. Not only that, but you just seemed so happy up on stage with him, where as with me, you practically put up a fight when I want you to go out or something.”

“Gosh Alex. I had no clue. I feel like an idiot. I’m not going to lie, I did kind of enjoy the spotlight. I’ve become so dependent on you since my break up with Drake, that when I’m with you, I don’t want anyone else. I like you Alex, not John or anybody else,” she told him, looking in his eyes sincerely.

This caused Alex to smile a bit. “Does this mean we can finally be together?” he asked eagerly.

Sara giggled. “Yes, we can.”

“Finally!” Alex exasperated. “I’ve been waiting forever! Wait. We can’t tell anyone, Rian will freak.”

“Oh yeah,” Sara said. “Well, is it okay that Cassadee knows?”

“As long as Jack can know,” Alex smiled.

They both laughed and embraced, feeling whole in each other’s arms. Together at last.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit - All To Myself by Marianas Trench

Yay! They're finally together!! *throws confetti* Thank you guys for the comments! They made me so happy that the first thing I did when I woke up this morning, other then eating breakfast of course, was start updating! I love you guys!

And, remember. Comments and Alex are love =]