
Put These Feelings Into Words

It was another hot and sunny day on Warped Tour. Everyone was out watching all the other bands perform, while Sara was left on the bus to sleep.

For the fifth time in the past hour, Rian sighed. Alex gave him a questioning look. “Are you still worrying about Sara?” he asked Rian.

“Yes,” he answered tiredly.

“Well, she’s sleeping peacefully on the bus. So I don’t get what could go wrong.”

“Growing up, Sara was always the early riser. The only reason she would ever sleep in, would be because she had something on her mind. And lately, she’s been happier then I’ve seen her in a long time. So I’m not to sure what could be bothering her,” he explained.

Alex took a second to take this in. It was true, Sara was always the one to wake up earlier then anyone else. And it was already nearing noon. He thought maybe he should go check in on Sara, it’s the least he could do. After all, he did feel terrible about keeping their secret a relationship a secret from Rian.

“Hey why don’t I go see how she’s doing,” Alex offered.

“Really? Thanks man, it’ll be a great help.”

“No problem bro,” Alex smiled weakly.

When he arrived back to the bus, he walked to Sara’s bunk to see her sleeping peacefully. She looked so beautiful, like a delicate little flower. He looked at her with both lust and love. Smiling, he gently crawled into her bunk and laid down next to her.

He propped himself onto one elbow and watched her take small breaths as she slept. There wasn’t much space in here for the both of them, so he wrapped one arm around her scooted closer. Their bodies fit so perfectly with each other; another sign they were meant to be.

Sara twitched a little, sensing someone next her. She rubbed her eyes with her knuckles, and slowly opened her eyes. She smiled sleepily once she Alex beaming down at her. But she blushed once she realized how close they were. Well, that and the fact that he was shirtless.

“Morning,” she mumbled.

“Well, technically it’s afternoon,” he pointed out with a goofy smile.

Sara scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Whatever smarty pants.”

“Don’t you mean sexy pants?” he smirked suggestively.

“If I meant sexy pants, I would of said it,” she teased, sticking her tongue out at him. “Anyway, what do I owe the pleasure of this wake up call,” she grinned.

“Well,” Alex said while running his fingers through her hair. “Rian is worried about you. He thinks there’s something on your mind since you slept in late.”

“Oh,” she responded quietly. “Well, it’s nothing big…” she mumbled, trailing off.

“Sara, talk to me,” he pressed. “I don’t like when you don’t tell me things,” Alex said sadly. “I love you Sara.”

She looked at him with sad eyes. “I know you do Alex. And that’s what worries me. I know how I feel about you, and I’ve fallen hard. But I’m not sure if I’ll be able to actually say those words. And what if I’m never able to, and you don’t stick around?” she voiced her worries, ready to cry.

“Oh, Sara,” he cooed holding her tightly. “Don’t you worry about that. I’ve always loved you, and I always will. Nothing could change that. I know it’s hard for you to let people in, but that would never make me leave you.”

Sara laughed slightly. “Kind of a silly thing for me to worry about huh?”

“It’s not silly,” he smiled. “It’s what makes you, you.”

He bent down slightly, and gave her a soft kiss. Even though they’ve had tons of kisses before this one, felt much different. And Sara’s hear never failed to skip a beat. Their once sweet kisses, turned into quick urgent ones.

His tongue grazed her lip begging for entrance, and she gladly obliged. Sara’s hands moved up and down his chest to his torso, as if mesmerizing his shape, finally snaking her arms around his neck. He ran his hand under her shirt, sending a shock of delight running through her, as his fingers touched her exposed skin. She moaned and wriggled underneath him as he grabbed her breast and toyed with it.

“Alex,” she moaned as his lips began to attack her neck, both of their breathing uneven. She brought their bodies closer together, as their legs tangled. As much as she was enjoying this, she wished he would stop teasing her already. She ran her hands down to his waist line and undid his shorts. He tugged them off, leaving him in his boxers.

They pulled away for a brief moment and looked into each others soft brown eyes. They always found it funny how they had the same eye colour. Alex pushed away a strand of hair from her forehead.

He smiled lovingly at her. “You sure you want to do this…here…in the bunk?”

She giggled. “Of course I do. It’s not the ideal place, but as long as it’s with you, it’s okay.”

“Good, cause I’ve been waiting-” But he was cut of by Sara crashing her lips on his hungrily. He managed to pull her top off, and threw it in the corner of the bunk, only breaking away from the kiss for a second.

“Sara?” A voice called from the front of the bus.

Alex pulled away startled and hit the back of his head on the top of the bunk.

“F-” Sara quickly put one hand over his mouth to prevent him from being heard.

“Sara?” The voice called again. They recognised it to be Rian.

“Y-yeah,” she answered, her voice shaky. She bit her lip to prevent herself from laughing. She removed her hand from Alex’s mouth, and it seemed he was doing the same.

“Did you see Alex? I sent him to check up on you like half an hour ago.”

“Oh yeah, he left a little while ago,” she lied. She could tell that Rian was on the other side of the curtain.

She heard him sigh, and knew that he was frowning. “Look, I know with me touring and everything, we haven’t had much time to spend together like when we were kids. And I miss you sis. You know you could talk to me about anything, right?”

Sara looked at Alex and then back at the curtain. She felt horrible. “I miss you too Rian,” she said trying not to cry. “And I know you’re always there for me. It’s just, I can’t really talk about it now.”

“I guess I understand. You need some privacy. But just, talk to me soon?” he pleaded

“Of course I will Ri. I love you.”

“I love you too sis. I’ll see you later.”

Once Rian was gone, a frown was placed on Sara’s face. She rested her head on Alex’s shoulder as they held hands, their previous activity forgotten.

“I can’t lie to him anymore. He’s my brother. I know it’s killing him.”

“It’s okay Sara. We’ll tell him later,” he said placing a small kiss on her hands. “I promise.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit - If I Only Had The Heart by The Maine

I'm not too proud of this chapter, but you might think otherwise.
Comments? I only got two on the last update =[