
Kick It With Friends

The next morning, Alex awoke to find his secret high school love laying in his arms. Her tiny frame made her look so delicate and beautiful. He absent-mindedly stroked her hair. His thoughts landed back to last night. The way they kissed just felt so right.

He saw her wiggle a little, meaning she was waking up. He contemplated on staying in bed until she woke up, but he decided against it and got up. He put his clothes back on and went to the bathroom.

Not a few moments after Alex left, did Sara wake up. She sighed and looked at the spot where Alex previously was. A warm smile was immediately plastered on her face as she thought of the kiss they shared the previous night.

Everything with Alex was just so perfect. She hadn’t felt this way with anyone other than Drake. Heck! She was starting to think that what she had with Drake was nothing. She just knew that there was something special between her and Alex.

She sleepily got up and went through her morning routine. She didn’t feel like changing, so she walked into the living room with her pyjamas from last night.

“You know, I would whistle at you right now, put my head is fucking killing me,” Jack told her.

She shook her head. “You really need a girlfriend, Jack.”

Sara walked into the kitchen, her fuzzy black slippers making noises on the tile floor as she walked.

“Morning Alex,” she said walking up to him.

He poured some coffee into a mug and handed it to her. He smiled at her with that infectious grin. She noticed the way his hair was perfectly messy. It was pretty hot. “Morning.”

She smiled shyly at him as she took a sip. Nothing was better than a fresh cup of coffee to start your morning. Well, except being with Alex of course.

She walked back into the living room, and sat down beside Rian. “How’s your hangover treating you?”

“Ah, it could be worse,” he replied. Sara slightly laughed. “Oh, we have to tell you something.”

“Okay, shoot.”

“Well at the end of June, we’re going on Warped Tour.”

“That sounds like fun,” she told him.

“Yeah, it is. But we thought that it would more fun if you came with us,” he said with a smile of hope.

This made her choke on her coffee. Rian patted her back to help her stop coughing. “Uh, I don’t think so Ri,” she answered putting her mug on the coffee table.

“Awe, why not?”

“Cause, it’s two moths of traveling in a stinky bus, being in a new city every day, and a whole bunch of people. And I really don’t feel like being around people right now. I just need some time to relax,” I sighed tiredly.

“Please Sara,” Rian begged. “This is going to be really good for you. I mean, it’ll be over by the time College starts back in the fall.”

I shook my head no.

“Let me try,” Alex said coming over and sitting next to her. Shit, she thought. With Alex trying to convince her, she knew she would cave in eventually.

“Look, I know you’re fresh off of a break up. I know what it’s like to get my heart broken, trust me. You feel like you don’t want to be around anyone and you think how unfair life is. But that shouldn’t stop you from being around your friends and having a good time. Believe me, being surrounded by people who love you will help.”

Sara exhaled deeply and thought about it. He had a point. Not to mention with the boys gone for two months, her apartment would get pretty lonely. So, she reluctantly agreed.

“Fine, I’ll go. But it doesn’t mean that I have to come off that bus,” she told him.

“With Jack’s hygiene, you’ll probably need to get off the bus,” Rian joked.

“Hey- ouch!” He shouted holding his head. Apparently if he shouted too much, his head would hurt.

Alex gave Sara a smile to know that he was proud of her. She smiled back at him, already knowing that it would be the two longest months of her life.
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Song Credit - Brat Pack by The Rocket Summer

Oh my god, I can't express how happy I am that so many people subsribed and commented! You have no idea how much it means to me. So please, continue on commenting and subscribing! I love you all <3

And I still can't believe how well this story is doing. Three stars already! I have a feeling this is going to be my best story yet! =D